UK government announces new steps against illegal immigrants

Apparently America isn't the only one that has issues with illegal immigrants... course the Brit's actually seem to want to do something about it, the American government might learn a thing or 2 from them.

London (AFP) - Britain's government promised new measures Monday to crack down on illegal immigrants by making landlords evict them, as the Calais migrants crisis continued to dominate the headlines.

Landlords in England who do not remove people with no right to remain in Britain, or do not check their immigration status before renting them a property, could be jailed for up to five years.

The move, announced by Communities Secretary Greg Clark, is set to be included in a new Immigration Bill that parliament will debate in the coming months.

In addition, 100 more guards are to be placed on duty at the terminal in Calais, while UK Border Force officials are to begin working inside the control room of the cross-channel Eurotunnel from Monday.

"I think we have got a grip on the crisis. We saw a peak last week, since when the number of illegal migrants has tailed off," said Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond after a meeting of the government's emergency COBRA committee.

"We have taken a number of measures in collaboration with the French authorities and Eurotunnel which are already having an effect and over the next day or two I would expect to have an even greater effect."

Immigration is one of the most sensitive issues in British politics and Prime Minister David Cameron's centre-right government has been battling to bring the numbers down for years.

Images of migrants trying illegally to cross the Channel Tunnel from France to Britain have fuelled calls from political opponents for ministers to do more and Cameron has warned that the situation could last all summer.

In a joint editorial for this week's Sunday Telegraph, the French and British interior ministers warned that "our streets are not paved with gold" as Cameron's government seeks to dispel any perception that migrants have a soft landing in Britain.

Migrants in Calais made around 1,700 attempts overnight Sunday to cross, according to French police sources, a major increase on the past few nights when there was only a few hundred.

Last week, Britain pledged 10 million euros ($11 million) to improve fencing around the Eurotunnel rail terminal in Coquelles, outside Calais, as well as promising more sniffer dog teams.

Cameron's government has previously announced that the new Immigration Bill will also include giving police the power to seize wages earned by illegal immigrants.

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Don't concern yourself Dave, when President Trump gets elected one of his first acts will be to march on Panama and take it over, sort of like a hostile takeover. Then President Trump will declare everything North of there  to the Pole will now be USA territory and split up into new States at his convenience. The Trump Doctrine. 

Like reorganizing a corperation after a takeover, what  we will now have will the Hispanic Southern States South of the Mason Dixon Line for manufacturing and Spring Breaks. The English speaking Northern States for their resources and summer vacations, and of course Quebec for the lovers of French.

Only one small border to defend at Panama. If the rest of the world don't like it The Donald will tell them where to go.

The illegals over there are the towel heads, when I was over there a few years ago they were quite prominent. Good for them,at least the Britts have some balls. As Trump said last night, immigration wasn't a issue until he brought it up. Well now that it's in the head lines , what do you think the rest of the candidates will say about ?

The difference between England and the U.S. is that Britain encouraged immigration because they were having trouble finding workers due to their liberal and easily obtained welfare benefits. Most of the so called illegals in England were legally admitted and constitute folks that overstayed their visa's. A large majority are North African Muslims and because of their religion it has caused severe conflicts. The Britt's want to turn off the labor spicket  but it's just to late. Muslim immigrants are multiplying at a faster rate than  natural born Britt's and are mustering political clout.



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