West End of Ludington Rises Up After Receiving News It's Turning Into a Water Trailhead

Don't mess with mother nature they say.  The same week the city council accepts a $300,000 grant from the MI DNR Trust Fund to help construct a water trailhead at the end of Ludington Avenue, the West End roars back with another idea.  Today, the beach's breakwater was closed due to wind and waves, but the lake took special measures at the West End, as seen in this photo.

The pooling seen closer up illustrates what may be the folly of several of the phases of the West End projects that abut the shores of Lake Michigan, including this water trailhead idea, a last minute change by the city in its application to get the state to approve the grant.

But even in the middle of August, the warm waters of the lake got warmer as they tried to approach city hall and air its grievances.  "Why ruin the view of my shores with canoe racks and concession stands at the end of your street?  I want people to enjoy my beauty-- fix up your street with the money instead, get me more aesthetic guardrails."

The West End project continues to be a divisive project that pits the people who want to spend public money on such things against the folks who finance it with their fees and taxes.  Few people other than those who will benefit from the grant want these phases instituted.  The city has had the opportunity to have a public vote on whether to do this project, but have decided it would be a lost cause.

As I said at the last council meeting on August 14th :

"On March 7, 2016, the year the MI DNR Trust Fund Grant was approved for the West End Project, John Shay told the public the money would be used for improving the promenade, currently the parking lot at the end of the avenue, and building a concrete walkway between the West End and the breakwall.  At the very next meeting, he said the walkway was nixed, replaced by additional landscaping, block walls and transient pathways to the water's edge.  No official at either hearing mentioned anything about a water trailhead, which would have additional signs and watercraft blocking the view.  But this is what it has morphed into according to your packets and Mayor Holman on the radio.

And after many citizens spoke out against it in either form at the hearings it was unanimously approved to make a resolution in the approved minutes saying that the "City of Ludington has made a financial commitment to the project in the amount of $82,000 matching funds, in cash and or force account."  This despite the reassurance of John Shay that no city funds would be used for the project, and that if the city couldn't get the $82,000 from fundraising they would have to decline the grant. 

Mysteriously, an anonymous benefactor has recently come forth and will allegedly pay the city in installments over five years for the $80,000 the city said it had committed to 17 months ago.  The city made a financial commitment, exactly what the state requires, but they and the public have been duped all along.  This anonymous eleventh hour funding of an unpopular public project reeks of something corrupt going on in the background.    It wouldn't surprise me if this will be creatively financed by John Q. Taxpayer, who seems to be anonymous and invisible in the eyes of many councilors in practice.  If the DNR Trust Fund is okay with what has been presented and misrepresented about this public project, then they, and us, need to know the benefactor's name and determine their ability to abide by this payment arrangement."

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Thanks for those pictures X. They show exactly why the beach should remain in it's natural state. The beach is a buffer between development and the Lake. If any improvements are done they will be washed away unless a break-wall is built to hold back the water and that of course will mean the elimination of the beach. This development along with the lane reduction are stupid ideas. Below is a photo taken of the harbor and shows just how rough the waters can be at the Ludington Ave beach.

People who do not see the natural beauty and propose to alter should be banned from this town. How appalling' 

Well, only 24 hrs. on the forum and you got about 500 views on this? Looks like some concerned officials spying again on this forum that feel threatened and intimidated, as well they should given the unethical, & illegal conduct of the West End Project to begin with. Quite the anonymous donor too, almost $100,000 gift, and they don't want to be known? That say anything about the entire curious and warped project unfolding before public eyes these days? What a farce!!!!!!! I hope this high water also ruins the events scheduled there this weekend, so the warped individuals pushing this project get what even nature says about their ideas in that area.

Yup, and if they have to build a steel seawall, it's going to be another couple hundred thousand dollars to get done. That say anything about knowledge of the water highs and lows? And where do they get that money, another anonymous donor?


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