Back on the night of March 12th, I came very close to being shot by contracted killers hired by the City of Ludington (COL) to shoot deer in Cartier Park.  I entered the park at 5:45 PM that day, intent on spoiling bait piles and chasing out deer from the area before the cull was set to begin.  At multiple meetings, found in the minutes and recordings of those meetings, the public was told deer cullers would do their business in the middle of the night, and that the COL would make sure it was done safely.  They lied. 

I was lucky to have seen the culler's ATV in broad daylight through the trees before he saw me.  He would take 8-10 shots before I was able to clear the area, one which had me dive for cover.  I was fortunate enough to be 'rescued' from fatal harm by the Ludington Police Department, only to be treated not as a near-victim of gun violence by their hired killers, but as a common criminal guilty of being in a public park where guns are not allowed but gunfire was happening all around me.  I was given a letter of trespass that stated I could not set foot in Cartier Park for a month.

As concluded in my account of what happened that night:  "The letter of trespass says that I disturbed the peace, but the only peace that was disturbed that night was my own, by the city's contracted killers acting well before darkness, threatening my life by acting against what the city told us all.  I was enjoying a city park in broad daylight, entering the park through a location where there was no barriers or signs alerting me to any danger.  I then had my ID taken from me and was considered guilty of a crime and given punishment without any due process.  That punishment was to keep me out of a public park that my taxes are used to pay for maintenance, upkeep, and this year, bloody murder of cute animals and near murder of a lesser-cute me." 

In the six months since, I have railed against the COL's negligence in this forum and at meetings, carelessness that nearly cost me my life.  No apologies and no admissions that they could and should have done a better job of securing the area and minimizing the probability of a human casualty.  As noted, I saw another person in the middle of Cartier Park scant minutes before I saw their ATV.  The COL have been quiet-- until now.  I received this from the local district court this morning:

For those who don't believe that lawfare ( the use of legal systems to damage or delegitimize an opponent) has been used against Trump and many of his supporters, please understand that the state or the city can come after you if you stand in their way, just like they are trying to do here.  They are charging and trying to prosecute this citizen for two misdemeanors that do not seriously apply.

First off, they are charging me with operating a vehicle with a revoked or suspended license in the vicinity of Bryant Road.  The night of March 12th, my vehicle was nowhere close to Bryant, parked at my business, but beyond that I have never had my license suspended or revoked before or since.  Had the LPD (or the Mason County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) who made the report) checked in with the Secretary of State's office, they would have found this out, but alas, facts don't matter when you're making lawfare.  

Second, the letter of trespass for a public park issued by LPD's Captain Haveman was given without any form of due process and without any recognized authority for doing so.  The ACLU explains more in detail, but the whimsy of a police captain to draw up a "letter of trespass" on the spot for a public park and give it to a victim of the COL's negligence is a preposterous abuse of civil rights.

Incredibly, they have so much wrong on just one piece of paper.  The range in the dates this occurred are off, I was at the park the night of March 12th, walked the park on the next day, talked with Mitch Foster who said I could continue looking for indications that any deer died in Cartier Park that night (I found no sign of gore or deer-moving with a very thorough search the morning after, inconsistent with cullers who claim to have bagged around 20 in the 76 acres of Cartier Park that night).  The summons says the event(s) took place the week after, they sent it to an old address. 

Foster, city manager at the time, allowed me leeway to look around that morning after the cull, despite the illegitimate no-trespass order.  Although neither him nor Haveman have any authority to take away due process for a near-victim of their recklessness, it makes any sort of claim to a trespass the day after more specious.

I sent the MCSO a FOIA request today to receive a report on this particular incident, which will, of course, be one-sided since I was never contacted in any way by the MCSO, despite seeing the sheriff regularly at meetings, and talking with him twice for one hour each in regard to my public extortion complaint.  This topic, however, never came up.  This spiteful bit of lawfare indicates all cogs of our local justice system is more system than justice.

Speaking of which, should this arraignment be passed up to the circuit court, will Judge Susan Sniegowski properly recuse herself from the case since her husband, Tom, is one of the witnesses?  If her recent corrupt actions are any indication, she won't.

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It really is unbelievable what the local elites attempt to get away with. I was told a story last night about a local rule enforcer that would make anyone’s blood boil. I wish I could expand further, but I don’t need any false complaints made about me. Let’s just say the rule enforcer, lives by their own laws.

I hear a lot of these tales of woe myself and only wish I could set everything aright for the victims of what amounts to gang violence, where the gangs wear either blue or brown uniforms.  I often get mischaracterized as being anti-police by others who supposedly have the highest regard for law enforcement officers.  If they truly loved cops, they would get as hot as you or I do when we hear stories and see videos of poorly trained and adjusted local police acting badly.  If you don't hold officers to high standards, you get this every single time.

What scares me now is that they have a new police dog that will soon be used by Thief Jones department as the newest alternative to deescalating a situation.  "I wonder if he is enjoying learning how to take a bite?", they ponder in their new Facebook post as they show him being trained to attack by his LPD handler.

And of course, the LPD through the city council hasn't proactively passed any sort of policy on how this new asset can be used.  If you refuse to show ID when the law says you don't need to, as I originally did in Cartier Park on the March evening I apparently was involved in two crimes devised a half year later, I may have been made dog food and charged with felony resisting charges for trying to protect myself from fatal attack dog damage.

