Ludington City Council Meeting, February 26, 2018: Guioco-ed Pianos

February 26, 2018, may someday be called the day the music died in Ludington parks.  The profoundest outcome of the council meeting this day was the unanimous disapproval by the full council of the placement of two pianos in the semi-protected band shells of Waterfront Park and Rotary (City) Park.  A "Guioco Piano" is a chess opening which translates from the Italian as the "quiet game".  This night, the Italian-American who proposed the piano placements had his dreams of public pianos in Ludington quieted, for now.

The first thing you may notice about the meeting of the Ludington City Council is that it lasted nearly two-hours.  The second thing may be that Councilors Lenius, Johnson, and Krauch all wore very similar dress shirts.  Twenty minutes into the meeting, the annual reports for the water, sewer, and w/s maintenance commenced and continued for the next 50 minutes.  The written reports that go with the oral presentations are found in this meeting's councilor packet starting on page 19, be sure and open that link when you listen to that part of the meeting, if the topic interests you.  

Otherwise, the rest of the meeting had it's own points of interests, some of which intersected with the three supervisors' reports that go into detail and were conscientiously written.  Several citizens addressed agenda items, mostly dealing with the proposition by Ludrock's Ed Santarelli, who started off the conversation at 4:30 into the meeting somewhat dejected that his pianos were likely to be refused.  Ed humbly stated the mission of his group, thanked the councilors for considering the issue, and asked "Are we good?".  The council nodded that they were.

February 26, 2018 Ludington City Council meeting from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

John Terzano followed with what I thought was a very persuasive speech trying to debunk the reasons given by John Shay in his memo, which effectively said there was unacceptable liability, noise, and storage that came with the pianos.  Chris Fonnesbeck followed with an appeal to the music and arts lover, while trying to refute the reasons with commonsense appeals.

Jefferson Henry changed topic by getting on the utility issues dealing with the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and hoping for more help from outside agencies:  the EPA and the state's DEQ and DNR.  Most of the questions dealt with the outfall pipe.  He would later accept the WWTP supervisor's invitation to talk with him, and finished up his points in the second comment period.

I then approached the mike at 14:30 into the meeting and changed the issue to Ludington's water and the fraud I noted at the last meeting.

XLFD:  "In reading through the various water utility reports in the council packet, I am dismayed by the city's refusal to take credit for replacing lead pipes in a majority of the city's water main projects of 2017. I personally witnessed lead gooseneck pipes freshly removed from the ground in five of the nine projects performed last year, and yet nowhere is this fact laid out in the utility maintenance report. Many communities have set the removal of all lead pipes in their water system as a goal, some have realized that goal.

In Ludington, we have our second ward councilor declare there is no lead in our water system at last year's annual update after Daryl Plamondon and John Shay admitted there was quite a lot of lead goosenecks in the system. This same councilor would bring those lead pipes into a later meeting and declare them totally safe, which is factually inaccurate, then had everybody pass them around, never alerting them to wash their hands afterwards.

Similarly, we have our Fourth Ward councilor remarking how wonderful our water tastes and that the only problem is with those that bring up the problem in front of the council that the areas supplied by our water system have been leading the state in young kids afflicted with elevated blood lead levels for many years. Ironically, all five of the projects done last year that abounded with lead pipes were in his ward, as were the two women that complained of and brought in yucky tap water last summer. I can almost guarantee that the projects in his ward this summer will have similar findings. The lead issue must be addressed by this council as they are effectively the board of directors for that utility.

In the minutes you just approved [oops-- will approve], Ms. Tykoski states: the Cops and Robbers 5K run was "never marketed as the proceeds going to the Shop with a Cop program other than when it was brought to city council for approval". That was a blatant lie, multiple websites for the 2017 race marketed it as such, multiple websites sent those interested in running to go to an Eventbrite site to register, and that site, even to this day, says that the proceeds will be given to the 2017 SWAC. The DDA defrauded 80 runners, Ms. Tykoski knowingly lied at the last meeting to cover that fraud up. You approve of both.  Thank you."

Dee Payment went after Chuck Sobanski reminded people about signing the sheet if they want the council to contact them about what they spoke of (I put my name on it at the last meeting, and I'm still waiting at my E-mailbox for a response).  She echoed her friend Chris' sentiments and concerns.

