Earlier this afternoon, the Chief of Police of the Ludington Police Department, Mark Barnett made a pronouncement that due to bad weather forecasted over a day away on Halloween night, the City of Ludington would hold door-to-door trick or treating on Friday instead of Thursday, otherwise known as Halloween night. I really couldn't believe it when I heard the news, figuring it was someone playing a joke on me, but it turned out to be true.
Apparently, there is an almost certain chance of rain and strong winds predicted and so the order is to keep the ghosts and goblins and their overseers in from the elements that day. So I looked at the forecast for Thursday night on Weather Underground:
Comments from some of the media have said that the wind is supposed to be as high as 30 mph and the chance of precipitation is 100%. As you can see the two stats are lower, with wind at 14 mph and chance of rain 90%, and at a very nice Halloween temperature of 55 degrees. That's not optimum condition for those who want to take their kids trick or treating, but it isn't all that bad really. In fact, when we take a look at the Friday forecast, we see that it may need further moving if we use the chief's rationale:
We see the wind whipping in at the same speed earlier on that night (14 mph), the chance of rain is 30%, with likely a bit of rain falling through the day. The City of Ludington, small in area, could easily get as much rain as it does on Thursday, possibly more. But Friday becomes even worse when you factor in the temperature, which is about ten degrees lower than it is on Thursday. At 55 degrees, a little wind is more annoying than biting, but when you get down to 45 degrees with 15 mph winds you have it feeling like it's 29 degrees out, as this chart illustrates:
So exposed flesh will not only be moist due to high humidity or rain, but the wind will make the temperature below freezing to your exposed skin-- on Friday. Thursday's forecast will feel over twenty degrees warmer. So if you're actually looking out for the safety of kids so as to avoid getting sick with bronchitis or pneumonia you may want to choose Halloween on Thursday instead of Friday. Oops, the calendar just happened to do that as well, Chief Barnett. Fortunately, our pals from Scottville and other neighboring areas have the common sense to keep Halloween on Halloween.
On WZZM, they remarked that Ludington did this and asked their Facebook audience whether this was smart or silly on Ludington's part. The majority of respondents seemed to think it was silly.
Typical responses:
"I grew up in Ludington 30 yrs ago when it snowed half the time never did they move it that's silly and they wonder why the kids today are so whimpy."
"I remember trick or treating in the rain and the snow.... They didn't change when we were kids... We live in Michigan bundle up and face the weather. It's not the kids that don't want to go it's the parents."
"Stupid, how about moving Christmas because it's too snowy."
"Rain and cold weather doesn't get you sick! Germs do! People need to toughen up! I have a 5,4,2,1 and 4 month old and we will be trick or treating!"
"We're from the area, and a lot of us are thinking silly. Thank You Scottville (neighboring city) to keep trick or treating on Halloween!"
The COLDNews has an update from the desk of Chief Barnett:
Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett said the reason for the change in trick-or-treating is the weather.
“We took a look at the weather forecast,” Barnett said, noting that some were concerned with the high winds and up to an inch of rain that was forecasted for Thursday night.
“We thought it might create a problem for kids trick-or-treating,” Barnett said. “The Friday forecast does have rain, but not as much, and the winds don’t seem to be as much of an issue, so it would be safer on Friday.”
Who is the we, and under whose authority, if not the chief's, is this done? There is nothing in the charter or codes of ordinances for Ludington that allows this under strict interpretation. I've sent those concerns to the chief, the city manager and the city attorney and await their response. This is just a small hint of how big of control-freaks these people are. If you don't believe, research the archives to find out more, or just go to any Ludington City Council. meeting.
The Torch morning weather update for Halloween night (Thursday) and Faux Halloween night (Friday) courtesy Weather Underground:
Thursday Night : 90% chance rain, 55 degrees, wind speed now 8 mph, wind chill 55 degrees
Friday Night: 50% chance rain, 45 degrees, wind speed 10 mph, wind chill 34 degrees
I would rather go trick or treating with the conditions on Thursday-- just saying.
