The agenda for the Ludington Area School District (LASD) Board's special meeting on Aug 30, 2021 noted that only two action items were to be voted on. One of them was to approve three new qualified teachers, something that turned out not to be controversial and didn't explain why the board called the meeting in the auditorium to accommodate the 100 or so people that showed up.
What drew in the crowd just so happened to be the district's back-to-school plan, especially the part of that plan that would mandate mask use based on whether local Covid test positivity rates was above a certain arbitrarily-picked level. Some of the 27 members of the public mentioned fears of quarantine and vaccination policy, but every speaker touched on mask policy and all but one expressed a desire for the board to consider parental choice.
In a 4-3 vote after the comments, the board adopted their positivity rate mask mandate and ignored the voice of the parents, teachers, and students that came before them arguing for allowing parents and students the freedom to choose. The board's ultimate lesson: blind compliance to pseudoscience trumps freedom.
When public comment started, Board Chairman Carlson was not strict on having people state their names, several didn't, or mentioned their name before it was caught on the microphone. If I massacre a name, or if you know who it was that spoke, please let me know and I will update this article.
The first speaker wore an "Arrest Fauci & Gates" shirt and no mask (like most people). It wasn't surprising that he offered several multi-page documents to the board supporting his belief that forcing kids to wear masks was an unconscionable form of slavery. Among his handouts was a letter from a frontline doctor, along with notices and directives of the Nuremburg Trials.
Mindy indicated she was not there to express an opinion, but as a mom speaking of the right of free will. She told the board to step back, consider that she and other moms spend their life protecting their kids before the board uses their feelings. "It was wrong to hide behind a mask and block their smiles."
Carol Nichols noted she was new to Ludington and stated freedom isn't free. She reminded the board of the small size of the virus and that if you can pick up the smells of food, flowers, etc. while wearing a mask, it won't protect you from the virus.
Dan Fulton spoke of him and his wife Letha having careers (in coaching and dance instruction) where they deal with children. Noticed only 8 children have died in Michigan, none locally, and noted masks protect only from falling droplets from the infected.
Kathy Winczewski, city councilor, spoke approvingly of the board's compromising position, saying how it might not be perfect, but that it was workable. Board members need to stick together, I guess. This motivated me to get up during her comment to find myself the only one in the queue line at that point. She finished just as I got in line. I offer my full comment here:
XLFD: "Dr. Morse from the local health department has supplied you with a host of resources in the realm of pseudoscience complete with lies, damned lies, and statistics, in order for you to choose to require mask wearing at Ludington schools. Many of you probably consider this the politically expedient choice to make, claiming health and safety of staff and the kids. That choice is not rational when you look at the larger picture of the physical, psychological, and educational damage that you will be inflicting on the children when you look at the overall dynamics of mandated masking.
It appears this board will base mask wearing on the arbitrary metric of test positivity rates, which could lead to masks on for one week, masks off for another based solely on there being more or less than 1 in 10 covid tests in the area yielding a positive result. This is just plain dumb.
Let me refresh the board about masks and their efficacy in the State of Michigan. The stats are courtesy of the CDC.
On July 10, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued an executive order taking effect immediately requiring individuals to wear masks or face coverings when in indoor public places and outdoors when distancing is not possible and for businesses to enforce face mask usage on the general public. The 7 day average of covid cases at that point was 509 cases per day. That would be the low point until most mask mandates were eased on May 14, 2021. Starting in early October 2020, 7 day averages of
cases never fell below 1000 until May 27, 2021-- two weeks after the mask mandate was eased.
Between the dates mask mandates went into effect and were eased, you had a bell curve between those two low points in cases (I made a bell curve with my left and right hand starting low and finishing above my head).
If mask mandates were the only variable under consideration, these stats clearly show that the mandates didn't work in Michigan, but that's not how math and science work. Most of Dr. Morse's resources assume one variable or cherry pick data points in offering statistics that do not reflect the comprehensive reality. Not one study looked at student mask use in isolation from other mitigation measures, or against a control. This is done intentionally and with a transcending political motive that has nothing to do with the health and well-being of our kids.