One scary coincidence with this is your reporting on some of the other individuals involved behind the scenes at the courthouse. One that likes to party mid week and just won an election. The other being a person of authority whose ethics and transparency have been highlighted a lot recently. Was there any conflict of interest with these charges being filed?

The City of Ludington has contracted with the County Prosecutor for prosecuting only criminal city offenses for the last two decades (see p. 94 of the 9-25-23 LCC minutes for the latest contract worth over $17K a year).  Magistrate Glenn Jackson was asked by me to provide the court file the day after I received this summons, after he declared by signing the summons that there was probable cause to believe the defendant committed the above offenses.  Only the summons was available, no affidavits, no police reports that I have found do not exist as certified by the county sheriff, nothing else.  The magistrate has access to SOS records that should have indicated I have never had my license revoked or suspended, as claimed in the summons, the trespassing charge is laughable when the facts are known.  Shoddy work by the prosecutor and court in allowing this lawfare to go on, but I'm sure they know that.  I'm sure I will get the worst court-appointed attorney too.

So you are being denied discovery documents?

Discovery generally isn't allowed before arraignment, a process where I sit in front of a judge and he reads the charges against me and I enter a plea.  In most situations, you can at least find from filed warrant requests and police reports what the nature of the charges is.  None seem to be present here.  I will informally ask for these in court from the prosecutor, but probably won't get anything until after my attorney does a discovery request.

This is nuts. This is a great example of people of no consequence who have been given power and authority over others and who have absolutely abused that power. These people have demonstrated how the seed of arrogance can grow into an out of control group of self important tyrants. Judging from the paper trail they have created it seems they are also ignorant of the concept of how to act when their authority is legally and ethically challenged. This is happening all over America, even in tiny town, Ludington. Thanks X for being the voice of the people because in tiny town, tyrants can affect peoples lively hood and status if they speak up against all of this corruption that officials have engaged in and this has been a fact in Ludington for years.

Interesting video, I'd say there's a growing level of structural corruption in Ludington, because you can point corrupt behavior out until your face turns blue, and only if there are dire consequences for not continuing the corruption, it continues unabated.

And that's a good reason why they can do something as outrageous as this is and believe that it will work out well for them.  City hall has their checks on local media, local county agencies, the courthouse, they figure that they can do whatever they want as long as they work as a 'team'.  I would love to go back to my teaching roots and give the council a long course on ethical conduct, but I doubt they would listen to me, particularly now when they can claim that I am a soon-to-be-arraigned criminal. 

They are doing to me locally, what they are doing to Trump on the national level, but in both instances, everyone should remember that they are coming after my freedom, because I'm fighting for everyone else's freedom, and I am an inconvenience standing in their way.

"It is time that our city does what needs to be done to stop being held hostage by one person...". 

--Former Ludington Charter Revision Commissioner Karen Nielsen, 2023 calling on the City of Ludington to use their authority and powers to neutralize myself by whatever means. 

Our city leaders, who never distanced themselves from this rhetoric even when asked to do so, and who have demonized me ever since, showed more restraint than this 'Karen', waiting until now to take concrete action against my liberty and freedom-- using baseless charges, naturally.  Please don't disturb my next golf game by having someone hiding in the bushes with an assault rifle when it all fails and backfires against this kleptocracy.

In the recap of the meeting I asked for decorum from city officials I continued, by analyzing what Nielsen said:  

"Okay, so what do you normally need to do to stop hostage takers, a name that doesn't apply to me?  If you're a city, wouldn't you send your police force after them and use force to free the hostages and take the bad hombre into custody to face serious crimes?  That's what needs to be done according to Thugsy Nielsen, and that's why I take it as a threat, particularly after being targeted this summer by the LPD, which they continue to deny even though it's clear they did.  

If you're a public servant, and you make threats saying your powerful gang needs to stop someone from holding them accountable, then you are a thug.  If you ignore laws, you're a scofflaw.  If you commit fraud, you are a fraudster.  These are appropriate labels, they are not implied threats issued by public servants looking to use their power and authority for pest control, as if I was a deer in the Ludington Elementary school yard that needs to be culled by council edict."

I wasn't aware of this article about Karen Nielsen's "life lessons" and that she has been a teacher of social studies and history in Battle Creek, Texas and WSCC. I'm sure Karen Nielsen is part of the latest persecution by Ludington officials galvanizing her Battle Cry to "do what needs to be done" to stop the Disruptor/Hostage Taker (Tom Rotta).

It's really disturbing that a teacher of social studies would not have more knowledge of democracy and vision and tolerance of other persons' opinions, even if she jumped on the bandwagon of Ludington corruption and honestly can't see through it.

It is a very sad state of local school affairs to have such a one-sided radical left-leaning (imo) teacher and local government agitator.

It's OK for Karen Nielsen to spew hatred and chilling threats (sounds like killing) but not OK for Tom Rotta/Ludington Pitchfork to point out the truly deep-seated government ignorance, bias and corruption.

Good comments X and FS. It's hard to believe this type of corruption still continues in Ludington. Many of us wonder why the education system is becoming so indoctrinated with anti Constitutional teachings. Well Karen Nielsen is a perfect example of where this type of thinking is coming from. She spent all those years influencing our kids. Not good. I hope her students don't follow her example of squashing free speech and using the power of the Government to punish people that do not agree with her. The same people who  only want to defend that free speech and our other sacred freedoms and rights.


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