Former Mayor and His Daughter Open Downtown Ludington Pedicab Busine$$

A new pedicab business is being started by former Ludington Mayor John Henderson and his daughter Brandy Henderson, continuing with their family collaborations, but this time in the private sector.  In the article from the Mason County Press, it is unclear whether the Mayor or his daughter will be participating as pedicabbies, but at the ultra cheap rate of $2 plus $1 a block, how can you pass this up?

Easy; just keep walking for free.  The picture below shows them riding this pedicab in a place where the sidewalk markings and signs say regular bicycling is prohibited. 

LUDINGTON — There is a new cab company in Ludington, but this one doesn’t use any gas. Recently, the Sunset Spokes Pedicab Company opened up, providing service in and around downtown Ludington. The company was started by Brandy Henderson and her father, John Henderson (below), along with business partner Derek Kowatch.

The pedicab is similar to a rickshaw, operated by a bicycle pulling a cart. The carts can hold up to three people.

“What we wanted to do was provide service close to the parks,” Brandy said. “It’s a fun and creative way to get people from one place to another. We know sometimes parking isn’t always great at places like the beach. This is a great alternative.”

The cab service will operate everyday beginning the middle of June until Labor Day weekend. After that, Brandy said they will probably go down to weekends until the weather cools off.

Service will be available from 4 to 11 p.m. during the week and later on weekends.

“This is a unique experience for people to get to their destination but also to see the attractions Ludington has to offer.”

Brandy (left)  is the executive director of the Ludington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. John is former mayor of Ludington and works in human resources at OxyChem while Derek owns Shadetree Mechanic.

Rates are fairly inexpensive. There is a $2 base fee and then $1 a block. Cabs can be called at 231-233-8848. “Give us a few minutes though,” Brandy said. “Sometimes the drivers will have to come from the other side of town.”

At this time they have two pedicabs and will have four to six different drivers.

Brandy said the pedicabs will also be available for hire for special events and for special tours.

“So far it’s been really popular,” Brandy said. “We’ve only been operating on Friday and Saturday nights but we’ve been transporting people around town, mainly downtown. We are excited about this and think it will be a fun way to get around.”

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That pedicab I saw last nite was fairly easy to see, brightly lit. But, in the months of July and August, with traffic overbearing, speedy, hazardous, and all too many driving like NASCAR racers, I can easily predict that this is an accident(s) waiting to happen. I hope the Hendersons are prepared with huge insurance policy limits, into the $Millions, else they might find themselves bankrupt in a hurry. And some poor innocents out for a leisurely cruise in critical or fatal condition. Hard to believe the safety directors, Castonia and Barnett, haven't made some provisions for them to ONLY ply the back streets and safer areas this summer. It's still not too late guys, get your thinking caps on for this one, quickly please. 

Using your connections, feel free to scan and show us the receipts for these pedicabs, Alison.  Thanks in advance. 

My analysis, which could prove wrong:  Ludington is the wrong place to start a pedicab business in; its infrastructure, as it is, won't support it or make it a safe venture.  Once the novelty wears off, which likely will be quick, there won't be a lot of money in it, but a lot of complaints.  The CVB has deep pockets, however.

Name one good hardworking man or woman in Ludington that I have bashed indiscriminately here, Alison, and point to that bashing.  If I bash anyone here it is officials who fail in their oaths of office, break the law, bend ethics or otherwise fail in their public service.  I will bash businesses who unfairly partner with government to get subsidized by public monies.

The lack of any receipts for the pedicabs will be noted for the record.  Your brother should have copies of those receipts or at least should be able to ask his partners for a copy of the receipts and get them.  The pedicab expenses could very easily be written off by the Convention and Visitor's Bureau or the Downtown Ludington Board as a 'marketing expense'. 

Please do some research on the misappropriations of funds in the past in our Development of Authority series. 

In the half of a day you have been on the Ludington Torch, Alison, here is a sampling of your statements.  Are you not finding bad about everything here in your writings, offered with little or no justification?  About yourself you say:  "I am a nice person", then go on to say:

"Tom Rotta.. Why are you such a miserable person?"

