The news is full of misinformation and lies. Everything is political. This is the case with the Coronavirus. One of the motives behind this hoax is to undermine the U.S. economy and Trump.


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This just out by the City of Ludington, in response to all of the other hysteria.  No city council meeting Monday:

City of Ludington Announces COVID-19 Mitigation Measures
There is no intention on our part to overreact to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). However, it’s incumbent upon your local officials to plan for the potential community transmission of COVID-19 and to take the necessary precautions to protect our residents and staff, and to take the necessary actions to slow the transmission of this virus.
At the recommendation of the District #10 Health Department, Governor Whitmer’s Emergency Declaration and local public safety officials, the City of Ludington is limiting certain operations to mitigate risks of the COVID-19 virus. The following operational changes will it be in effect until April 6th, 2020, when at that time we will reassess any potential changes.
1. All City Residents are discouraged from conducting business within the Municipal Office Complex that can otherwise be conducted via U.S. Mail, phone call, or online at City night drop-box will be processed continually. Elderly and at-risk populations should avoid the Municipal Office Complex.
2. Police and Fire Operations are coordinating response plans for potential COVID 19 contact with emergency response agencies and healthcare agencies from across the County.
3. The bathrooms located on North James Street within the Plaza shall be closed immediately.
4. All events scheduled to utilize any municipally owned/operated facilities shall be cancelled immediately.
4. The Ludington Downtown Development Authority (Downtown Ludington Board) has cancelled the St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl, Parade, and Scavenger Hunt. The Irish Jog 1 Mile/5k/10k races scheduled for March 14th will transition to a virtual race and more information can be found at
5. City Administration will be taking measures to work with employees whom may become exposed to COVID-19 or who will now be required to take care of their children. All City personnel will err on the side of caution.
These Mitigation Measures have been reviewed and endorsed by the District #10 Health Department. For any further questions regarding City operational changes please contact the office of City Manager Mitchell Foster at (231) 845-6237. Any healthcare related questions should be directed to the District #10 Health Department at (231) 845-7381.

President Trump just had a news conference in the Rose Garden a few minutes ago to declare a "National Emergency" in the USA today. Popular box stores are cooperating to have parking lot areas designated for free virus testing and shopping for goods without going into public areas inside. I also heard that all schools in Ludington are now closed for the next 3 weeks for safety and health reasons. We are now infected in 46 states nationwide, but the amount of infections and deaths remains quite low comparatively to other parts of the world.

What Trump should have done in his National Emergency was to shut down all the failing Democrat cities and quarantine the politicians before they destroy their own cities and infect the rational people trying to make things work. Leftism/progressivism is much more dangerous than the COVID-19 could ever be or anything else short of the plague.

City of Ludington Announces XLFD Mitigation Measures
There is no intention on our part to overreact to the XLFD menace. However, it’s incumbent upon your local officials to plan for the potential community transmission of XLFD's ideas and to take the necessary precautions to protect our residents and staff, and to take the necessary actions to slow the transmission of XLFD's common sense and knowledge.
At the recommendation of the City Council and Emergency Declaration and local public safety officials, the City of Ludington is limiting certain operations to mitigate risks of contamination from XLFD. The following operational changes will it be in effect until April 6th, 2020, when at that time we will reassess any potential changes and ban him again from City Hall.
1. All City Residents are discouraged from conducting business within the Municipal Office Complex that can otherwise be conducted via U.S. Mail, phone call, or online.We didn't care anyway. The City night drop-box will be processed continually. Elderly and at-risk populations should avoid the Municipal Office Complex and XLFD but don't stop paying your taxes.
2. Police and Fire Operations are coordinating response plans for potential XLFD contact with emergency response agencies and healthcare agencies from across the County. And no Ludington Torch T shirts please.
3. The bathrooms located on North James Street within the Plaza shall be closed immediately. Peeing in the alley will be allowed. Bring your own hand sanitizer and toilet paper if needed. 
4. All events scheduled to utilize any municipally owned/operated facilities shall be cancelled immediately unless we find a way to misuse more of your tax dollars.
4. The Ludington Downtown Development Authority (Downtown Ludington Board) has cancelled all the fun things people like to do. If you don't like then move to Oshkosh.
5. City Administration will be taking measures to work with employees whom may become exposed to XLFD or who will now be required to take care of their children [we claim no paternity to any child]. All City personnel will err on the side of caution and cross the street when XLFD appears.
These Mitigation Measures have been reviewed and endorsed by the City Council and also Dewey Cheetum and Howe. For any further questions regarding City operational changes please contact the office of City Manager Mitchell Foster at (231) 845-6237. Any healthcare related questions should be directed to the Dr. Boneacher foundation for unwed progressives at 888-8888. No questions on STD please. The Council has jurisdiction over that.

Too funny, Willy! Especially about closing James St. Bathrooms. So now where do public use facilities? City Hall?

Willy is always around with some good natured satire and usually a twisted picture or meme to boot.  Though I've been likened to other foul contagions over the years, which may explain the first ban back in 2011 when I supposedly 'insighted' mob mentality among the masses, I think I have shown throughout the years that I am not some sort of virulent virus, bad-ass bacterium, or jerkwater germ. 

Instead through my public outreach efforts at the LT and the lawsuits made against public entities to correct their unlawful behavior, I have shown that I am more of an antiseptic.

Have a sick and corrupted public body?  Allow me to be one of the antibodies.

I keep reminding my family and friends to keep this situation in perspective

Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. Updated March 13, 2020 CDC
Total cases: 1,629
Total deaths: 41

CDC estimates that so far this season Oct. 2019 to March 2020 there have been at least
36 million flu illnesses,
370,000 hospitalizations and
22,000 deaths from flu.

Why weren't the store shelves emptied of toilet paper in past flu seasons. Because the media wasn't hyping hysteria.

Very interesting stats. Willy, and these should be published up front by the media now. Too much hype is occurring daily, and not getting any better. Thanks for the update on truths.

It is just crazy. I know people who are scared to go out of their homes. I dont want to diminish their fears, but it's crazy hysteria and I encourage them to stay home if they are afraid. When I tell them stats like you've shown here, Willy, or compare it to previous yearly average flu, or the 1919 flu, (650,000 deaths in the U.S. and maybe as many as 30 percent of the population worldwide, that doesnt help). They are afraid because "there is no vaccine" yet. It has to be media hysteria because it's just not rational thinking.  And this too shall pass, hopefully with few deaths.

The problem with vaccines is they do not work for everybody and many flu seasons the vaccine that is made does not match the flu virus that is going around. It's a crap shoot. That's why millions of people get it whether they are vaccinated or not. There is no way to convince people with facts if they fail to use common sense to apply those facts. For instance, why was there a run on toilet paper? I would be more worried about my stomach. The reason is the media that kept harping about  other countries and situations where toilet paper had been bought out and hoarded by the people. I think the media actually brain washes people who then become incapable of using logic because of the fear that is being fed to them on a daily basis. For instance, a relative of mine drove all the way to Indiana to get hand sanitizer. If she had used common sense she could have gone on line and discovered how to make your own hand sanitizer at home. The real problem is not the virus but the damage to the economy. This is what Leftists have wanted in order to take down Trump and they have been saying this ever since the Muller investigation and Impeachment petered out. These people would rather see the Country ruined rather than give up any of their power.

I think there is a lot of truth in your comments, Willy. Especially about the vaccines, but people "feel" protected with one. And I've heard people who get the flu and say "I had the flu shot." And media probably created the hysteria and run on toilet paper. And I hope the leftist or anyone egging this hysteria on suffer economically.


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