If TR, our local candidate for Councilor at large was to have a Townhall Meeting of sorts, or free rally with free hot dogs and beverages, would anyone attend and make him make a statement of his concerns and ideas for the seat now occupied by Kaye Holman? To find out if we as locals can have a voice in our local government again? And can change the old course of questions and secrecy as it pertains to local contracts and priorities for progress for local taxpayers? I just wonder....can we help? Thanks.

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I'd come to a Town Hall meeting.

The Ludington Daily News has apparently scheduled a candidates forum for October 24 before the City Council meeting at City Hall that night.  The LDN, surprise, won't change this location to accomodate a certain candidate who has been threatened with arrest and imprisonment if he steps foot on that bit of public property. 

I have made it known to City Manager John Shay a while ago that I will not enter Ludington City Hall unless I am either pushed in there by the vote of the electorate or until the illegal Letter of Trespass that was pushed on me is lifted permanently-- or at least until I do something to deserve it!  I have been invited to this by the newspaper, but we will see whether Shay gives in to a mere citizen and his inalienable rights.


If I don't hear anything atisfactory from Papa Shay by next Monday, I will try to be scheduling something very much like a town hall meeting that night (October 24) either outdoors or in a nearby venue.  If you're looking for something like an "Occupy City Hall Street", you may be disappointed, but we'll try to have some fixings and some good ol' rabble rousing.  If you want to help put this together or speak your own piece, contact me next week after Monday.  By all means, wear a costume if you fear retribution from a City Hall out of control, and bring a dish to pass if you can.

The public, as always, is invited to attend-- unlike what else takes place that night. 

Just a suggestion, I see no reason why you can't go to this candidates forum, and should ask in writing in advance for the permission to attend. You are a legitimate legal candidate, and should not be excluded based on that fact alone. Secondly, why have your own meeting the same night? When you could have it say 10 days later or anytime reasonable, so that Wanda, and any others from the candidates group may also attend, as well as the general public. I.e. why make the public choose one or the other the same night?, you may be able to have your cake and eat it too.

After having to beg three,four times each to get written permission to be interviewed for a CC spot at City Hall and just to go to the meeting in April where the Third Ward CC was appointed, not elected as the City Code dictates, was enough abasement for this illegal encroachment of my rights.  I'm sure John Shay got enough perverse pleasure from having this omnimpotent, dicktatorial power.  I prefer not to answer a directed sense of questions that will be designed in advance to advance the goals and objectives of the City and the LDN. 

If I hear nothing by Monday, I am hoping to contact professional media outlets in the area, or have some help doing so by those friendly to the cause.  A live radio interview would be great, or some outlet who would just edit-to-fit a written statement from my camp.  The time I would do so is currently open, but I would like to provide a live interview with WMOM during the ho-hum 'open' forum.

I have been bumping LDN's editor Steven Begnoche ever since I hurt Kevin Brainiac's feelings by asking him about the journalistic integrity he used to justify his March 5th story about my Letter of Trespass, wherein I wasn't contacted, just mercilessly smeared.   I am learning that these guys wouldn't know fair journalism if it bit them on their bottoms. 

Yes, the dominant member of the Fourth Estate in this area is not interested in my candidacy.  Big surprise-- we just have to figure out how we can make that work for us.

I would go to the City Council meeting and let Shay have you arrested. That should make a little bit of a splash in the paper. It would also be a good story for national news outlets. A video recording of a Council candidate being arrested for attending a meeting he was invited to, would make good viewing on Youtube. It would shed a lot of light on the corruption that is apparent in Ludingtons Government. Now would be a good time to make a stand. A rare oppurtunity.

I have mulled that option over;  I would stay as long as needed in jail to confront tyranny and the inherent corruption of Ludington City Hall, but it's not my favorite vacation spot. 

I could just pore over the various election laws and voter's right's acts and continue listing what is amounting to be a gigantic complaint in many different aspects of law that that courts and the Attorney General will have a hard time ignoring when they see the extent of it. 

Being in solitary confinement in jail with an internet connection and my computer on the other hand would be pretty cool.  Three squares per day and no outside interruptions for my research, LOL. 

Maybe Willy has a valid point about attendance, and maybe we should supply a squadron of fellow friends to join in the forum for support. That Shay fella and his fellow council members are going to look pretty foolish in the public eye if they try to kick you out or jail you in this particular instance. I'd still prefer seeing you go the legal and right way, but hey, if they don't answer, or decline, push the truth forward so everyone gets in on the dirty secrets and methods of governing that exist right now. It could catapult a local recall on all the bums that are conspiring in this scenario. And at the very least, spotlight the truths being exposed daily by FOIA and MCL investigations. Let them dig their own graves so to speak, what they've been doing and getting away with is Un-American and unethical at way too many levels right now, and they just keep going that direction full speed. Maybe they can say damn the torpedos, but they did sink a lot of ships since being an arsenal of the armed forces. This just may be a big wakeup call for the LDN too, if they don't scamper away and hide under their beds.
I agree with Willie Smith, go to the meeting, and if you are arrested, well,  it would certainly be a news item!

This coment masy not be appreciated by all, but, I'll make it anyway.

It amazes me to read how many are suggesting for you to go and maybe face jail time, I wonder how many of those same folks would be willing to go to those same extremes for a cause??  Bottom line, it's your choice?

Would it help, or hinder your cause? There are more people in Lud. than just those who are on this blog.

Good luck with your endevor

I truly appreciate your comment for one easy, always have. You bring a lot to the table of thought and reasonableness, always welcome and appreciated for sure. If you're asking how many of us would go to jail for the cause to help preserve our USA rights of civil liberties, freedom of speech, and many other freedoms that are now being squashed around the country, and also Ludville?, count me in, not just to go to a brink for a night, but to die if need be, to preserve what our forefathers and troops everyday have and continue to fight for. If say even 2 or even 20 people would show up, you think this isn't going to be a big stinker? That may or may not happen, who knows, and what will happen then? What has the COL got to gain from that kind of publicity? All brought on them by Shay?  What will people at large think if this comes to be? And whom is truly to blame? Me? X? Or quite rightfully, Mr. Shay? I would have hoped both sides would get real and give and take like mature adults, but the COL certainly doesn't have cordiality on their menu thus far.
Well said Aquaman

I agree with you 100% aquaman. What I was referring to, was, so many willing to see XFLD go to jail. Would they be so willing.

I have been to jail over princeble, won, but was costly.

But, I've been told that I am stubborn to the point of stupidity. By my wife of 30 years, and I guess she would know..


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