As pretty much everyone knows by now, the President has publicly stated that he supports gay marriage. If that is truly how he feels then fine, every one has a right to their opinion on the subject... but... is that honestly how he feels? I have my doubts about his sincerity and that he's simply attempting to try and garner votes from the LBGT community. Here is my reasoning why I'm suspect of his announcement... main reason I have my doubts about his statement is simply that for several years he has repeatedly stated that he believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. Just seems awfully suspect that here in a election year where he hasn't gotten nearly the enthusiasm he did as when he was first running for the office of president that all of a sudden he changes his mind on the subject. Throw in that they were not going to make this announcement until closer to the Democratic convention and it stinks even more... I mean come on, if this isn't meant to be a 'political' thing and simply what the president is thinking, it should of never of been something that would have to be 'announced' at any point in time. If it hadn't been for Biden speaking his mind recently on the subject, it wouldn't of came to light until the 'announcement'.

While its possible that he may have actually changed his mind on the subject... we all have the right to change our minds... the timing and circumstances just don't add up for it to be an honest response when all things are considered.

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The media is stating he has had an "evolution", meaning his mind has evolved to the point of concluding this is a good thing now. I don't buy that at all, and neither should the public, stinks of political gain with another small minority group for votes, nothing more, nothing less.

Isn't it amazing how far we've come in four years when folks can say "Barack Obama" and "Evolution" in the same sentence and not be accused of racism.  That is, if you're liberal. 

But here is another evolution of sorts that the Obama campaign is busy putting out, and which Dave has already brought to our attention:



I don't get it please explain the cartoon.

This involves the Obama campaign ad in Dave's Thread The Life of Julia, about how one woman's life would differ with someone like Obama as prez, compared to Romney's 'heartless' policies.  Each stage of Julia's life is affected positively by some government program Obama has made or supports, according to the ad, and Romney's misogynist anti-government ideas works against her. 

It actually makes the case to me, that Obama has no clue as to what a truly liberated woman is about. 


Thanks for posting this chart of evolution because it contains the link to a terrific website, I suggest anyone who is conservative minded will completely enjoy this site. It was started by a Ukrainian immigrant who was amazed at how the U.S. is leaning toward socialism and he wanted to let people know how wrong the socialist left can be because he lived through the Soviet Unions iron fisted regimes. The site uses a lot of humor and I think you will enjoy it so give a big thanks to X for bringing it to our attention.

Your welcome.  Good ideas meet good graphics at thepeoplescube. 

Listening to the radio on my way home from work tonight, I flip through channels, usually listening to a conservative host and a liberal host. The conservative host made a reasonably good point, for the people that are in favor of gay marriage, would they also be in favor of polygamy? As the host put it, if 2 or 3 or more people loved each other, shouldn't they be able to get married.. regardless of their sex? According to the host, polygamy is even mentioned in the bible as many people mentioned in it had more then one wife... I've never read the bible past Genesis so I don't know if that is true or not, maybe one of you that has might be able to clarify that.


That argument could be taken even further. Why can't related people marry if they do not produce children? Why can't a mother marry her son or daughter, a father marry his daughter or son? Why can't a person marry their pet? These are not ridiculous ideas because they have all been subjects of news stories at one time or another  and some people actually believe there is nothing wrong with these types of unions. The purpose of marriage is for the union of a man and woman, period.

The voters of North Carolina confirmed that just this week by voting 61% to affirm that any domestic civil union recognized by that state is between one man and one woman. 

The opposition forces of laws like this try to frame it as a civil rights issue, but it's not, it just sets limits on what is legal under marriage.  Everyone can still get married if they want to, but not to just anyone, or more than one other. 

The funny thing is that I know loving heterosexual couples that do not get married because of the penalties that would occur to them regarding taxes, benefits, and/or other legal issues. 

"marriage" is big crock of poo. I don't get why anyone would want to do it --it is disgusting--! I have been in an 18 year relationship and would never lower myself to getting married. YUCK who wants to be called a 'wife' that just would make me feel old and gross.

The only benefit to marriage is inheritance and insurance benefits. I should be able to marry anyone I want and nobody should be able to tell me what species that 'person' is. If I want my dog to inherit my estate what other choice is there? If I want my 'civil law' husband to be able to make my deathbed decisions what other choice do I have than to conform to some religious freaks opinion that I need to be (ugh puke) married! I say civil unions for anyone who who wants to be sure of who makes end of life decisions and who get there money.

I bet if only playboy model gorgeous lesbians wanted to get married all the guys would be all for it, they sure don't mind some girl on girl action in their pRon. But Oh NO *god* *forbid*  the girls want the guys left out!

Actually, Shrugs, I don't think the guys you refer to are fantasizing about seeing a couple of gorgeous lesbians have a wedding ceremony. 


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