This candidate is a phony libertarian. He is the 3rd party liberal progressive who is trying to muck up the election and take votes away from Trump. He claims to be conservative but he is nothing but a phony. You may not like Trump or HIllary and want to vote 3rd party but that would be a mistake.

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Typically I agree that a strong Libertarian candidate would be likely to filter more votes away from the Republican candidate, but if the policy issues of Johnson was exposed to the masses, I believe he would take more from Hillary, as he is a lot more like Bernie Sanders than an alternative conservative.  Plus, he's an idiot, and liberals seem to like those types.

If he ever gets to a debate where he can make himself and his positions more widely known, I believe he would hurt Hillary more; that seems to be what some liberal groups admit.  Like the other parties, the Libertarians have chose a candidate that does not reflect the party's best aspects.

Of what I've seen of Johnson, he just doesn't do much for me as a candidate. He comes across as more of a 'dude' then a guy running for president. Can't say I agree with some of his political ideas either, in particular his statement that no matter what happens in the Middle East that there will be no boots on the ground. I'm of course not saying I do want boots on the ground but if a politician is going to be realistic and honest, you don't take any option off the table, even if its the last resort. I know he's a supporter of the legalization of marijuana which I'm not against.. although I'm not particularly for either, if it happens it happens is essentially the point of view I have on the subject... anyway, I know before again running for the presidency that he was the CEO of Cannabis Sativa Inc, a company that sells cannabis for medical use in states that allow the sales which I suppose in a way is why I think he sounds more like a 'dude'. Anyhow, at this point I'm running out of people I'd be interested in voting for... might be time to start my own presidential run ;-)

Well, I unfortunately agree.
No good choices this year. (and of last many years)
I want a true conservative.
Trump is not either, closer to a blue progressive. Or ...purple.
Undecided until in the booth most likely.


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