A comprehensive study published by the CDC in May covering mitigation strategies used in 190 Georgia schools last fall found that a masking requirement of students failed to show independent benefit from masking. {I was stopped here, I would have continued} Many of America’s peer nations around the world — including the U.K., Ireland, all of Scandinavia, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy — have
exempted kids from wearing masks in classrooms. Conspicuously, there’s no evidence of more outbreaks in schools in those countries relative to schools in the U.S., where the solid majority of kids wore masks for an entire academic year.
The CDC recommends indoor masking for all individuals age 2 years and older, including students, teachers, staff, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status. The MDHHS recommends that all schools adopt policies to: Require universal masking for all students, staff, and visitors regardless of community transmission rate or vaccination status.
A recommendation and another recommendation, zero mandates from these public health agencies. Do not feel obligated to go beyond a strong recommendation when you consider mask usage policy. Stay relevant. Thank you."
The people that most impressed me this night was the teachers and students courageous enough to come before the board and debate the proposed policy. Noah Laman was the first to speak, a math teacher who also questioned the positivity rate procedures. He actually echoed my last unstated paragraph, by noting that Dr. Morse and DHD #10 was only there to make suggestions and recommendations, and that the board need to consider the overall benefits compared to the drawbacks.
The next unnamed speaker emphasized it should be one's choice to wear a mask and that vaccines were experimental. Related a personal mask story involving her children, taking the full 3 minutes.
Ali Bandstra, a senior at LHS, disliked that teachers had become mask police, and other students are eyed with suspicion if they show any sort of symptom. Related how sad it was seeing students have to distance themselves on playground and go out in smaller numbers. She wanted the board to think about the wellness of the community and the students, and give them a choice.
Dory talked about the difficulty with masks in learning phonics & speaking to learn language, especially for those with speech impediments and autism that get distracted.
The next teacher explained how one can tell who's actively listening and understanding by looking at faces, which is hampered by masks. "Please unmask our students."
Melissa concentrated on quarantining protocols and of how some asymptomatic students were quarantined multiple times, often without any good reason.
The next speaker told the story of a 6 year old girl who would get recurring staph infections from mask-wearing. Told a sad story of how she kept to her room at home for fear of infecting others and killing them.
Joy believed parents should have a choice, asking the board to look at what's actually happening to the children rather than listen to the limited info the health department is sharing.
Ed Wilson noted only 38 deaths occurred in Mason County. Asked the board to follow their heart.
Amy Stone worked at LASD for 27 years, claimed masks led to numerous emotional issues and difficulties. Thought positivity rate testing was bad.
Deann Rohr(?) told of how mask wearing led to feelings of isolation, and young suicides. "If something is dividing you it is coming from Satan, uniting things come from God." Stressed unity and was worried about kids getting vaccinated in schools without parental consent.
Judy Dickenson introduced herself as a mental health professional and has heard a lot of kids mention death & dying in talking with them, masking being a part of their problems. Many do not want to go to school because they are forced to wear mask. Suggested giving them a choice and prayer.
Eddy Gamble, an LHS senior, related how he was removed from class for wearing his mask under his nose and that it was an inconsistent policy (at which point he noted that Superintendent Kennedy was wearing his under his nose, in a bit of levity). He wondered why a minority of people wanting masks were putting their will over the majority who want choice.
Kathy Ingraham tersely asked the board whether they wanted to keep the kids idealistic or stifle all of their creativity by mindlessly wearing masks.
Jim Williams noted that the size of a Covid virus can get through all masks in use at the school, and added how weary masks make individuals.
Jay Schillinger argued for freedom of choice and encouraged the board and others to stand up for what they believe.
Cheryl Laman was concerned about the plan, the board taking away her rights, and that they wanted to decide her children's health care.