Kurt Malzahn's water plant report was significant in that he explained a new policy they enacted this last year in residential water testing that shifted half of their test sites (10) over to places suspected of having lead goosenecks in their supply line.  His statements almost lead (no pun intended) one to believe that there may be some records of where these lead pipes in Ludington's municipal water system might be.  I will be seeking such records to share with the public, unlike they seem willing to do.

After the rest of the utility reports were finished, the finance committee approved an office machine lease contract and their bills of the last two weeks, John Shay (1:13:00 in) went over the budget amendments, which amounted to a fair surplus as noted in the packet.  

The piano issue shortly thereafter came up, and for something that I thought may have a chance with the full council, because of the credible public comments and the lesser credible reasons cited, was fairly quickly decided.  Councilors Henderson, Bourgette, and Winczewski all spoke favorably of Ludrock and its founder but pushed Santarelli to partner with downtown businesses instead.  Ironically, immediately after this, they unanimously approved of a Music Saves Lives benefit concert to be held at Waterfront Park. 

In their final acts, they approved signage along Ludington Avenue for the West Shore Art Fair, then approved the 2018 DDA events (basically the same as last year without a Cop & Robbers 5K), and then a little bit of unexpected controversy in approving the New Year's Eve fireworks.  Councilor Cain raised an issue of safety about falling firework debris, Councilor Winczewski also was concerned, and they made and seconded a motion to table approving it.  They invited the police and fire chief to address the issue from what has happened over the years.  After points were made Councilor Johnson joined with them in a losing cause.  The same factions voted to allow the fireworks right afterwards.

These votes should have had three people abstain due to a conflict of their public offices.  Councilors Lenius, Henderson and Johnson are members of the Downtown Ludington Board, which was the agency looking to the city council to approve of the events and the fireworks.  The DLB is subordinate in these votes to the city council, and when either of those DLB members vote as a city councilor they violate the Incompatible Public Offices Act (see MCL 15.181(2)).  

With the three abstentions, the tabling motion would have failed with a 2-2 deadlock, and the permission motion would have failed with a similar deadlock.  This will be brought up at the next meeting.  

Jeff Henry thanked the water plant supervisor and the council for continued cooperation in keeping the PM watershed clean.  At 1:47:30 I made my second comment transcribed here:

XLFD:  "The council today rejected the placement of two pianos at Rotary and Waterfront Parks on recommendation by the Parks Committee. The major concerns noted in a memo by John Shay was that there was potential liability issues involving the possibility of kids climbing on the pianos falling off and getting hurt, and concerns about the noise generated by the pianos disturbing other users of the park.

When this council considered approving the splash pad in Copeyon Park at their August 22, 2016 meeting, John Shay noted that in order for the City to be held liable for any injuries the City would have to be grossly negligent as the City is protected under governmental immunity. The issue of noise never came up, despite the fact that the City's quietest park was being voted on to become the city's future noisiest park, which would detract from it's historical role as a quiet fishing and shady picnicking place inside the city limits.

With city official Tom Coleman's recent admission that healthy trees were chopped down at Copeyon Park because of the splash pad, we have the city behaving quite differently in regards to the two issues, even when the high costs of maintaining and operating the splash pad would be borne by the taxpayers. if this council wants to purport itself as acting upon the interests of the citizens, they should at least become consistent. Thank you."

Instead of addressing the fraud of the DDA, the cover-up lies of the community development director, or whether Tom Coleman was in error in contrast to Councilor Krauch's past claims, the diminutive Fourth Ward councilor instead commented on my pronunciation of Copeyon as being wrong.  For once, I'm fairly sure the councilor is right-- Chuck Sobanski at numerous meetings has called it Copy-uhn instead of how I traditionally pronounce it as Coh-pee-yun. 

My mother who has lived in Mason County all of her 85 years, recalls that being the way his name was pronounced, as have many other people who have lived in the area.  It's kind of like the three pronunciations you hear for Cartier Park.  I've contacted a few Copeyons on Facebook in order to come to a more definite conclusion.  I surely wish the council would similarly investigate the problems I and others bring to them, but I guess their major goal is to protect us from noisy accident-inducing pianos that take up too much storage space.  At least I got an appreciative hug from the generous Ed Santarelli after the meeting.

