The same numbskulls running the City who continue to defy the FIOA laws are again trying to alter the West end of Ludington Ave. They just won't give up. They continue to try and waste the taxpayers money. 

"A proposal to make major changes to the west end of Ludington Avenue is scheduled to come back to the Ludington City Council Monday and the council could set public hearings in March to learn reactions of residents to the idea of seeking grant money from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to pay for those changes.

The council has discussed the issue many times in the past and has sought grant money for the work, with the hope this might be the year the work is funded.

One phase of the project that has been planned for several years is building a concrete walkway along the beach in front of the dune between the Ludington North Breakwater and the west end of Ludington Avenue, where the pavement ends, plus a portion of the promenade area where the avenue ends.

Another idea the council has discussed in the past would close off the westernmost block of the street to vehicles and pave it with bricks, add short shrubs and create a paved area where tents could be erected and parties held."

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Pot holes (and crater) are now "patched".....

And the typical summer West End at capacity and then some.  Overflow filling marina lot as well and side streets as far 4-5 blocks from Stearns Park.

I noticed that they patched the smaller holes about five days ago, but hadn't yet touched the major pothole at the end of Ludington Avenue.  Thanks for the update and the time stamp for this action. 

What does it mean when work like this doesn't get done until City Manager John Shay takes a two week summer vacation?

He probably didn't authorize the work, that's what it means, someone else did. And if he hadn't been on vacation, it would still be a mess. Now let's see if anything else gets done this summer down there, like repaving the entire thing, remarking the parking space lines, and cleaning up that storm sewer rock pile. I'm of the belief right now it's Jackie Steckel or the DPW Mgr. that deserves credit for this, but, it's still that cold patch stuff that doesn't last or endure long. 

There isn't going to be anything beyond necessary patching done until those in charge of Ludington give up on the West End Scheme.  The work done signifies that there were either enough complaints being lodged with the City regarding this and/or the DNR Grant Administrators have completed their field work.

And even though he was out of town, I believe the city manager did give the OK on this.  Asst. CM Steckel has never shown much initiative on her own, except when it comes to using social media to dissemble about where proceeds for T-shirt sales will go. 

Where are all these people going to park when the City eliminates 60 parking spaces to make way for the west end fiasco. How stupid can the Council be? Thanks Brad.

I did notice that more people park on side streets closer to the beach in the residential areas around Park and Ferry and further, rather then parking in marina lot.

The design calls for making drive up access less likely in the marina lot with the revisions, along with tighter parking lanes.  Then there is my thought that it will be pay for parking in the future.  While being clogged with all the fishermen truck and trailers and also RVs.

So stupid!

What do you expect from 2 people not from Ludington. (CM & CDD)  Who have their agenda and drive for legacy and deafness to their citizens,

A beautiful busy WEEK DAY at the West End..!!

Such a disgrace if Ludington city manager, development director, and city council destroy this area to put in an another park that adds no viable use.  Their design doesn't compare to the heavy use the West End gets as is.

I'd love to be there enjoying this area, but I'll be working to pay for the taxes that go to the DNR grants and the city taxes to pay for this that I, we, and the citizens don't even want.

If you don't like the city's plans to eliminate this area, please, please contact DNR Grant Director Tamara Jorkasky.  The city officials don't listen and never really did.  You can also sign the online petition, please. (DNR contact info and link for petition are in previous posts in this thread)

Copied/pasted, saved pics, etc. it is on both pages Brad! Keep up the fight for the good of all! Im wondering if our mayor pro tem is the one getting things done? All I know is it is positive and it is nice to see that once in awhile here! Maybe Shay should stay on vacation! lol!

Thank you JFC!

Wouldn't it be nice if he was out looking for another job?

I'd like to make others aware that are following this thread about a 7/18 comment by Aquaman in post "the Stench Also Rises" ( and that we need to rally to comment, not just to the DNR Grant coordinator and board, but also to contact the DNR official Brian Jankowsk about all DNR issues and to ask questions.

Mr. Jankowski's comments need to be in writing because if he's acting in a official capacity he certainly should leave his opinons out of this situation and deal only with the facts. If the facts do not warrant the involvement of the DNR regarding the bayou and Waste Water plant then that should be put to pen and paper.


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