The House passed the Dream Act which would allow any illegal under the age of 30 to be granted citizenship because their illegal mommy and daddy brought them here and oh my goodness it's not their fault they are illegal. I am so sick of the Democrats. Sneaky, slithering, slimey, backstabbing, lying peices of crap. As you can tell I am p-ssed. The Senate may not pass this bill but you never know what goes on inside empty selfish heads.
I know it shouldn't be rewarded but the mother in me says the children ought to be able to stay. I couldn't imagine being raised here only to find out when I'm 18 that I'm illegal and going to be deported to some 3rd world country of which I am completely unfamiliar with. Plus I don't believe in punishing someone who had no control in the situation to begin with.
I don't know why this ever came up in a lame duck session, except Obama seems to be scrambling desperately to get "anything passed in quicky sticky fashion", before the calvary moves into action in January. This is just another example of trying to make two wrongs into a right, and I for one, am depreseed and angered just like RJE, as well as many millions of other real legal alien American citizens that have come here legally on the up and up. I just hope the Sucky Senate doesn't pass this too. Btw, I wouldn't call 30 year olds children anymore, they are adults after the age of 18, and could do the right and legal thing by applying for citizenship through the INS, just like many millions already waiting for approval.
No I wouldn't call 30 yr olds children either, but you could you imagine just turning 18 and finding out your really not a citizen because your parents brought you in illegally when you were 2. I have to say the only 3rd world country I have been to was Mexico , and while the tourist resorts are beautiful the rest of that country is not. The people were wonderful for the most part but the level of poverty (at least in the area surrounding Acapulco) was horrible.
Acapulco is not what it was in the 80's.
I don't know about the 80's but I was there 3 times in 1999,2000 and 2001. And if you left the actual city it was pretty poor - houses that were only 3 walls the 4th wall being made up of a piece of rope with sheets hung on it. It was a real eye opener to see how others lived - but I have to say they were very friendly.
I agree with Lisa, well said. I can't imagine being a teenager, or even in my twenties and being sent to a country I have never been to in my life. Especially a place like mexico with its cartels killing everyone now.
Yes, the parents should not have brought the kids here illegally, but if they were raised here from childhood they are americans, not mexicans.
I do think they should have some sort of test to pass that is rated to the age of the individual.
But I have watched a show in which a guy was brought in by his parents, grew up here, went to school and got an engineering or some advanced technical degree, and then got married and had a kid(I think the wife was a legal alien) but he decided to take some sh1t job in mexico and move across the border to mexico to apply for citizenship legally expecting to wait a few months and have it granted and he has lived away from his family for something like 3 years now.
The current system is screwed up. The guy is a prime example of what is wrong today. A guy degreed in a technical vocation, grew up in the US from like 7 years old, then can't get legal to be a taxpaying citizen and moves back to Mexico to do it right and has to wait years. A guy like that (I think he was only 23) should be granted legal citisenship within a month.
How sympathetic would a country such as Mexico be if the situation were reversed?
The border should be secured before there is any talk of amnesty. The "Dream" Act should be called the "Nightmare" Act.
How about the "wetback dream act"? Problemo here is obvious, just from looking at this forum, people in general want to deal with this situation like it's not a matter of law on the books, with rules and regulations involved, but a "feely good situation". It's not folks. If the majority of citizens want to give away citizenship to illegals, irregardless of the laws, let the old laws be voted out, and new laws voted in. That's our way of government, not some feel good reaction that is sure to backfire on us big time in the future. The least any act like this should do is bring those illegals to the attention of the INS, and decide on the person's legal status on a case by case basis, not blanket amnesty like this act appears to do.
Lisa don't fall for this nonsense. It's that kind of thinking that will allow these [Democrats] to change this country into a socialist multi lingual dependent society. Please use your noggin. Here's the problem. 1. The flood gates will open with millions and millions of new illegals if this passes. 2. Why did they choose the age of thirty? Because it has been about 30 years since the last amnisty fiasco, so most of the illegals here now would fit the description. 3. How does immigration verify that their parents did not bring them here? All the illegals have to say is that their parent went back to Mexico or wherever. It will be impossible to determine if they are lying. 4. When someone is made a citizens they are allowed to bring in family members who will also be given benefits. 5. These millions of people will immediately become eligable for all Government handouts. 6. What do you tell other folks applying for citizenship in a legal manner? Sorry but these millions will be able to take cuts into the line. 7. The sleazy dems are doing this to obtain a large new voting population so they can stay in power. Do you want them to remain in a position to control us? Think about the Dems passing that Obama health care then adding millions and millions of illegal aliens to it. Are you going to be able to afford to pay for them because you feel sorry. This entire situation is to provide amnesty to all the illegals here in the U.S. Don't be fooled.
I do here what your saying - it's just that my humanity makes me feel sorry for them. Maybe they could do it on a case by case situation as Aquaman suggests. For ex: If the illegal can produce school records for at least 6 yrs of school. A High School Diploma or GED. Does not have a police record, no gang ties. Change the rules so that you can not bring in family members, ban them from receiving welfare for a period of years, make it conditional any felony conviction revokes citizenship, if they stay they should have to have the same work credits to receive social security.I'm not suggesting this becoming an on going program, I believe securing our borders should be a top priority. But I also believe we should have some compassion especially for the innocent.
I like Lisa's attitude towards this problem. The situation that has developed over time is not just due to Mexicans crossing the border to live here illegally and prosper. It's also due to lax enforcement of those borders by the Feds and to the many desperate or greedy employers looking for cheap, noncommittal labor. If government officials did their job, and employers stuck to legal hiring processes, through the years, this problem would not exist now.
Taking the hard left or hard right stance just doesn't seem to address the issue in my opinion, however, lame ducks shouldn't even be considering this problem.
"If government officials did their job, and employers stuck to legal hiring processes, through the years, this problem would not exist now."
Yes, and if people didn't steal from each other, kill each other, lie and cheat we would live in a perfect world. And if we had wings we could fly. The fact is those things aren't going to happen, no matter how much we wish it would.
Consider this from The Federalist No. 51:
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary..."
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