Who is he?

This is a combination news article and musical, courtesy of the Ludington Torch and the local talented performer known as Ludington Police Department (LPD) Detective JB Wells.  The lone LPD detective who is probably best known for his help in germinating seeds from Baby Kate's father's shoes in order to pin a murder charge on him instead of just a lesser charge that landed him in prison for ten years or so.

At the trial of that charge, his role amounted to corroborating a very incomplete timeline.  One year later, there should be a few generations of plants, and no breakthroughs in the case, but the authorities are still blocking release of any part of the investigation.

“We’ve still got a job to do,” said Ludington Police Det. J.B. Wells. “We don’t have a baby yet.”

Maybe it's time to provide the full investigation to the public to finish the job of finding what happened to Baby Kate instead of having a small amount of people hoard that information and share only the parts that don't show the limitations of the investigation so far.   Let us not forget at the Baby Kate trial that there had been revelations of adoptive parents that weren't checked until the time of the trial, 10 months after Sean was apprehended for the crime.  One or two people looking at the facts, even  capable investigators sometime overlook obvious leads and clues, sometimes lack specific knowledge needed to properly interpret the evidence.  But during the time he was posing for the camera above (in July 2012) , he was involved with the investigation of the death of Lingyan Zou at the Ludington Municipal Marina.

One More Step:

Back in September of 2010, two years before this death, the inherent problem of the marina's new transient docks was discussed in the thread playgrounds-next-to-marinas:  "The new transient docks, as has been noted before, feature an open 'sidewalk' on the marina's edge which is also open to the public.  Notice how a single misstep can put a tourist or their kid over the edge and into the skanky water."  Recall this was the same year that two people died by falling off the lighthouse breakwall during inclement weather.

When the original news came out and was broadcast by the Torch in unidentified-body-recovered-at-ludington-municipal-marina, the Nostradami of the Ludington Torch were once again speculating that accidental tripping or foul play were the likely causes of death, but that the official line would be a suicide, there was even a comic strip Colon-Comix along that line.

The officials kept the information tight including the footage of their marina-cameras, but eventually the autopsy was made available the-mysterious-marina-death-of-lingyan-zou, and finally after due diligence we received the full police report, analyzed it, and found it a bit wanting  lingyan-zou-2012-marina-death.  The Colon Comix were not that far from the truth.

Out of concerns for truth, justice, and the American way for this Chinese national, we have decided to do more to find out the truth, which I firmly believe is not near the script that Detective Wells outlined in his investigation.  The obvious point to do this is to look at the weakest link of the investigation that can still be investigated.  The veracity of the records themselves.

Would you care to walk with me?:

I sent an E-mail to Mark Barnett this last weekend:

"...I write to you in hope that you can clarify something before I make myself look foolish in front of other people in New York by claiming that one of their neurologists, Dr. Jenny Su, has violated the confidentiality of Lingyan Zou's medical records when a variety of information was disclosed to your detective, JB Wells, in his investigation.

In order to get to the bottom of it, can you have Det. Wells send me the date(s) he contacted Dr. Su by the phone to get all the information he put in the report, as I want to find out exactly why she divulged all that information without it going through the proper channels.  Such a violation of patient-doctor confidentiality in New York, even when the patient is dead, is a big violation unless it is put through and okayed by the proper risk management authorities.  I am planning on lodging a complaint to New York authorities against Dr. Su, if she decided to disclose all that information without such assurances.

But, if I hear nothing by the week's end from JB or yourself, I will have to presume there was no such disclosure, and contact the appropriate Michigan agencies to seek justice and a thorough non-conflicted investigation for Lingyan.  Thank you.

This confidentiality break is significant and was explained with in the lingyan-zou-2012-marina-death thread.  A neurologist as experienced as Dr. Su would likely not give such information without assurances from her risk management people, and even then not by phone to someone who could be just about anyone.  The efficient teamwork of Ludington's information retrieval system (one thing I must claim some credit for) had John Shay respond to me on Tuesday morning:  "...The City granted your request, as we have previously sent you investigative reports for this case. The City denied your request since we have no other records related to your request other than to state that Detective Wells spoke with Dr. Su on the same date (August 28, 2012) that he wrote the supplemental police report, of which you already have a copy."

