Grapevine rumors has it Shay and Henderson, next door neighbors and pals, coincidence? are having an EGG NOG PARTY, to celebrate the reappointment of the city mgr. position, come 12/20/09. Kinda counting chickens before they're hatched, I'd say. Btw, Castonia and Dykstra are the guests, along with several other cc. The COWARDs of Talks are herewith NOT invited though. Don't want to mix in any voters that could ruin that celebration, ya know?
Permalink Reply by XLFD on December 20, 2009 at 5:48am
Not too surprising, if the rumor is true. If you can locate this soiree, A-man and get some pics, it would be a great add to The Torch's official send off tomorrow, where hopefully we can celebrate a non-reappointment. Long shot, perhaps, but worth hoping for-- for the sake of our city's future.