The meeting on Cinquo De Mayo of the Ludington City Council proved short at just a little over 25 minutes, mainly because the council had met just one week before. The main decision of the meeting was to vote on whether to extend each of the elected officials terms by one more year by moving the city elections from odd years to even years.
The council decided on this issue with minimal citizen involvement. Each of the three councilors who had heard feedback from the people had heard only from two-- it may have been the same two for each of them. All seven councilors voted yes, after a discussion of the minimal involvement, even after two readings at previous meetings. No big surprise.
The most time went to independent auditor Ken Berthiaume who gave a reading of his most recent audit of the city's finances. It's nice to have audits and it gives a nice check on possible mishandling of the public's funds, but audits in and of themselves are not failsafe in finding problems. Witness recent embezzlements that have occurred in the area at a school, a bank, a jeweler's, and a tulip committee. Even with backups, it took a while in each case to determine the books were wrong.
They passed an ordinance to accept a two year contract with Mason County to supervise the assessment roll, and had a first reading of effectively renewing a contract between the City's Recreation Department and the Ludington schools for pool and other facility use.
Monday also marked the beginning of Public Service Recognition Week (May 4-10, 2014), where many public officials and members of the public, publicly acknowledge the fine work of their public servants. It would have been an excellent opportunity for the councilors to give a pat on the back of deserving city employees, but on this night, there was only one person who acknowledged the week and some of our public servants who deserved recognition. He was proud to serve a rather short public comment on the city council starting at 2:25 into the video below. Kaye Holman was not turned around this time.
And if you watch the video through to the end, you will see that citizen proudly wearing his Ludington Fire Department shirt (having served the community for 8 years in that position) once again being proud to serve the City Attorney a copy of the Claim of Appeal I sent to Grand Rapids early on Tuesday. This appeal, which I will talk of later, is an appeal of the orders I received from Judge Mark Wickens of the 51st Circuit Court dealing with the FOIA appeal I launched with Judge Richard Cooper back in 2011.
The same case where City Manager John Shay deliberately lied in a sworn affidavit, and the Judge's son, and current 51st Circuit Court judicial candidate (to take over his father's spot) was proud to serve on the defense team for over four months before his father admitted that fact to plaintiffs. The 51st Circuit Court has only got more corrupt and less proud to serve the people in the remanded decision to them by the Appeals Court, which determined plaintiffs were entitled to their costs and disbursements, which were denied them by Judge Wickens in the original judgment. More on this to come.
"Celebrated the first week of May since 1985, this week, Public Service Recognition Week is time set aside to honor the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, county and local government employees and ensure that our government is the best in the world.
Throughout the country, mayors, governors, agency leaders, communities and public service organizations participate in this week by issuing proclamations; hosting award ceremonies and special tribute events; and delivering messages about the value of public service.
The theme for this year 2014 is Proud to Serve, where government employees and leaders alike take the opportunity to communicate the benefits and value of the work they do.
I have seen no proclamations, ceremonies or events created by this unit of government for this week to celebrate the 300 people who work either part-time or full-time in service to the City of Ludington. Nor have I seen any of our government here tell me they are proud to serve the people of this City.
Councilor Castonia last week admitted he was proud to serve the people of the United States in protecting, defending and preserving the Constitution as a member of the US Army; that is incredibly honorable to do so with distinction. But he failed to mention his service to the public and the Constitution here in Ludington in his many years of public service as a policeman and a city councilor. That non-admission speaks volumes about the duties he has often neglected as a member of both local agencies.
As a public servant, unless you unlawfully claim yourself exempt from swearing an oath to our Constitution (such as our City Manager and others have failed to do with permission by this public body) you are duty-bound to protect, defend and preserve the ideals of that Constitution. Councilor Castonia did that as a soldier, but apparently it became less important when he was actively dealing with constitutional issues as a policeman and councilor, sworn into office.
Tonight the council will vote to decide as to whether they get another year in office, justifying it by saying it will save over $15,000 per year. I have looked at the budget, and have found that number to be severely overestimated by nearly a factor of two. However, it still saves thousands, it gives the people a break from all the lawn signs and politicking every other year, and so how can you be against it? Enjoy your extra year of public service, be proud to serve and not just proud and unde-serving; I will keep recognizing it whether it be good or bad.
I will give a positive shout out to the City's water utility maintenance section. I have dealt with several members of this department over the years and they have been responsible, customer-oriented, and professional in those encounters. Thank you all for your service."
Tonya Reiman couldn't have done it any better. Thanks for the body language analysis.
I think the council was geared up more for another hit on the incompatible public office thing with the Sergeant Mayor, but they had to shelve anything they had prepared regarding that for later.
