Kathy Griffin is your typical moronic liberal. She's about as smart as a shoelace. She posted that video holding the mock up of Trump's head and instead of apologizing she's blaming Trump for her problems and is claiming that Trump is trying to ruin her. These are the kind of people that sicken me. She is getting what she deserves and should be prosecuted as any other terrorists would be because what she did was an act of terrorism. I wasn't going to pay any attention to her and her pathetic video but now that she's coming out and claiming to be the victim I feel it's time for all conservatives to put these people in their place. She pretends to hold a severed head of a President and thinks it's a joke then when she gets threatened she acts like the World has ended. She is such a fool.

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Article in Vulture where Griffin says's she is going after Trump's son Barron.

The fact that she has not been detained and questioned scares me. Her and her actions and being left to go on the air and blame the Trump family is what is wrong with our society and why North Korea, Russia and others see us as weak! Sickens my stomach!

And to think/know that our local police knock on your door if you make a remark about a city official. This person should be thrown in prison. Now to turn it around and say it's Trumps fault.  Pick on the kid ?  Trump should do something in his power to make her future problems his fault.     What a piece of work.

Ludington PD will create a costly investigation into a guy from Macomb County for saying he would like five minutes alone in a room with a city councilor, the same councilor who would never meet with his mother for one minute over her marina business issues even though she's only a couple of blocks away from him. 

Yet while on a walk through the Sixth Ward, I get attacked by an aggressive black Labrador off-leash on a sidewalk adjacent to a vacant lot, defend myself with a well-timed kick to the dog's chops, and then get assaulted by the dog's owner with a sucker-push/punch while I'm looking at whether the dog is going to attack further. 

LPD Officer Jacob Miller takes my statement, doesn't check out the bruise on my chest, interviews the guy who blind-sided me, who lies through his teeth about the whole encounter.  Doesn't recommend any charges because the stories conflict, doesn't cite the owner for his dogs off the leash and attacking people.  If either of that guy's two dogs ever maul a neighborhood kid or other innocent bystander, I will never let Miller forget about it.

It's to bad there were no witnesses to this attack other than yourself and the dog's owner. I would sue the pants off the jackass owner if it was possible to prove your side of the story.

I think that if I had sought civil redress, I would have won in court because of the odd claims he made in his defense during his police interview about the encounter being a bit unbelievable or relevant.  Problem is that despite a small welt on my chest, caused by his contact with my coat shoving the camera in my pocket into my chest, there was no lasting damage, other than my camera never properly worked again.

His story:  Despite me being in a hurry to get home and using the sidewalk on that block, he said that for some reason, I went well onto his lawn and started calling his dogs before hauling off and kicking them.  I then started poking his chest and yelling at him when he came up to politely ask why I kicked his dogs.  I swear that uncouth brute is destined to find his eternal home in the pits of Hell for his lack of virtues, hopefully in the same stall as John Shay.

Just glad you are ok. So many crazy things happening. Cut and dry evidence......

Even though Mr. Milks story is tragic, having the President of the U.S. depicted in an ISIS terrorist style fashion can aid in bringing out a lot of nutty people by giving the impression that  America  supports their efforts and methods of dealing with situations they disagree with. Kathy Grffin's actions, in my opinion, border on treason and they compromise our security. Her actions have crystallized for us, what is going on in the minds of the left. They want our Country to embrace a fascist philosophy and they are determined to make it happen, even if that means using violence. I feel this Griffin story is a watershed moment that the entire Country should take seriously. 

There is absolutely no comparison between posters depicting Obama with a mustache and someone holding the severed head of a President. People had pictures of Obama with a tiny mustache which depicted a person who wanted to subjugate people. That is something Obama also wants. Those pictures were  meant to drive home the point  that Obama's beliefs are likened to Hitlers. Those signs do not threaten violence to Obama unlike what Griffin did. Exposing Griffin for threatening the life of the President and for her being a radical leftists is definitely not giving the situation undue attention. To the contrary this is a major story that needs to be dealt with in depth by all Americans.

Don't forget that Mr. Milks was brandishing a weapon which he pointed at the police officer. That's what the report says and until something shows that did not happen we can only make assumption that the officer acted illegally. These are two separate and distinct situations and comparing them is like mixing apples and oranges.


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