Now let's take a look at the report in total, and a quick timeline.  The event happened on June 2, 2012 and the autopsy (page 1) was signed by ME Marc Keen on June 14, saying: "she had been an inpatient at Bellevue Hospital in New York City where she was diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia and depression. She had prior attempts at suicide and ongoing suicidal ideations."  Autopsy.pdf

But nothing in the report at that time, no interviews, statements or documents, had any such revelations therein, at that point.  The only time that information was put down was on August 28, similarly on August 23 Detective Wells swore in an affidavit for a search warrant, among other things: "That according to family members and fellow employees, Zou had a mental condition, and had attempted to commit suicide in the past."  The police reports have no mention of any witness saying either, though they did say she was strange.

The records seem to indicate that Detective Wells has either left quite a lot of material out of his investigation at the least, or is guilty of swearing falsely on an affidavit, and providing false information to the coroner so as to get the best result for Lingyan Zou's death.  One that would protect the public entity he worked for from liability, and protect local tourism from the spectre of an uncaught killer on the loose, which would have resulted from a finding of an accidental or foul play death.

Let me supplement this report by saying that I believe that Officer Wells, beyond what I have seen in his investigations so far, is an individual who I believe is incapable of such deceit or machinations on his own.  He is a good Christian man with a good Christian family.  He may feel that nobody is harmed by the findings he presented in this case, but if he (or anyone else on the LPD) did knowingly fib to the medical examiner, or later fibbed on the affidavit, or later fibbed about the phone conversation with Dr. Su, there is somebody who has been hurt, maybe irreparably.  That person is the man he sees in the mirror.  Is there a good reason to bear false witness in this case just because your superiors want you to?


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You explained the other side of the story very well. I am amazed there was no autopsy. This seems to be another incident that screams for public scrutiny.

Yes, indeed.   But not by way of Ludington Daily.  Bob's sister caught Brian Mulherin leaving the building one day just at 5:00, and asked to chat.  When he asked her what it was about, and after telling him, he invited her back into the already locked doors to sit and disclose all that she did.  After doing so, he THEN said that he was sorry, but he was the A-reporter for the Ludington Police.  She didn't know their insulation went that far that they had their own puppet for a reporter who will only disclose what he is told to disclose.  Just to be sure to solidify the need to keep this case closed to the public, he went upstairs to "check" with the managing editor who could not bring himself to walk down the stairs and face her.  And Dr. Phil has had his fill with Ludington.  Let's see...  any other suggestions?

How many people do you need to verify that not only can Wells lie, but he can do so without blinking while staring straight at you.  He's good at what he does.  God certainly knows what kind of a "Christian" Wells claims to be.  But God also informs us that we know who Christians are by what comes out of their mouths, hearts, and lives.  "No one's perfect" cannot always fly, especially where murders have taken place.  Someone forgot to mention, maybe you, that Lingyan Zou had only air in her lungs when her body was removed from the marina.

Nikki, I received a bit of information from the LPD about the incident today.  A lot of thing don't add up, and, of course, as in the case of Lingyan Zou, there seems to be a rush to simplification, of neglecting to forensically check their conclusions, even beyond not ordering an autopsy, simply because they felt no one could leave the apartment and keep the chain lock secured and that he had an existing condition. 

Thanks for joining Nikki, and for your cogent posts. It takes real "gravitis" to post as honestly as you have. And yes, we figured the lack of an autopsy and the lack of water in the lungs of this young girl, meant a Certain Fact that drowning was NOT the case here! Detective Wells should face a Grand Jury for this incident, and face Felony charges for this intentional Negligence/Conspiracy!  The "fact" that Mulherin is another LDN crony is disgusting in the area of reporting to the public, but, with Evans, and Begnoche, as the co-conspirators, it sure doesn't surprise nor shock me for sure. Maybe that's why Evan's took an early retirement and resignation. 

