We all have a few indulges when it comes to TV watching. I have one (maybe more) of them myself. One particular show is Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. I enjoy seeing some of the “nicer” homes in very expensive areas of Los Angles, California. Thinking just how much the property tax would be on a place like that. Or, just exactly who needs that big of a house. Anyway…..The last two weeks featured a “special” buyer. That was music pop star Kelly Rowland.
Kelly was in the market for a house. She felt her family was beginning to out grown their condominium. So, she enlisted the help from one of the real estate brokers on Million Dollar Listing (James Harris) to help her find a home. Through the magic of television what was probably a lengthy process took two episodes to complete. In episode one, she looked at a few properties but none fit the bill. In last Thursday’s episode, Kelly found the home of her dreams. It had everything she wanted a one additional asset that she found beneficial.
Lay It on Me
Kelly was born in Atlanta, Georgia. At a very young age, Kelly’s mother left her father and Kelly went with her to Houston, Texas. Kelly considers herself a Texan. Who would not blame her? Kelly’s music began to take off and success soon followed when she became a member of Destiny’s Child. Kelly has a very soft spot in her heart for Texas and during the 2018 mid-term elections; she was in Texas supporting Beto O’Rourke.
Down for Whatever
First, there is nothing wrong with Ms Rowland supporting Beto’s run at the Senatorial seat. Kelly actually introduced O’Rourke at a rally in Dallas, TX on November 5, 2018. So, if you’re supporting Beto, then you’re supporting his agenda. Medicare for all, livable wage and no boarder wall are just a couple items. You can’t separate yourself from this when you’re “stumping” for him. It would not be a shock to see her out there for the Democratic presidential nomination supporting O’Rourke.
Rose Colored Glasses
Now we’re back last Thursday. Kelly has found her dream home and everything she wanted. Plus one additional feature, the home is in a gated community.
Congratulations on the new home purchase Kelly.
I live a sheltered life because I've never heard of Kelly Rowland. She must live in the Netherlands if she supports Beto or at least in some kind of dreams-cape. I still don't understand how anyone can support what any of the Democrats are offering. These kind of people just don't use logic. But, I hope she has good luck with her new house.
Beto has some impressive 'physical barriers' around his house near the Mexican border too, hasn't bothered to take those down the last time I looked. Maybe Kelly and Beto can turn those walls into bridges and allow any 'undocumented immigrant' in the neighborhood to come on over to share their wealth. Yeah, it ain't happening. Way to make your point, Barney, I was wondering where you were taking me until the end.
I believe that the early Democrat Presidential candidates, Beto, Kamala, Bernie, are auditioning for the VP slot on their parties ticket.
The front runners for the job are Biden, Oprah, or Michelle Obama.
Hillary could be considered a long shot dark horse.
shinblind probably right on the Vice President auditions. Oprah!!!! my God , she is the most racist person ever. Biden, wishy washiy type guy . Michell probably would be a contender for the Presidential slot. I think she would be better than her husband was. Hillary ? hope she does run, can you say LOOOOOOSER. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie - NOPE It seems like all of them have the same message. Tax the hell out of the working people to give free free free benefits to illegal immigrants and to people who are to lazy to work. YEH!!! FREE FOR ALL !!! Question is, who's going to pull the wagon when everyone wants to ride?
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