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Anyone else notice a couple of other things? For one, Krauch actually showed up for a council mtg. for a change, but instead of wasting time trying to pronounce Copeyan Park correctly, he should be getting the fishing dock there fixed this season. He isn't concerned with that? Then, Santerelli speaking? If you tie his left arm behind him, he couldn't speak at all, would be mute, lol. Lastly, looks like LFD Funk has finally lost some weight, good for him, hope he continues in good stead.

Note: Deb Luskin stated the next CC Mtg. is March 5th, then again March 19th. How come they are doing that now? Next mtg. tomorrow night, what's the agenda this time? Thanks.

Went to agenda and only thing special is city mgr. report on moms 2 moms? Wth is that?


Look at the last three pages of this link to the councilor packet.  The event is asking permission for placing signs in the street right-of-way.  

If Ed Santarelli is still looking to get street pianos in Ludington I would suggest he consider Heritage/ Legacy Park on North James. There is not a lot of housing around their save for a few unoccupied low income housing rentals. And if it ever is constructed will be overhead protection against the elements.

Another location would be the gazebo structure by water treatment plant.  Again not exactly a residential area and you have protection against the elements.

That's not a bad idea shinblind. I think you should pass those along to Santarelli to perhaps keep the idea alive. And a canvas guy could make pretty good covers for the summer months for pianos too, would last 20 years.

I get the impression that the DDA has no plans for putting a piano permanently in the Legacy Park area, I base that on Brandy Henderson's comments and body language at the meeting, while considering that she and Councilor Johnson are on the DDA and neither suggested this public area, instead wishing for these pianos to be put on private property. 

It's a reasonable area for one, but I think they believe it goes against theme-- plus, and a big plus, is that Brandy Henderson's listed address is at 102 W Ludington Ave. Apt. 4, which is immediately overlooking Legacy Park.

Private property? Like who wants a big group of people at their house everyday all summer doing piano playing? I think shinblind made a good idea, and should pass it along, as a last ditch effort. Either that or let Les Johnson have one piano at his house this summer, lol. Is that Brandy address owned by Kathy McClain? Wondering....

Living so close to Legacy Park Brandy Henderson would be a natural for taking on the responsibility of seeing that the piano is properly protected.  There could be a moisture sensor from the piano with a feed directly to an audible and flashing light alarm in her apartment so if it starts raining she can rush out with a canvas cover to wrap over the piano.

And just consider the advantages of being serenaded by some talented inebriated constituent at 3 in the morning. Why the advantage of having a live performance should offset any inconvenience of having to cover the instrument.

And how much more would it cost to add a storage room to the half million dollar toilet rebuild to store the piano? 

Instead of having pianos all over town why not have shovels and pick axes along with a treasure maps, scattered around town showing the location of buried treasure. Unknowingly,  by those digging, Instead of a treasure the maps will pin point where all the lead goose necks are buried. Ludington will get droves of tourist coming to town in search of buried treasure. When they find none the city will have to fill in the holes and might replace the lead as long as they are there.

Unfortunately, the lead goosenecks would be under the streets of Ludington, so you'll have a more timid treasure hunter go to the city hall to ask permission to dig in the middle of the street, and the idea would be nipped in the bud.

As homeowners who know they have a lead gooseneck originally installed by the COL serving their house cannot remove that gooseneck themselves because the COL would never allow them to, and yet the COL has crafted an ordinance that said the homeowner is responsible for the COL water system they installed under the street (likely well before the house was erected) the logical step would be to challenge the legality of that ordinance, as the problem will never be fixed until the water main fails or needs to be upgraded otherwise. 

Or the state crafts a law that says lead goosenecks in a city water system need to be removed by 20 years at the utility provider's expense, in which case there will be another major jump in Ludington utility rates. 

A bigger problem would be if some attorney draws a correlation between the increased lead levels in children and the location of lead goosenecks.

Can you say class action lawsuit?

The care and feeding of the lead kids both current and previous over their lifetimes would make replacing the goosenecks look like chump change.

And trying to cover up the issue by saying the city is not responsible for the goosenecks only points to their guilt.

The less expensive route is for the city to locate the goosenecks, offer free testing for lead, and  a reduction in water rates for running water to flush  the lines of lead each day. 

And institute a systematic approach to  replacing the goosenecks.

Or the city can sit back like Flint and hope the issue goes away.


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