When June arrived this year, Detroit Tiger fans, who had already been able to go to home games without masks, were granted the ability to fill the stadium with fans after having capacity restrictions removed. The family below went to the stadium on June 20th to see the Tigers walk off with a win after scoring two runs in the 10th inning to beat the Angels 5-3. They were among the 21,000+ spectators in the park that day, roughly half the total capacity of the stadium, without a mask in sight other than for the catcher and home plate umpire.
Hopefully, you are continuing to read along, believing this to be more than a baseball article due to the title (or maybe you like Tiger baseball and hope for even more about this team). It's an introduction to a locally-supplied defense of having mask mandates at the Ludington Area School District (LASD), and why that defense means nothing when we consider the hypocritical actions of the writer over the last two years.
Chaz Dila wrote a letter to the COLDNews that was published in the newspaper's Reader's Forum, it was a glowing support for why the LASD should require that masks be worn at school this year He raises a few points, ones that are often raised by the face-suppression side, to back his opinion. Take a couple of minutes to read it (tap the article picture to make it easier to read, if you must):
Analyzing his statements, he begins by claiming those in the area suggesting masks be worn are being physically threatened and intimidated by those against mask mandates. Please provide some evidence, Chaz, that this actually has happened. I have yet to find a free-facer physically or even verbally threaten somebody who decides on their own to wear a mask; what they take issue is when somebody tries to use authority to force masks on them, their kids, or others without a valid rationale. If asserting your right to choose your own level of medical protection or defend other's rights to make their own medical choices is threatening to you, Chaz, then you're a very temperamental former marine.
Oddly, Chaz mentions that occupation he had over 20 years ago, but fails to mention that he has been an elementary school teacher for the LASD for decades. While he has every right to have an opinion on the issue, it is somewhat unethical to publicly come out with this letter made to influence LASD policy without saying whether he is speaking for himself, and not for the entity he is employed by, or for the teacher's union he's in that backs universal masking for kids. It erodes confidence in the LASD, their school board, and the teacher's union as well.
Chaz goes on to tell us that children shouldn't be going into a grocery store unmasked, let alone a school setting. He then tells us that quarantining will be one of the end results of not masking up in schools, suggest that it may be wiser to supply kids with N95 masks to stop spread (experts agree N95 masks are not made for or would help young kids), before admitting the various medical agencies are only strongly recommending using masks at schools. He doesn't relate why parents and students can't decide on their own after considering these strong recommendations.
He comically asks for data that supports not masking up, and the qualifications of those opposing masks in school. Even with Big Tech companies trying to scrub dissenting scientific studies, physicians, and viewpoints, there are plenty of qualified medical voices out there warning folks of the short and long term consequences of wearing a mask when the health benefits seem to be overshadowed by the health and psychological detriments.
When the LASD Board meets on 6 PM on Monday, August 30th at their administrative building they will likely hear a lot about this. Maybe a board member or two will wonder why the most comprehensive CDC study indicates that wearing masks in schools have no significant benefit in terms of Covid-19 transmission. Why do many 'cancelled' pediatricians and epidemiologists have a lot of supporting science and statistics backing no-masks as preferable, while these unnamed bureaucracies endorse their stance with questionable and unproven studies and support, if any?
Rather than supply a host of disqualifiers to Chaz and his letter which has exactly zero science therein, and being at risk of being declared as threatening or 'the loudest voice in the room' undeserving of even being 'part of the calculus' in determining mask policy, I will allow Chaz Dila and the family he used politically in his letter to be his best refutation through pictures posted by him and his family on social media and available to the general public.
Chaz and his crew are surely one of the biggest Dave Matthews' Band fans. They went way out west to the city of George in Washington State to attend a concert back on September 5, 2020 at The Gorge, an amphitheater seating 27,500. Videos of that day show a full amphitheater of maskless people, including Chaz and his family. The state of Washington had indoor mask mandates in place at the time, courtesy of their health officials, which strongly recommended masks to be wore in crowded outdoor settings, especially when social distancing could not be employed. Chaz and crew ignored those strong recommendations.
Chaz's children look to be having a blast closer to home on August 11, 2021, less than three weeks ago, traveling to Clarkston, Michigan to attend another DMB concert at the DTE Energy Music Theater. It looks as if Chaz likes recording the happiness on their faces rather than slapping a mask on them in this venue which holds up to 15,234, and which local media admitted was almost at capacity this night. A normal classroom holds 25 and allows for social distancing, these 'superspreader' type events features being shoulder to shoulder with people that may come from just about anywhere.
