When you run counter to the City Hall, you don't make friends with the Ludington Daily News.  This isn't how newspapers are supposed to work, but the LDN is still getting awards, so it must work for them.  But do the ones who work there that consider themselves journalist really think they're doing the public a favor by being the hitmen for the City to knock down the voice of dissent?


Here's a case in point; on Friday's front page, the LDN had a blurb about a candidate forum next Monday.  I would love to attend, but the problem is that it is being held at the City Hall, and I can't go there or anywhere in the Police Station legally without express written permission.  Three inches of this five inch blurb was about a candidates non-attendance at the event: 


All candidates except one have said they will participate.  Tom Rotta, an at-large candidate has declined the LDN invitation, in part because he believes he is wrongly barred from city hall (the LDN has been assured a no trespass order affecting his entry into certain areas of city hall does not preclude him from attending this forum or other public events) and in part because he sees the site as not being neutral.  


Damning if true.  If you're a regular reader on the Shay-nanigans, you know the Letter of Trespass bars me from all areas of City Hall, and says absolutely nothing in it about allowing me to go to any public events there, without express written permission.  Get used to that phrase.  The site is not neutral, because of that, he got that right. 

But I never declined.   To show the sheer idiocy of the banter between me, Kevin, and Steve Baloney, an editor of the LDN (me supplying at least 33% of that idiocy), I feel I need to show my E-mails in full to show what a fantasy world Kevin lives in.  See if you can find my declining of this forum.  It starts off with me replying to a request for an interview by Kevin Brainiac:

If you see any declining of the invitation, please let me know.  Also note, that the one E-mail from Shay was not express written permission-- I was CC-ed, and the he said something that was false.  Before the Workplace Safety Policy, anyone could attend a meeting-- the WSP saw to it that that isn't the case anymore.  One of the many reasons it is illegal and needs to be removed.

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I would say you are being pretty dramatic comparing what happend on the bus with Rosa Parks and our city government. Next are you going to compare John Shay to Adolf Hitler?


You throw out all these allegations and copy/cut/paste pieces of local ordinances to fit in to your argument as you voice your opinions that the City of Ludington/ John Shay are corupt. After looking at all these allegations what does the Mayor or City Manager really have to gain by their "corrupt" actions? They both live in the city of Ludington, pay property taxes, pay for city water, send their kids to the public schools, etc. Is it wrong that the mayor's daughter works at the marina? So what, maybe she is a hard worker and the people there know her dad and can vouche that she would be a good hire. What is the crime in that? A lot of local businesses hire summertime help based upon who they are or if the owner knows them or their family. It just makes sense, if you know them and they are good people willing to work hard, hire them. Maybe i have not read enough articles or posts on this page to know but what are you saying John Shay or John Henderson are really trying to gain by pulling the wool over residence of the city of Ludington? What are they really getting away with? Coming from a once very corrupt suburb (Franklin Park) of Chicago i know what the public officials had to gain, but to say the people of the city of Ludington have their heads in the ground and are letting "corruption" run wild is kind of humerous. It seems like you have taken a personal vendetta out on anyone related to the city of Ludington and throw out corruption claims and i just hope people in town our educated enough or have enough common sense to look in to your allegations before they take them seriously because these people you are claiming to be corupt individuals have families and children that are depending on their family member to help support them. In your personal smear campaign you are hurting innocent people so i find your crusade to be unfortunate and i hope you someday apologize to the people you have hurt and scared. I am talking about young elementary students. So i hope all your "investigating" you have done has been worth it for you and you are proud of yourself for trying to make good people look bad and at the same time scared the crap out of their children.      

Having read many of the threads regarding the local Ludington scene by XLFD, I would say they are more than fair to the public officers.  Are we not a nation of laws, so if they are shown to violate a law that they should respond to why they have or haven't?  That hasn't been done here, and it hasn't been done elsewhere that I've seen.  If the two Johns in charge want to set a good example for their kids, why not let them live by the laws they are supposed to enforce, and let their children compete on a level playing field with those that aren't related to city employees? 

You gotta love the Ludington Daily News editorial today.  Here's how it ended:


"Thus councilor at large challenger Tom Rotta raises questions about no-bid contracts and councilor's pay, too.

Incumbent Councilor-at Large Kaye Holman adds a note of realism stating concerns about budgets and the challenges ahead providing services to residents that they're used to.

Residents perhaps know some of the candidates even better than we do, so we won't be endorsing in these races.

However, we do caution residents to pay attention and look carefully at candidates, especially in the councilor-at-large race where the choice involves an area larger than a ward, which in essence is an extended neighborhood.

Look at the disposition, the manner of doing business, and whether the candidate seems to have the necessary people skills to work effectively as a councilor.  The challenger for the at-large position seems to have an ax-- or two-- to grind with the city that could turn council meetings into a sideshow or worse.  Be careful, voters.

