When you run counter to the City Hall, you don't make friends with the Ludington Daily News.  This isn't how newspapers are supposed to work, but the LDN is still getting awards, so it must work for them.  But do the ones who work there that consider themselves journalist really think they're doing the public a favor by being the hitmen for the City to knock down the voice of dissent?


Here's a case in point; on Friday's front page, the LDN had a blurb about a candidate forum next Monday.  I would love to attend, but the problem is that it is being held at the City Hall, and I can't go there or anywhere in the Police Station legally without express written permission.  Three inches of this five inch blurb was about a candidates non-attendance at the event: 


All candidates except one have said they will participate.  Tom Rotta, an at-large candidate has declined the LDN invitation, in part because he believes he is wrongly barred from city hall (the LDN has been assured a no trespass order affecting his entry into certain areas of city hall does not preclude him from attending this forum or other public events) and in part because he sees the site as not being neutral.  


Damning if true.  If you're a regular reader on the Shay-nanigans, you know the Letter of Trespass bars me from all areas of City Hall, and says absolutely nothing in it about allowing me to go to any public events there, without express written permission.  Get used to that phrase.  The site is not neutral, because of that, he got that right. 

But I never declined.   To show the sheer idiocy of the banter between me, Kevin, and Steve Baloney, an editor of the LDN (me supplying at least 33% of that idiocy), I feel I need to show my E-mails in full to show what a fantasy world Kevin lives in.  See if you can find my declining of this forum.  It starts off with me replying to a request for an interview by Kevin Brainiac:

If you see any declining of the invitation, please let me know.  Also note, that the one E-mail from Shay was not express written permission-- I was CC-ed, and the he said something that was false.  Before the Workplace Safety Policy, anyone could attend a meeting-- the WSP saw to it that that isn't the case anymore.  One of the many reasons it is illegal and needs to be removed.

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Gee, I dunno!


I am happy to see you openly support Urka's.  BUY LOCAL i always say.  Have your service done local too.  What automotive trade or service are you working for?

Sohn-ya, you may want to check with a very loyal former customer of Urka's, namely Mabel at Gunberg's. She went in for a routine oil change last winter and they didn't put the plug back in properly, thus causing her engine to burn up. The answer from on high at Urka's was, hey, want to buy a new Cadillac now? Yes, that's ONE place I NEVER would take my car to for service. NEVER! She took her business elsewhere to Matson's in Muskegon now, and I don't blame her.

I do not see Mabel here relaying that story.  I highly doubt Mabel would approve you speaking for her in a disparaging manner about another local business.

I know the real reason why you dislike Urka's.

Sohn, what Aquaman reports is arrogant laughter.  Laughter that originates from those who do not have to resort to facts to make claims about others.  Laughter that comes from those who can somehow explain a City code enforcer's car filled only with one candidate's signs, while other candidates have signs well into the right of way days and weeks later.  Laughter that bursts forth when they see a citizen banned from a public facility and slandered for no other reason than using FOIA requests in support of a premise that Ludington City Hall is not doing the job right.   

Arrogant laughter is exactly what I was referring to.  LOL

The LDN published what it considers to be facts about the potential circus effect.  Many people would agree that it is can become like a circus when a candidate has a blog where 9 out of 10 of his supporters do not live in Ludington and 9 out of 10 of his supporters use bogus names.  You may disagree if you want.

You have no proof of your allegation against the city code enforcer.  There probably have been several other signs confiscated.

Why has nobody on this blog defended Holman's right to display signs?

Probably more Holman signs have disappeared than Rotta signs.

There is a Rotta sign today in the right of way by Mancino's.

You were banned for more reasons than you explained here.

You have the right to enter city hall with advance notification.

If you are not willing to understand the safety concerns from a homeowner's perspective then how can you expect anyone to believe you'll defend their rights?

It seems that a lot of your efforts are primarily about protecting Rotta.

You expect people to listen to and defend you but have you been listening to the people of Ludington?

What do the people of Ludington really want?

Do you know?  Have you ever asked?

Not people from Scottville or Custer or Walhalla or Hamlin or Grand Rapids or Chicago or New York or Pennsylvania or Kazistan.  What do the people of Ludington really want?

I have defended anybody's right to display their conforming, temporary signs in the right of way in the City, as is allowed in the City zoning code and have told all of my supporters to respect that right. 

The Mancino's sign is a conforming sign outside the City limits, placed with the approval of that company, and more than three feet away from the curb, which is the legal distance there, as I understand it.

As for your other suggestions/intimations, you make statements without factual backing. 

I have provided a picture from the back of the Code Enforcer's car with a half dozen of my signs and a yard sale sign or two, but no other campaign signs.  Along with a recon the next day where I saw many other campaign signs in the ROW.

The most vocal backers on the Torch are mostly out-of-towners and ones with false names.  But don't be fooled into thinking my ideas, not me the person, have not hit home to many who live in here, and they are scared of being singled out like I was.  I don't talk things over with those in power and their allies in Ludington, but I do talk with many of the disenfranchised and regular citizens of the town.  Do you?