Isn't it amazing how I can bring up that lack up an oath of office thing as often as I want, and John Shay (and the city attorney) never takes care of it? He is not a public officer as defined by our state: MCL 15.151
This has been at issue for three years, it involves him getting in front of the city clerk and swearing a one sentence oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the State and the Nation, then signing it and putting it on the public record. I guess he's not willing to make such a commitment. When you couple that with him purposefully lying on an affidavit sworn under oath by him dealing with illegally withholding public records from the people, and purposefully libeling me viciously just after he had the city's insurers pay out $15,000 on account of his personal vendetta against me, you begin to see why I have no respect for him, and think he's the biggest liability our city has.
Another fine article X.
I expecially like the Castonia roast. Most of the self serving Council should take notice of the words you expressed to them. As far as "public service week" I have a different view point. To me there is no such thing as a public servant except those that volunteer their time and to those individuals I salute you. But, all others are not public servants, they are paid employees of the people who should be doing what they are paid to do. "Public service week" is akin to "drive thru window employee week". They're all paid to do their job and their paycheck is the pat on the back they deserve. Setting a day aside for public employee recognition is self serving and irritating especially when certain segments of public employees make the lives of the citizens who pay them miserable. Especially deserving for recognition of being a self serving bunch of yahoos is Ludington's City Council who have just voted themselves an extension of their terms in exchange for the excuse of saving tax payers some money. I say, save money in other areas and projects where they do not gain a benefit from.
Nice videos Willy. I particularly remember the Bell, California scandal when it broke and everyone found out how much money was filtering from the city coffers to the elected councilors, mayor, city manager, and others, before it was caught. At about two minutes into the second video, we find out that the way they were able to perpetuate the thievery was by thwarting public record requests by people who were wondering where the money went. At 3:15 in you find out that the local media was complicit in the cover-up, and were not critical to the Bell public officers. Sound familiar?
Sure sounds familiar doesn't it. Sort of like Deja Vu Ludington style. By making public information hard to obtain the City of Ludington automatically casts the shadow of suspicion over themselves and the Council has adopted a na na na attitude just like children especially that childish imp Holman. Because she's a member of the Council she only hears compliments from her constituents but behind her back they're probably wondering why a woman her age is acting like a 2nd grader.
Holman has to step up her game by a whole grade level for the next council meeting; it's the annual matinee showing of the Ludington City Council in front of the Foster School Third Graders.
It should be interesting to see how Mayor Cox handles the youngsters, and whether he will also greet them over at the police station when they travel over there.
Really mature, saying "Is the mayor going to pull his gun out next and shoot the kids." How is the relevant to anything about the Mayor or kids coming to a city council meeting? What the hell is wrong with you to say something like that about elementary school kids?
''This is where you will potentially be robbed, arrested, raped,and or murdered, in the near future,lol." WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? My lord you have something wrong between your fricken ears talking like that about kids.
It isn't the most mature observation by john streeter, but I don't recall that he has ever took the maturity mantel upon his back. Streeter, you may want to moderate yourself better when you post in the middle of the night
Then next time, keep the posts left up, and dig yourself up out of any sort of hole you put yourself in. In my five years here, I have not removed any of my postings (except one due to a legal compromise with the City's attorney during the WSP federal lawsuit) I have edited some thread heads to link to other information or updates, but if I have said anything offensive to some people, it remains.
The sergeant mayor reference was a little over the top, and just gave your critics more 'ammunition' to use against you and potentially this website, which can detract from the effectiveness of both.
Folks don't like to hear or read things that involve children being victims of violence or abuse, especially to make a point about something totally unrelated. I agree with X. We sometimes get angry with city politics and even make critical or humorous comments about politicians but they are fair game especially when they act outside or above the law.
Better living thru chemistry is an excuse? Dilaudid is and can be a very dangerous drug streeter. It's a form of morphine pal, not something to injest and get hooked on for kicks due to pain.
Bribing them with House of Flavors Ice Cream? Already been done figuratively by the Neals, from what I've been told.
Thanks for that accurate observation Johnny. Many times of late, I have found that the posts and nude videos of streeter leave me wondering too, into the world of adolescent babbling. Having said that, I often feel like that person is locked in the body of a 48 year old man, but with the mind of a 14 year old boy. Let me be clear, this is my observation, not an attack, nor name-calling, simply my opinion, which by law and constitutional rights, I am entitled to. Thanks for posting this X, and your insights into making the meeting meaningful and poignant. And council, you just voted yourselves another year in a position of authority, when all too many of you ran uncontested for your position. What I and others would have voted for, if given that citizens opportunity, may very well have been different.
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