in early august i applied at ludington talks to join there place.  i like to discuss stuff.  waiting.  waiting.  last night 50 days later i gave up there and joined here.  from what ive read i think you guys talk about more local stuff anyway and have more interesting threads.  does anyone know what lud talks problem is.  the last person to join that site was on august 4.  the day before i applied.  besides the terms of service what are the rules here.  just wondering. 

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The terms of service are pretty much our rules. You will notice there is some leeway on interpretting some of them, so please if you think you are pushing the envelope, either use discretion or contact me or any of our guest administrators, or ask it as a question in the forums, as you just did. A few of our earliest threads covered this topic, our mission statement, and our goals. Glance through these, peruse some of our content, and have some fun as a new member.

I see what you mean about that phenomenon you mentioned at LT. Perhaps, they plan on dropping that website due to the recent increase on Ning site prices and their sparse activity as of late. If so, at least there will still be us here!
LT administrators have let LT members do all the stuff lately that they wouldn't allow before. Torquema's link to here for Watertowergate wouldn't have lasted too long back in the days. Like the breakwater situation, they have chosen to react only if they get notice of rough waters (complaints).
Feel free to check out our groups too... we've tried to have a little bit of this and a little bit of that. If you have an idea for a group, feel free to start a new one.
verily i think i may check this out as often as i can during the coolth thats coming. speaking of which whats the limits on putting photos up. i see that nudity is off limits but can one start say a female appreciation group or a hot girl thread say and restrict those who may not wish to view. i know i can go elsewhere for such jollies but think this may be considred in this bluenose area on a cite which stresses fun and freedoms.
You can start a group and make it private to only those who are invited or request to join.

I am guessing that is probably best left elsewhere though as there are many other places for such things. It seems to me that if you would see it on yahoo photo's (like OMG) it would be allowable but nothing any more risque' than that.
What's risque? OMG! I don't think the Torch was intended for this, but all things equal, it may be a start in the positive, since there is so much negative posts here recently by Poopers disguised as regular peeps. Verily I do hope?
Charlemagnetism, if we set some parameters that were to be followed, a private group, as per Sheila, would be the way to go. I will have to do some research on this over the weekend-- not looking at naughty pics (any more than necessary), but seeing what we can and can't allow and fit within the Ning rules, and within existing laws. We can set some parameters for any submissions.

You are 18 or over, right?
i am over 18 not as often as id like if you know what i mean. oui monsiuer this sorry body has seen 18 years to long ago i fear. i will wait for you and your parametres and do my own research until i hear from you.
I might suggest that if the ladies would want a 'beefcake' group that as long as they of course stuck within the same parameters as with the suggested group featuring the ladies that they be welcome to do so.

So note it though that I will not be joining that group.. lol
Sorry, Dave. The ladies already had a group like that and you were already a part of it. Edie installed a hidden webcam under your computer desk. Thought she told you ;-)

Seriously, if there is interest in this, we will need a moderator, and other parameters will need to be followed.
First you steal my avatar, give it to a bunch of others, and then you accuse me of hiding webcams, LOL. Don't I have enough grief coming from the broth quaffers.

Then I find out the latest incarnation of creepboy has married us off again. For the record, I am not the 'eye' woman, I am not, and never have been married to X, and I mean no disrespect to Blinky or his family in anything I have said or done. I cannot say the same for Blinky's friends and family who have attacked me and the Torch.

BTW, I like the idea of a beefcake group, but until I get my computer issues resolved and get something more than one step above a 1970's calculator I won't be able to enjoy it.


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