In doing his due diligence did City Manager John Shay lead the city councilors astray in his rush to upgrade to LED lights and fixtures in the city?
The American Medical Association recently issued a statement that LED lighting may jeopardize your health.
Will the COL once again be on the hook for more faulty judgments by Shay?
Wouldn't it have been more prudent to just change the bulbs and see how things went, rather than upgrading the entire fixtures?
Will the LED lights now have to be replaced by less intense bulbs for health reasons?
Will more fixtures have to be installed due to the decreased lighting from the new bulbs?
Will the cost savings be pushed back even further into the future because of this?
Has anyone been detrimentally affected by the LED street lights ruining their sleep?
How costly will the Shay effect be for the COL this time?
I like your thread Shinblind, not just for the questions, but for the facts asked about. I TRULY think that Shay hasn't investigated ALL the facts about this issue. That is SOP, (Standard Operating Procedure), for this SHAY, period! HIS REACTIONS to most problems and routine duties seem to appear negative and redundant to PROVEN previous conclusions, esp. in that he cannot evaluate with an open mind, and make decisions based on common sense and history. He wants to continue into making decisions based on his expertise, and his Narcissist personality. He has been given that "SPECIAL" privilege by the City Council, whom are LAZY and LAX in making ANY decisions without his permission. What we have is a uninformed and "STUPID" city council that depend "EXCLUSIVELY" on the city mgrs. opinions and that is NOT what ANY city needs to operate efficiently and prudently for the taxpayers interests.
The Lumecon Information I received from the City of Ludington through one of my FOIA requests showed that the Lumecons ordered came standard at 4700K which is above the 4000K mentioned in the second link you provided.
The links you provided, shinblind were fairly recent-- indicating that this may be a recently developed AMA opinion. But a look around the web shows that bright LED lighting's less than beneficial side effects were out there in early 2013 at least (Seattle’s new LED-lit streets: Blinded by the lights).
Being at two meetings of the DDA where this was discussed and the city council meetings where these light purchases were approved, there was zero concern brought forth by either group about the negative health effects that were already part of the public record. Shay actively highlighted all the benefits of the lighting better than your average Lumecon salesman could ever have, and left any negative concerns in the shadows. One more example of John Shay not caring about the public's health and safety in his actions.
If you live in the downtown area or frequently visit someone there at night and have experienced any negative harmful effects of the new lights, or know of someone who has, please share your story here.
I noticed that a lot of people who go down town at night have slured speech, trouble walking in a straight line and get pulled over by the police while trying to get out of town. Could this be the affects of the new lighting?
Nah, they're just coming from the latest city council meeting...
Besides the health threats, I don't see Lud. Ave. being brighter at night at all. It's dimmer. Also, as others have mentioned, why not just find a better or same replacement bulb for the current fixture? What happened to the old fixtures? Couldn't money in the what was it, $22,000 range, be better spent fixing pot holes in the roads? Like the West End where a hole the size of a VW Bug & 6" deep is located? I almost have to wonder what the cash kickback was on this deal Shay made with another salesman out to push his products.
Thanks for reminding me Aquaman.
What the city told us is that the 34 LED streetlights would cost $880 per pole exactly $29,920.
Same thing with the DDA , 66 LED streetlights @ $880 per pole comes out to $58,080.
Actual expenditures by the city were $35,000. about $1,029 per pole not $880.
Same thing with the DDA, actual costs were $68,000 about $1,030 per.
How the hell does the price increase 17% in a few months without any explanation to the taxpayers who are footing the bill?
And remember, the cost savings payback were based on $880, the number the citizens were sold told was a 3 1/2 years payback when actually the payback time is closer to 6 years.
Complete BS.
This is a prime example of our incompetent and un-curious City Councilors, stooges if you will, and our corrupt or foolish City Manager, John Shay.
In all fairness Shay and the Council probably weren't aware of the negative affects LED lighting has on the retina. I didn't realize it until Shinblind posted this topic. I really don't think this is a proven problem yet because the LED is such a recent invention. If people are truly concerned with "blue light" then they had better stop using flat screen monitors, TV's, Ipads, Iphones and any other device that gives off this type of light. If the studies on blue light end up being true then children using all of these electronic devices are the ones truly at risk since their eyes are continually developing which makes them more vulnerable.
The negative effects of blue lights were understood in 2010 and have their genesis back to 1958.
And here is one from 2011 discussing the link between blue lighting, melatonin suppression and cancer.
It isn't that the city was unaware of these studies as much as fact that they didn't due any due diligence of investigating any deleterious effects that might be caused from switching the lighting.
Couple this with their ramrodding the LED lights through their agenda meetings using false economic data that again they did not question leads me to believe that their every decision can be held as suspect.
Good science and mathematics guys, thanks for the facts and figures.
The Earth has been bombarded with blue light for billions of years and hmans have been bombarded with blue light since monkeys kicked out of the trees. One would think that by now we all should all be walking around with white canes. A few street lights aren't going to thin out the Earth's population. Sorry, I don't buy into the blue light special theory but I do believe that we will go blind if we pleasure ourselves in excess, and of course that can also cause blue hair to grow on your palms.
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