Dawn Tebow admitted she was Eddy Gamble's teacher that day he was disciplined. She did not want to be put in that position again. She encourages kids to respect the rules, but when you mandate masks you take away choices.
Melissa Russell, another teacher, believes in positive intentions, and hoped the board had them. She wondered about logistics of the increased absences that come with masking up , concluding it was better logistically to allow choice.
Judy, another elementary teacher at Foster urged the board simply to make a decision for what's best for the kids & keeping them in school.
Brenda Massey, another teacher, finished by relaying how difficult a decision it was, thanked the superintendent for his service to LASD, and reluctantly noted she would be willing to mask up if that was what the board decided.
Board member Autrey noted that the policy to be considered would be amended to reflect the CDC's positivity rate numbers since they are more frequently updated.
Member Foster was worried about government overreach.
Member Ashley came out strongly for choice, telling a rather personal story of how she had two kids in counseling during Covid that would continue to suffer.
Member Reed says she has been getting numerous emails urging her to vote for the proposed policy (which was difficult to believe given the testimonials at the meeting, I have sent a FOIA request for those emails to see who would avoid telling the rest of the public their story).
Member Snyder asked the superintendent whether in-person and on-line learning could go on at the same time and whether they could navigate with a 20-30% absent rate that accompanies mandates.
Member Nagle bragged that he got to teach that day for the first time in two years, gave several indications he was planning to vote for the policy.
Member (chair) Carlson said the plan wasn't perfect, but he liked it.
With the almost unanimity of voices asking for choice and with only two board members wearing masks (Calrlson and Nagle), it seemed possible that they might vote the policy down until their statements indicated what would be a 4-3 vote, with Ashley, Foster and Snyder voting against.
One couldn't help to think, as the meeting adjourned, how the members of the majority in the school board should receive the grade of 'A' in the class of hypocrisy. Not just for both Autrey and Reed sitting within six feet of their fellow councilors and superintendent without wearing the masks they just mandated for all LASD students this year, with a metric (test positivity rate) that cannot be independently verified outside the local health department.
It's for the fact that they went through the meeting with two microphones being used by the seven board members and the superintendent. These mikes were passed down between councilors regularly during the regular meeting, handled without using hand sanitizers or any other protection, spat into during their comments, and passed down the line again. Had one of these board members actually carried Covid, the whole group would likely be suffering from handling and sweating onto the greasy mike in their mitts. These are the callous fools deciding on the health choices for your children.
The last paragraph sums it up. Bunch of sheep just following the hype not the real statistics.
I don't know or if it has been asked so, If mask are made mandatory to wear during the school day, does the school provide each student a new mask every day ?
Excellent report X. Thank God there are teachers who see what is really going on and I am pleased that they had the guts to stand up and voice their concerns. Stump, that is a very good question. Is the LASD taking on the responsibility of providing masks? Along with that question, I would also ask: Will the LASD take responsibility for children who suffer from other medical problems caused by wearing masks? Will the LASD take responsibility for mental and emotional problems children suffer because of the mask mandate? Will the LASD pay for the medical, mental and emotional problems suffered by children because of their actions. I think each and every school board member who voted for this fiasco should be held personally responsible and face a law suit for any harm caused by the mask mandate. That includes the school principals and the Superintendent. They all must be held accountable for this insanity.
The teachers were very brave, the parents were courageous in their own right, but pound-for-pound the most hardy souls who spoke IMHO were the two seniors. Ali Bandstra's presentation spoken from her own experiences and empathy over seeing others in intense torment had me tearing up, for I know too many kids who loved going to school before Covid mitigation came around and now have a reluctance to go. Eddy Gamble reduced the argument down to easily understandable terms, pointed out double standards.
Both spoke well, it's too bad they will both have to cover their emotive and handsome faces up with masks for the foreseeable future and go through their last year of school with so much uncertainty and fear.
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