Well researched article X. Friday night is a bad choice not because of the weather but because of all the drunks on the road that night. A lot of people can't wait to get out of work on Friday and start partying. If Barnett is concerned with safety he's not making his best decision regarding it. I wonder if he or the City will be taking responsibility for any kids injured by drunk drivers. As far as the weather, it's a toss up as to which night will be the best for celebrating Halloween. I've seen 90% possibility of rain turn into no rain and 10% possibility turn into a downpour. As far as Barnett's authority to change Halloween night, I am curious as to where he thinks he does have the right to make that decision. Maybe the City Council made the decision but "forgot again" about the Open Meetings Act.
Great post, there is a lot of extra traffic out on Friday night, many going to parties or other drinking venues, probably adult costume parties moved to a night the folks don't have to worry about getting up for work the next day. We'll also have kids from Scottville, Manistee and other near areas coming in to do some double-dipping after their areas had trick or treating the previous night-- particularly if the rain does come down heavily tonight.
Parents should be making these decisions, not our local nannies at City Hall, but that is what our City of Ludington is doing again and again. Citizens, take your freedom back, give out candy to ghouls tonight, and refuse to do so tomorrow. Let's see how Mommy Barnett likes them apples.
Well, I did hear the same thing on the radio today too. It's not just silly, it's an invasion of privacy to parents, and also an authority complex statement. I've never heard, until this particular chief came into office, anyone that tries to change the dates of so many holidays/events, in the name of safety. When we were kids, Halloween was Halloween, period. We went out almost irregardless the weather, and dressed accordingly. If it's raining, wear raincoats and rubber boots, it's that simple. Why spoil another Halloween with all this political bs, kids are kids, and don't need this nanny-type dictator decision. Btw, what's the LPD going to do if kids are out anyhow trick or treating, arrest them, or send them home? I don't think they can enforce such a nuisance statement!
Shay and the Council will ban them from City Hall if they go out tonight and celebrate Halloween then the Council will waste the last part of their next meeting scolding them for not towing the line.
I went into town today as usual for work, and casually asked 7 other people about their own feelings on this situation. All 7 said it too was silly, and didn't think anyone in government had this special ability to postpone Halloween. Esp. since no severe life or death type storm was, or is, at hand here. One guy said we are the only town in Michigan that did this. What does that tell us then? For about a period of 1-1/2 hours after dark, I drove the streets around Ludington. No trick or treaters sited. There were however quite a few in the northern suburbs of the city limits, parents walking with umbrellas as needed, kids laughing and having fun as would be expected. So, what's next? We postpone Thanksgiving due to bad weather, Christmas too, how about that New Year ball drop? Your guess is as good as mine...lol.
Ha-- I was musing over that earlier tonight about what kind of weather would make them cancel the ball drop. Let's see, that features kids outside in the wee hours of the night in potentially a lot worse conditions, but can you imagine Chief Barnett calling that event off with all the public money sunk into the event, and all those potential refunds?
Although, I think if the City could write off the losses to the DDA treasury, they'd do it.
Keep looking, it's pretty funny the things you're finding. You must think that Chief Barnett has the most delicate psyche around.
You're entitled to your opinion. But me and my friends and family have feelings too. And we unanimously don't believe Chief Barnett, a public official with a lot of power and prestige, should abuse that power and prestige by getting up at a public forum to personally bash any individual. It is highly unprofessional.
A public meeting is for conducting public business, deliberating on public policies and those who carry those policies out; a public forum is not for officials to air personal grudges, or rain shame on those who question policies.
I am not privileged to run in the same crowd as EyE, but there's not a lot of favorable impressions about Chief Barnett in the trenches of the common folks that associate with me, and some of the uncommon folks. But then, Chief Barnett has never allowed us to use his dating service. I got to see first hand how Chief Barnett uses his resources for the community.
At least what they are posting has more relevant and/or entertaining content than your first two posts, A4S. Let's not forget, as some people do, that the Ludington Torch is a social networking site, not a strict news site, but one where you have the "right to speak freely, but do so responsibly".
I have learned two things today from a person named "EyE on Ludington", 1) that presuming someone who names herself 'Jen', talks with a lot of inside information about a committee which is reportedly presided over by a person named 'Jen', who then admits she is that 'Jen', makes me an incredibly terrible person.
2) that noticing that the people riding all around the town in golf carts on Macker weekend in total disregard for vehicle safety were oversized folks who really could have used the walk makes me a "hater".
I never knew!
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