All the candidates have provided a service to the city by running.

Now it's the voters' turn to do their work.

Vote Tuesday."


Man, I'm glad they're not endorsing anyone, LOL.  This editorial had the extended Rotta household rolling on the floor.

Well, if that is truly accurate quoting of the LDN, which I would tend to believe, then the "AX or two to grind" statements are not an obvious endorsement?: along with the "sideshow or worse" statements? Just give us a break you bumbling uneducated uninformed LDN phony journalists! I heard the so-called debate this morning, and I did NOT hear Holman defending her votes for more increased taxes, fees, expensive projects that only benefit tourists, voting in a clique fashion all the time, and so much more flippant talk. Yes, she may be born and raised Ludington, but she surely doesn't act nor vote like it. All I see is another sheep at the trough of public paychecks, (not true public service), looking to continue at the trough, along with bilking the senior citizens with some phony home health care duties of bringing them food and supplies, and at a very high wage for the kids to pay. Her total demeanor during the interview seemed arrogant and aloof to any real concerns the locals have. Just more "fluffy hollow statements", guaranteeing that if reelected, nothing for the better for the locals will change. And so it continues, the cohorts, the conspirators, the clique, the good ole boy attitude, that never goes away. At least X offers a real change for Ludington citizens' future, with true transparency and decreased encumbrances for the public at large. This Holman cannot say she votes for nor approves per her public record on file. It's truly a joke, when she first ran, some 8 years ago, and stated she would get rid of the crooked dealings in city hall, she was alot like us, now, somehow, someway, she made a 180 degree turn since her elections. Kaye, are you doing better now than you were 8 years ago? And if so, how and why? The rest of the locals aren't, but you seem to be above us, makes a person wonder too. Instead of phony postures to criticize your opponent, tell us why you are the best candidate at this juncture in time, I doubt you can.

She has been officially invited to our modest forum here, and has declined to do so.  This is a true declination, as she, by no means, has not been banned from appearing at the Ludington Torch. 

The reviews from those whose opinions I trust that have listened to today's debate have been positive, and I hope to have another Lincoln-Douglas with her if we can finagle it with WMOM on next Monday.  She has been receptive to it, but can we compete with Dev and Flo Rida singing "In the Dark"?  Give WMOM a bump if you want more politics before it disappears after November 8. 

But let's not kid, ourselves, next year's presidential elections are here for another full year : ( 

If there was any doubt left regarding LDN's ability to act as a watchdog for the community and report  unbiased information then this last bit of editorial drivel spat out from what I now consider a useless newspaper seals completely my perception that the LDN lacks the moral integrity to tell the truth. Not only do they not report news accurately and truthfully but they now resort to Enquirer type reporting and commentaries. It's a shame Ludington is saddled with this type of journalism. But what do you expect from liberals. I have purchased my last copy of this shameless newspaper.

A casual conversation today revealed alot of laughter and jolly to this event: the solution? Write a letter to the LDN editor for the editorial section by Friday, tomorrow, so it can be put to press to the Ludington Citizens for their clarification, that's it. No Apology nor Re-edification to support the statements of callousness that "Our View" members have against ONE SINGLED OUT CANDIDATE, and I believe, did NOT Deserve. How did we Ludingtonians get here, and let this happen?

A lot of people laughed I am sure.  Some laughed because they have the mindset that it was a mistake for the Daily News to print the truth.  Some laughed because they believe it was in the public interest for the Daily News to print the truth.  Some laughed because of who it is about.  Some laughed because 9 of 10 of the candidates supporters on this blog do not even live in Ludington.  Ha Ha Ha laugh laugh.  Many more reasons there are for laughing.  Some laughed because of you.  Some are still laughing.  When you go counting disappearing signs again please be sure to explain why twice as many Holman signs have disappeared over the past two weeks.  Could it be sabotage by a certain canditate supporter?  Just asking so please do not bloviate.

I would like to take this time to speak about the excellent customer service at Urka's Chevrolet in Ludington Michigan.  They has excellent mechanics and provide outstanding service.  They are committed to the community and even offer a loaner car if you need one while your automobile is in service.  Keep up the good work Urka's.
They has ( Have) sounds like another youngster here guys?? excellent mechanics and provide outstanding service.  They are committed to the

Congratulations to Urka's for having such a happy customer, They have been our GM service center for over half a century and it's great to see any of our longstanding brothers and sisters in the automotive trades stay successful in this down economy.

Urka's had and continues to have a Monopoly on the GM market in Mason County, that's about ALL they've got going for them. And that too has and will continue to change as GM keeps thinning dealerships down for lack of good numbers in selling, too small an area in the long run.


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