I got a notice in the mail. IT had two pieces of paper,they had ink on them also. They mailed them to every vehicle dealer in the state who has a  PERSON that carries a  SALVAGE VEHICLE DEALER LICENSE. I don't know how many people that is, but I would guess at least ten thousand at the low end.


A person needs a Salv. Lic. if the are going to buy cars that carry a salvage title from the (insurance)auctions. This means every rebuilder and junk yard  pretty much needs one if they want to be able to bid on 50% of the cars that come through the auctions.


So lets say there are 10K licenses in the State. That is ten thousand enveleopes, and twenty thousand sheets of paper, plus the ink.


Here is the GOOD PART....All the mailing was for is to tell us that they are changing the appearance of the license,WHEN each persons RENEWS, no need to do anything until then!!!!!. Nobody needs to do anything other than wait until they renew their license for the year and it will look different.

Right now they look just like the current DL, it states in the letter that the contract with the manufacturer of the current (DL and SVA DL's) has run out and they are changing the appearance. I assume this means  DL's will change as well. They even had a COLOR picture(more expensive ink) of what the new license will look like.


Now WTF were they thinking, do we really NEED to know they are making them look different, I means seriously, don't they think they could just let a person know that when they go to renew it.


There is NO value to me as a dealer in this mailing. They email us our dealer updates(which may actually affect rules and such) and post them on the State of MI website, so why spend money to mail all that just to tell us that they are gonna look different when we renew. I guess as a positive they only sent them to each dealer and not to every agent who is licensed under that dealer as well.


To me this is just more poorly thought out spending by our state.

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Yeah, that is kind of dumb, if they were changing the rates then I can see sending a notice for that... but to send a letter simply to let you know that the look of the license is changing is just silly.
I would suppose it's to get you excited, by knowing the new license is "new and improved", hey, look at us, we're making changes for the positive again type thinking. Wait till you get your DL renewed, hey, talk about waste. You're going to need your birth certificate, ss card, two forms of proof where you live (pd. utility bills), a passport if you have one (recommended), and a big bill for services. Btw, they ask for your "original ss card and birth certificate, not a copy, but if that's all you can produce, it will be carefully scrutinized. It's called new "homeland security precautions". You can't just surrender your old DL as usual, this time you're in the Hot Zone of Suspicion, just showing up there. When you see longer lines at the SOS offices soon, you'll know why.
Makes you wonder why they couldn't send this at the same time as your reminder to renew, so as to be less of a waste of everyone's time and money.  As in most government decisions, there is probably some twisted logic behind them doing it this way-- little of it involving common sense.
Bottom line, if you don't spend the alloted money given to you for the year, you get less next year. God forbid you should have any money left in your budget..
There may be a law which requires notice by mail.
Good point.  There probably was a clause in the policy change which indicated prior notice sent out to those most affected by this.  If you've ever worked for a government agency or deal with one, they have a tendency to overdo the paperwork, sending you confusing forms that mean little to you.


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