Up until September of last year, I lived in Ludington. I know the other "out of towners" you laugh about did also until quite recently. Many of us moved to get a better life than good ole  Ludington could afford us rather than complain about that which is obvious to many of us that a corrupt system cant very well ever provide a better life for its residents.

Its nice you can remain anonymous, and take open information like our profiles to try to smear motives isn't it? Only goes to show the youngster we seem to be allowing to much play here.

A) While I don't live in Ludington, I do work there so I do at least have a right to have a voice here.

B) I always find it funny when the occasional 'visitor' makes a comment about some of the forum users here not using a real name yet the 'visitor' opts not to use a real name either.... if your going to complain about it, then perhaps you should lead by example visiting friend.

I can tell you what THIS person, who is professionally employed, college educated, who owns a house, pays taxes, goes to church, patronizes businesses and volunteers with various organizations IN Ludington wants.     I tend to stand squarely in the middle of opinions voiced on this page, but still, I want the Good Ol' Boys (and Girls) Network diluted a bit.    I want to be assured that new construction will pass inspection truly because it has conformed to the proper building codes, NOT because it's the building of a leading businessman.   I want to have confidence in the knowledge that my neighborhood, located in the heart of this city, is well protected from a safety aspect, not because of WHO I know or WHERE it's located, but simply because it's a house...in any neighborhood....in this community.  I want to know that my wages within this city will be fair, competitive and in line with the rest of the state, not set by a cabal of community and business leaders.   I also do not want to be blackmailed by business leaders threatening to pull business operations out of my city if we don't acquiese to their demands.   

Furthermore, I want to ascertain that this city tolerates and accepts various points of view, lifestyles and orientations.    I want to know that my voice in this town is heard as loudly as summer visitors' voices.   I spend my hard-earned dollars in this community 52 weeks a year, not just twelve.   

Of course I don't use my real name.   I brush elbows with the mayor, police chief and commission members on a fairly regular basis.   Could you only imagine the consequences, in a town this size, what might happen if they knew I was voicing any type of dissent?  I shudder at the thought.


Gutless?  No.  Realistic?  Yes.    


You have made a few comments that, in my opinion, require some explanation.

1. How do you know that more Holman signs have disappeared or is this just an off the wall comment?

2. You claim X was banned for other reason than were explained on this forum. If you have other information on his banning then post it here. Don't be shy. Post some sort of proof.

3. Have you listened to the people of Ludingon? Do you know what they want?

It appears that your OK with how City Hall is operated with the current set of politicians. So I'm guessing your part of the problem. When you make accusations it would be helpful if you would back them up with some facts.


Is Macinos really outside the city limits?  My mistake if it is.  I thought the city limits extended further out.  Now I am wondering why you made an issue about Wal-Green's flu-shot signs since Wal-Greens is further east than Mancinos?

I do not believe that all of your local people are scared of being singled out.  There are not that many cowards in th City of Ludington.  Most people will gladly speak out when they have cause to speak out.  But if they really are afraid of being singled out, it is well known they can use a fake name here if they want.  But still 9 out of 10 of your supporters here are from out of town.



You claim that you lived in Ludington up to September of last year.  I recently lived in Hamlin Township which was a Ludington address but not part of the City of Ludington.  Did you live in the City of Ludington? 



That's like saying that the company that I hire to maintain my lawn has a right to voice their opinion about what I keep in my garage.  Ridiculous.  Are you registered to vote in the upcoming Ludington elections?



Your honesty is a much appreciated voice, and I hope your voice is heard loud and clear among those who make decisions in city hall.



I have read several claims on this blog about Rotta signs disappearing.  How do you know more Rotta signs than Holman signs have disappeared?  I have observed more Holman signs missing than Rotta signs.  Personal observation the same way Rotta claim he observed signs in the right of way.

There exists evidence right here on this blog that Rotta was banned in part because a resident felt that a gang-mentality was being promoted against her private home purchase.  Posts upon this blog also publicly accused the citizen of illegally purchasing a private residence.

I am not running for election and I am not openly supporting any particular candidate.  So it does not matter whether or not I have asked Ludington residents anything.  I have asked Rotta a few questions here.  

Has my asking Rotta a few questions here become a problem for you?

Exactly what I felt talking to Evans, another implant from Indiana that doesn't know or care much about the locals history nor feelings. And whom will vacation and take other Holiday moneys back to Indiana to spend, not here. The signage issues are at Holman's doors to question, not ours. I also stated earlier and note again that many of the Holman signage is placed on Vacant Property, thus NOT requiring out of towners to give permission for their posting, now that's a low blow if you ask me. It's not all that easy to get anyone's permission to post in their yards, most could care less and don't vote I suppose, others don't want any fallout later if they back the losing candidate too I suppose.


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