At the request of XLFD. I would proffer the attached as proof that a 35% ROI is a typical ROI for wind turbines.

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Beg to differ on that use of oil phrase, BT, the world supply of oil is diminishing each day, and being there is a finite supply of same, the use of it will diminish over time. 

Market forces will eventually make renewable energy more economical for energy production than their fossil counterparts, and also foster a new nuclear age.  I don't think I have seen a good rationale yet for governments artificially putting in these set targets like proposal three would (25% by 2025) when the market forces would serve to protect all concerned during the interstice between now and when oil spikes.

Bernard.The fact that you and others want to include military assistance into the price of gas only shows the foolishness of that argument. These ships and their personal are in existence to provide military support where needed and to protect American interest. Do you wish for them to be sitting dockside waiting for a war. Your argument and whoever else originated it is just plain silly. The use of the military is not an indirect subsidy. The money to operate those ships would be spent anyway no matter what those ships are directed to do, even if they are sitting at the docks. So why not use them for protection of oil shipments where needed. Talk about joke logic.

It's pretty clear you haven't sailed the Andaman seas, or taken a trip thru the red sea via the Gulf of Aden, or you would clearly understand that those tankers are carefully guarded by our Navy thru those areas. It IS in America's interest to do this only because of our curent set of enemies who could disrupt these shipments with a few submarines (Which they have plenty of) threaten our very economy. It is also visible proof that the sooner we can get free of these middle East suppliers via green energy, including wind power, the better off we will all be, and then those ships can come home to port and we will not have to spent our budget on guarding supertankers. Think of Ludington as being an important source of energy, and as having a positive effect on our national security. So I do endorse your comment to some degree. The savings that would occur in gas prices is going to be lapped up by the oil lobby anyway. Also, keep confounds your enemies no end.

Greenies claim janitors, bus drivers, septic cleaners, trashmen, ect as green jobs.  And you wonder why greenies are not being taken seriously.

I grow weary of this thread's preoccupation with a single photograph's impact on some farmers view.. for heaven's sake think of his view every time he goes into the barn and stands behind one of those contented looking cows..cows generate greenhouse gases too, you know..been there-done that! har.

You begin to sound like Chuck and Ron with those jolly times you get by going into the barn.  To each his own. 

Sorry.. I didn't get it..who are Chuck and Ron, and why is this worthy of comment?

This is becoming a pretty good duel, good info. too. That joke is an inside joke from a couple of weeks ago Bernie, just saying, it's in the archives too, if you look. Why is the government pretty much in the wind turbine business of large tax breaks and subsidies to begin with? Cause no legitimate business man worth his salt is going to invest in any venture with his hard earned capital to only realize a 35% ROI, simple as that. Icebergs Bernie, really? Methinks the entire liberal bunch is on the Titanic too, doomed for this election to go down like a lead ball to the bottom. That's my har for today....hardy har to ya.

Isn't that what Western Michiganders have been saying for 50 odd years?. What did they get? Nixon, Regan,Bush, and Bush. All losers.

And the Government is trying to bring a green system into being to eliminate or minimize the consumption of Oil. I thought you knew that. Wind power is only part of the program..Solar, tide generaton, as well as coal and oil are all part of the equation Bringing something like an interstate system, or airline industry into being is too massive an operation for any non governmental organization. You youngsters just read the part of history that you want to believe, but kiddies, I LIVED IT!

Ask yourself; What do I have in common with a man who makes $200 million a year? (Greed? Ambition? Rich daddy?)

Sorry you dislike liberals so much.. we are really a neat bunch of friendly folks..

You forgot to add the adulterous Clinton and the goose stepping Marxist Obama. Two glorious examples of the liberal socialist agenda. I did ask myself what you had in common with someone but it wasn't a man. After looking at your slanted leftist views the only person you have something in common with, that I can see, is Monica Lewinsky because you seem to have swallowed a bill of goods whereas Lewinsky swallowed Bill's goods. The only time Liberals are friendly is when they have their hands in our wallets or are shoving their agenda up our a_ses.

The "Adulterous Clinton" not only balanced the budget and put everyone to work who wanted to work, he left a budget surplus for Bush to squander with generous tax breaks to his multi-millionare bosses.So he had a rather embarassing blow what?

Where on earth do you get your seemingly endless supply of hatred? My "slanted leftest views" are my exercise in free speech, based on a lifetime of experience from which I have learned many hard lessons, not the least of which is to assign the true value of your frantic rant. You losers are like that..I deign to respond to your character assasinations any further..go play with yourself.

Correction, Clinton and the republican controlled congress left a budget surplus.


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