Chaz and his family took a road trip to the shores of Sand Creek in Indiana to the Ruoff Music Center last weekend, a venue that seats over 22,000 people and it was packed. If you can't tell how packed it was in the dark recesses behind his two daughters above, you can see how crowded it was just below from a picture taken at the event. The headliner of that event was Maroon 5, but you just don't see any face-liners on the mugs of the people attending the event
Hamilton County, Indiana, where this venue is located, had a steadily increasing number of cases over this month. On August 21st, the 7 day average of cases was their highest level since January.
Isn't it rather telling that the same month that elementary teacher Chaz Dila wrote his very public defense of keeping masks on every LASD child's face, that he, his precious wife, and two beautiful daughters, went to two music concerts in Covid-19 hotspots packed with tens of thousands of people (absolutely no masks in sight), and failed to slap a face-diaper on their own mugs? Chaz, you are teaching us an excellent lesson in hypocrisy and showing what a pawn of the teacher's union you are.
You'll find Chaz in this list of teachers from Foster School. He makes good money thanks to his tenure putting him in the top 27% of his profession.
In Chaz's pseudo-defense, these pictures are mostly from his wife's social media, so he's not that dumb.
I agree, should have put a mask on them kids, but only in your postings. It's time for Willy to do his Photo alterations.
I generally try not to alter a photograph when I'm using it to prove a point, though I had the same nagging caveat that you and Lake Lady have mentioned in posting the pictures of the kids, and was thinking of obscuring their eyes with black rectangles.
I decided against it after considering that Chaz's wife has been a school psychologist at Ludington schools for over 20 years and figured that if she and her husband were okay with posting unedited photos of their kids on social media that they should not have a fit when they see this-- as they assuredly know the potential problems, and posted these photos anyhow on their page without any privacy filters. You will note that I have not linked to the social media posts or provided the names of the chlldren pictured to not unduly call attention to them, but rather call attention to their father.
In a nutshell, Chaz is exactly what is wrong with this Country. He represents the Leftists thinkers in our society who can't seem to understand the meaning of the Constitution and what it stands for. Chad is woefully ignorant, tremendously hypocritical, and very devious. All trademarks of the left. And if that was not enough, he's a teacher who is in charge of educating the children. Chad uses twisted logic, creates false narratives, espouses false information and outright lies. Is this the kind of person who should be influencing our kids. He seems to have a problem doing the basic informational research regarding this phony pandemic and the plot by the Left to keep people cowering with fear. It's unbelievable to me that there are still people who wear these stupid masks. I don't mean people with compromised immune systems. I mean healthy people who have a better chance of being killed by a 50 pound turd falling from a UFO. Chad is the kind of teacher that people should have their children avoid. He is the kind of teacher who should have his class under observation so parents can see exactly what he is teaching. Having classes with video cameras is an idea that parents should require, just so we can find out which teachers want to poison the children with Leftists propaganda. I checked on youtube and other internet sites regarding face coverings and found that, again, information that I previously found is being removed and censored regarding the Left's tactics of trying to control the population. I found scant information on why children should not wear face masks. I have to ask Chad, did he serve in the Marines so that the first amendment can be twisted and stepped on. Or so that the press and media can lie, withhold and censor information.
Now more than ever, it's worth the time to take a role in your child's education, especially if they're in the public school system. If they don't bother to listen, there are alternatives.
I have to agree with X's posting of Chad and his children because kids are the main subject of this topic. Don't forget that Chad DIla wants to have everyone else's children be forced to wear masks. He is the one who decided to go public with his viewpoints regarding removing his student's parents rights and decisions regarding their safety and welfare and did not disclose that he was in fact a teacher. Chad purposely deceived the public by not informing them in his editorial that he represented the school district. That decision was paramount to lying. How can he be trusted after using such an underhanded tactic? I altered the photo I posted only because I have a program that allowed me to do it.
I strongly encourage everybody to attend tonight's meeting. I have been trying to debate those who want to place masks on our kids for the second year, but all I seem to be getting is homilies, CNN articles, and instructions on how to minimize the damage you are doing to your children's physical, psychological, and educational growth by having them wear masks all day.
I want to hear one of these pro-maskers actually have a sane argument worth refuting instead of some appeal to the heart or some creative use of statistics. I plan on being there, having a rare Monday night off from city hall meetings in Scottville and Ludington.
It's 6 PM on Monday, August 30th at their administrative building on Tinkham, just east of the middle school.
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