Sunday, August 15, 2010
...Update: 7:45 p.m. Divers called off their underwater search for an apparent drowning victim. Emergency radio traffic indicated the rough water
conditions were too dangerous for divers to continue. Authorities
remained on the scene continuing their visual search

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Prayers go out to the family of Anthony Goldsmith of Lawton, the victim of Sunday's drowning.

Frankly, I think curses should go out to Shay, Henderson, and all the gutless wonders that made up our City Council last fall. Their f-king DPW can't trim a f-king tree, it takes the state DOT to intervene to make them put most of their negligently f-king misplaced stop and yield signs in the lawful place, and they set the table for this senseless killing by scrapping a successful program.

Haven't seen today's LDN, but I'm sure Ludington Councilman, former and guest editor, Paul S. Peterson and crew will spin this as not the City of Ludington's fault in any way. He always was against the lifeguard program anyway.
oh ya I'm waiting to see LDN spin on this one - Just like they out their spin on last weeks accident - making it sound like the driver (ludington resident) wasnt at fault at all - the person with the headlights off - they were to blame - who cares if the other driver was going the wrong way down the express way and possibly drunk driving - blame the person w/ the headlites off (or broken who knows at the time) I'm not saying she wasnt a good person & all - BUT come on now people - they were both at fault no matter how you look at it - dont make it so one sided like LDN always does.

PS - I see today the beach is closed, barracades are up on the breakwall, by the entrance and on the sand that say no swimming. a little too late city of Ludington. I think they should close the playground down too until that piece of equipment is fixed
I'm beginning to think i'm glad I don't read the LDN everyday anymore. I have drove by the scene of the accident a few times in my travels this past weekend, hard not to see where it happened. No matter how good a person might be, if they make a mistake and drink and drive (i'm not saying that the young lady was or wasn't driving drunk, only looking at a suggested possibility), the consequences can be fatal which in this case was. For all we know maybe both drivers were drunk. I suppose the only good thing about the accident was that it happened very late at night instead of a time of day where more people might of been hurt or killed.

The drowning at the lake is sadly probably going to be a sobering reminder to the city of Ludington that the lifeguards are needed still. $22,000 to make the beaches as safe as possible is a small price to pay as far as i'm concerned.
At first, I understood the paper blaming the Ludington driver for going the wrong way.
which paper did u read masonco? cuz to me & alot of others @ my work etc.... thought the LDN made it sound like the guy w/o his headlights on was at fault - maybe u should reread the articles - cuz thats all it centered on - that car w/o headlights not the fact that she was going the wrong way on 31 AND may have been since somewhere near Oceana Co line?
Actually I read that one and one from mlive, so I can not answer that. but both said (Ludington driver) she was going the wrong way on US31 and hit a car going the right way but without their headlights on. From what I heard from one of the Grand Rapids tv web sites, they are thinking the driver without headlights had car troubles.
They must be feeling pretty confidant that their Manistee law firm will take care of everything, right?
That Mary A.! ALWAYS on cue! Well, the LDN forgot to mention that there was 10 lifeguards hired the last few years to protect against such tragedies as this last weekend, staying on thread with the drowning. This whole drowning incident could have been completely avoided and prevented imho if lifeguards were there to see and act in time, on the spot, and with the right perspective/safety. Penny-wise, and pound foolish/goolish if you ask me! You can thank Sir John Shay/Henderson for this now! I just don't know if those guys will be able to live with this death on their conscience, or will they? Time and other interviews will tell I do guess!
John Shay is a convenient scapegoat, and I hope Mayor Henderson's conscience is strong enough to let him live with himself after all he has said about the necessity of the lifeguard program from his campaign for Mayor back in 2001 up to 2009, when he left those 10 lifeguards dying in the water so that the city could put in his pricy transient docks and expend a lot of other money foolishly.

The elected officials that truly dropped the ball on this was the Ludington City Council. Not one of these people defended this program last year, but they all voted for funding the marina transient docks at a special meeting, the pay raise for the City Attorney, increased funding for the Downtown Development Authority at the expense of other areas, etc. These folks have the ultimate say, hold them accountable-- I am.

Manistee law firm, Almont City Manager, Detroit-area police chief, Stanwood DDA supervisor, all hired since 2002. The people who are managing the affairs of the city are mercenarial, and have little idea of what the average Ludington citizen thinks or wants.


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