"This is bullying!!! How do we teach our children to be civil and good people if we have GROWN ADULTS bullying eachother! This is sickening! You should be ashamed of yourself!!"

"Everyone's heard about your bicycle sob story.. Blah blah blah Tom.. Nobody cares! GET OVER IT!"

"Wow, you're funny.. Who would have thought you had anything besides a black heart?"

"...You are assuming the worst.. (Seems like that's all anyone does on this page) most anyone can open their own business and your just mad because you didn't think of it first!"

"...I don't need you to believe me or have faith in that because it's clear you don't have faith in anything. But you do need to stop bashing every good hardworking man and their love for this town. Just because you don't have any passion outside of hatered doesn't mean everyone else is like that!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself? Just because you are insecure or not happy with yourself does not mean you get to pick on other people! YOU ARE A BULLY!!! How do we stop kids from bullying other kids when the adults in our OWN COMMUNITY can't stop bullying others!!!!"

"Why? Because you are being a coward and don't want people to know who you are? Because you want to bash every good thing that this town has without people knowing your real name? What makes this place such a bad place? Why do you spend countless hours complaining and writing blogs about a town and the people in it?? I feel so sorry for your heart.. It must be so heavy to carry around? If you hate this town so much why do you continue to live here?"

"I can't wait to blow all your forums up :)..."

And yet you cannot be bothered to find anything backing up your claims and opinions.  You bash everything and everybody here, then claim others are bashing everything you hold dear while they are simply expressing their opinion or stating facts.  This is trollish behavior on your part.


Prove your points and stop being so negative. You might find supporters who agree with you but your lack of facts and the name calling does you no good when posing an agruement.

This isn't Hong Kong. All fun and games until one gets smacked by a vehicle not to mention it's a rip-off

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing too yetihunter. Only like Singapore or some other third world poor country that hasn't any other transportation better for commuters. 

Neither Yetihunter or Aquaman did any bullying in the comments you responded to.  Yet, Allison you engaged in labelling and namecalling, and assigning psychological attributes to others.  Please read our terms of service at the bottom right of each page and comment in a civil manner in the future.  Welcome to the Ludington Torch.

If this was anyone else other than our-still-very-politically-connected Mayor Henderson behind this venture, we would have had this city council pass a half dozen laws regarding 'pedicabs'. 

Ex-Mayor Henderson:  For a road diet that would have Ludington Avenue cut from 5 to 3 lanes; For 2003/2004 legislation that prohibited bicycles on downtown sidewalks; For installing bicycle racks all over the downtown sidewalks even with that prohibition; For Bump-outs like the one in front of Blu-Moon and obstructive signs throughout the sidewalk areas downtown that make walking or riding downtown difficult.

And now For pedicabs which threatens to clog Ludington Avenue if the road diet goes through, and willing to put these pedicabs on walkways and sidewalks that are prohibited to bicycle traffic.  And as you all note, street or sidewalk in the downtown area, it's unsafe for the riders and others.  If I had more time on Monday night's meeting, I would have asked for some overdue pedicab rules and ordinances.  Mayor Henderson has been peddling (pedaling?!) this idea in the background since last year, and they should have already been in place.  

Can't wait to get there this summer - I'm gonna take a ride in one. Personally I think,it's great for the walking challenged that still love to shop but don't have the stamina they used to.

Alison Sroka, I don't even know you, and you surely don't know me.  Why would you make such a comment?   And please, if I wanted to be referred to as "Tom Rotta" I wouldn't post as XLFD.  Show some courtesy; you have not done so yet. 

How and why did you join here Ms. Sroka? You obviously have too much hatred in your heart and mind to be a positive contributor here. I got several chat messages from you in the last 30 minutes, all threatening and insulting, since you joined here, and all I can say is: get a life, educate your mind, and you, quit bullying me and X for absolutely no reason. The only Sroka's I knew in Ludington were nice people from the 4th ward, like Dan and Dennis. 


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