A look through the local races in Mason County may be somewhat disquieting at first. In the county/township governments, only two of the twelve elective positions taking place are contested. The two non-incumbents without a party affiliation (Logan Walworth and Eric Lund) challenging two county commissioners have not put forth any effort to explain their qualifications or campaign against, debate with, or differentiate themselves from the incumbents at any forum.
In the City of Ludington, it's slightly better, with three out of seven elective offices being contested to find an elected successor to recently vacated offices. Previous elected Clerk and Second Ward Councilors and city-council-appointees for the First and Sixth Ward had no opposition. The Fifth and Fourth Ward along with the Mayor spot offer two candidates with a somewhat different perspective. Some of those differences are slight, some are major, we will focus on those differences here.
As how you feel about the three statewide proposals may define your overall political philosophy as we noted in part two, the way you may feel about these candidates (even though, at best you can only vote for two of them) may define how you perceive Ludington's current status. If you believe that the city government is going in the right direction, doing the right stuff the right way, and want to continue that progress, then your choice should be clear. If you believe that the city needs to assess their direction, needs to be more accessible to the people, more transparent and legitimate in their actions, then your choice should also be clear.
For three of these candidates: Steve Miller, Cheri Stibitz-Rozell and Wallace Cain, not only serve on city boards (the DDA, Planning Commission, and City Council, respectively), but also have attended many council meetings without any criticism of the city's actions or direction ever coming from their lips. Their three counterparts, Bill Dustman, Kandi Fugere, and Angela Serna, have expressed a great deal of knowledge about the issues in the city, despite not serving on any boardsand have not been averse to expressing their and their neighbor's discontent with the status quo.
One would expect somebody like me who has been exposing the waste and corruption in Ludington to be biased towards these outsiders, these potential reformers, and they would be right. I have talked with each of them in person at length and even though we assuredly have our disagreements, they each have a sincerity in doing the job they are running for ethically and in the way it was meant by our city charter.
I also have little doubt that neither Bill, Kandi or Angela will be as unresponsive as our current city council is to do three very important things that have been overlooked over the many years I have been covering city hall's actions. First, they will share the city's intentions and records with the citizens. Second, they will share the citizen's voices and intentions with their peers and give them the weight they properly deserve. Third, they will expect themselves and other officials to both follow the letter and the spirit of the laws that pertain to ethical and transparent conduct by public servants.
Both Wally Cain and Steve Miller over the last couple of years have stood mute at council meetings when their two boards have been exposed for overseeing corrupt acts by officials acting under their purview. Before he was hand-picked by his fellow councilors in June 2017 for his present job, Cain would get up at certain council meetings and defend city policy, most notorious was his defense of cameras installed by the City DPW with guidance from the LPD inside Waterfront Park restrooms pointed to look inside the stalls.
"As far as cameras in the bathroom, I support 'em… I do not expect, there is no expectation of privacy in the bathrooms. If you don't want to use them, you don't have to; it's your choice."
Steve Miller has penchant for saying a lot while saying a little; he rarely gives a straightforward answer to the simplest question. You may see it with his short essay on why he is running for mayor. In my talks with Miller, he has impressed me as somebody who would do or say anything to advance himself with others, a true marketer, but not a true person with true ideas. His minority positions on the feasibility of the Ludington Avenue road diet and the West End Project show his unwillingness to discuss the matters honestly with anybody whose opinion differs from his.
Cheri Rozell has no disqualifications in her nearly one year of public service, she has actually done a commendable job as a planning commissioner, and she could perhaps do a fine job as a city councilor if she can balance the time needed to be an effective teacher at MCC into what should be a busy schedule for her.
Nevertheless, I find her opponent, Kandi Fugere (pictured left), more genuine and her experience as president of the board of the local Jaycees would have her hit the board with her own gravitas. Despite that position, she shows an amazing willingness to actually listen, learn, and act to help others in her Ludington despite their station. I must further disclose that Kandi's platform and personality roused me so much that I have sported one of her very artistic hand-made yard signs for months.
Fifth Ward Councilor candidate Angela Serna has proven herself to be a fighter for what she believes. If challenging a council-picked incumbent yes man like Wallace Cain doesn't show that, her recent appearances at city council meetings should.
Her reasons for running are much more defined and refined than Steve's, in part she says: "Born and raised here, I believe that I can help in serving our city by building on current traditions to enhance the growth of our community and success of its future...It’s my goal and objective to become part of a council that delivers community centered projects to our residents and visitors alike...
Through my various roles and volunteering within our community, I can and will represent my neighborhood effectively. The councilor members of our city should first and foremost be an ambassador for everyone here in the city. If elected to 5th ward City Council, I will make myself available to hear your concerns. I will be a voice for my area, my neighbors. I will be present at community events and a spokesperson not only for my ward but for our community as a whole."
Bill Dustman has a long and proud career of private and public service, our exclusive interview with Bill showed he was a man with attention for detail in what's happening in and around Ludington.
Bill's candid comments can be offsetting to those used to seeing the council pat themselves on the back, and those who love them when they do. The City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) wrote a long biography of Miller when he handed in his nominating petition, nothing for Dustman.
Not to be outdone, the Mason County Press liberally peppered an interview with Dustman by repeatedly 'fact-checking' his statements about the rental inspection's lack of constitutionality. Editor Rob Alway who unethically also serves as the chairman of the Scottville Planning Commission, single-handedly forced costly rental inspections on their city commission and then on the landlords of Scottville. Please fact check that statement, Rob.
Bill Dustman is a dangerous man in the eyes of the status quo officials at city hall. He respects the law, not those officials who poorly legislate, execute and interpret that law. Dustman is not a safe choice even for those who appreciate his experience and views as he will have shaky alliances, if any, among his fellow officials; but needed changes won't come from the empty rhetoric of Steve Miller, especially if the status quo holds the two contested council seats.
Make a statement Tuesday; vote for change, not for more of the same stuff that officials and media tell you are good. You know better.
You're very welcome. This year's election is a very important off-year election. It's highly likely Democrats will take some of the State races covered in part 1 of this election review, but Republicans John James has a very real chance to continue surging to take Stabenow's US Senate seat, and Huizenga is a likely hold in the US House. Expect some change to happen at the State level.
At the local level, change may be harder to achieve. If two of the three outsider candidates can eke out a victory, it would suggest a mandate that the rest of the council should not ignore. Even if only one of those three candidates succeed, it may suggest that in 2020, there may be more outsiders to come help and throw their hat in the ring. A shutout at the election may signify the same-old city politics will hold sway for years to come. Do you know the last incumbent to lose a city election was Carol Pomorski, who lost to upstart John Henderson back in 2001?
Vote for change even though it's likely that you may be only able to vote in the mayor's election, lest you live in 4th or 5th Ward.
I like the torch graphics and saying:.
"Change your clocks on Sunday,
Change your city on Tuesday!"
Then pass it along, especially share it with your Fourth and Fifth Ward friends!
Well written thread again X, bravo for your investigations of all, and the analysis of our local situation. I just wish more could all read this today, before the elections. Perhaps pasting this at the Ludington Pitchfork and CLL will also help now, quickly sir, thanks.
Cancel that last sentence, I investigated, you're way ahead of me on this X, already posted some time ago at FB, I somehow missed, good job sir.
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