Thanks for the welcome.  We appreciate your work here.  It takes people who care to make positive change happen.  Justice and citizen protection is an agenda, however, that citizens should not have to be spending so much time ensuring.  Then again, where there's no accountability, there breeds arrogance and callousness and abuse of power.  It's a shame.  It's as if they think natural laws do not apply to them.  Grand Jury might have to be the ticket unfortunately. 

They are only building their own case.  Why not come clean, I say.  Well, in fact, Bob Ford's sister asked them that.  Not quite like that, I don't think.  But after meeting with them in August of 2013, and trying to understand what was up with their defensiveness at that time, she sent an email to Barnett the next week assuring them that she wasn't out to fault them for mistakes like not listing the times of arrival and departure down on the initial report she received.  (That's as far as she got with her questioning.)  She told Barnett she was not interested in blaming them, she just wanted to find out what they knew about the death of her brother.  She even suggested that they work on it together, of all things.  What could possibly be wrong with that?   Something.  He never answered her email.  Considering the gross negligence, it still sounds pretty arrogant, and callous.   

Yes.  And the more you know - of what there is to know - the more their information does not add up. 

It is the truth we want that leads to justice being preserved.  What other way is there to operate with any level of security?   Those responsible for murdering the innocent must be held accountable.  And only an honest and devoted police force can accomplish that.  Residents count on the integrity that law enforcement vowed to protect them with.  That's quite a responsibility to take on, but don't take it on if you're not going to do your job AND in the process malign the name "Christian" you publicly profess to wear.  That, most blatantly, does not add up.  It's never mistakes that are the main problem.  It's intentions that need checking.  And its the open honesty that follows through to resolving mistakes that matter most.  Hiding fools no one.  The mishandling of these cases, and on-and-on I'm sure it goes - it's disgusting. 

On the positive side, it does keep the murder rate in the area down. 

Nikki, do you dispute the police finding that nobody could have gotten into the apartment to kill Robert Ford?  If so, why?  This is their most compelling evidence to remove the possibility of foul play, but is it the case? 

Well said Nikki, bravo. I think you hit the nail on the head with the observations on accountability. This is just something that LPD Chief Barnett insists is intact, no matter what his officers do or say in any case. The arrogance to believe they never ever make mistakes, is what is of utmost concern, along with the callous abuses of power. Together these two issues make for a huge enigma. Standing by your fellow officers is one thing, loyalty is a virtue. But, to cover up and lie to hide the truth, and make nilly willy excuses, and also ignore public concern over blatantly obvious issues, well, that's deceit and arrogance of the highest nature. And if you finally get fed up and go over their heads to the Mayor's office, you will be met with the same aloof attitudes. 

Indeed - accountability rocks!   Then again, how do we account for the mass annihilations of Jews, American Indians, of grown men fire-hosing school children who were born with too much melanin in their skin.  Without accountability, too much power becomes a psychosis.   Maybe the answer lies with our European friends, like France, for example.  Their government heeds to the calls of the people, not the other way around.  We, on the other hand, don't hold power accountable from the start which would keep it in check, instead of getting to the point of no returns.  More people need to get on the phone with their legislators and express the expectation that our law enforcement must be held accountable or be fired, or what.  Or, else deal with the after-effects of our own negligence, one or the other.  Complacency is what is destroying this country.  We are the frog that doesn't recognize he's being boiled to death.

Yes, he was killed in his apartment.  The fact that they've hidden and lied about the evidence that existed, even for them, only tells us that this claim they've made is a farce (and they can make any claim they want of course - they're police officers).  People do it all the time.  Did you hear on the news that an elementary school boy is suing the bully who wouldn't stop hurting the kid - even though the parents went to the school authorities over and and over again.  The school did NOTHING... except that the district posted this lengthy paragraph on how much they care about students being bullied.   ?!??   Wait a minute.. there's something wrong with those words, what is it?    So, ya, we'd certainly be willing to have our day in court with LPD on this one.  But then again, this case isn't their only foul-up.


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