OK here is a link about the demchickens
Them silly teachers and other union members are going to have some explaining to do when they go back to work. For some of them, its going to be hard to say they were sick when they were seen on the TV down at the capital. Part of me would like the WI gov to pull a Reagan and fire anyone not back at their job within the next day or 2... can't say though that I would see that ever happening.
Its kind of sad though that the people protesting don't understand how good they have it. They have gotten a pretty sweet deal up til now.. of course I suppose they do know that. Now that they been asked to do their part to, they don't want to. And of course they will wonder why their isn't any money or any jobs when everything goes to pot even further then what it has in recent times.
Its kind of funny how not more then 6 weeks ago after the tragedy in Arizona, the more liberal minded folks were talking about how to be nicer to each other, specially in regards to politics. Apparently that is completely out the window now. Check these pics out:
And of course no good protest is not going to have a Bush reference so here ya go....
So yeah, apparently the more liberal types have completely forgotten about the whole being nice to each other thing. Karma is a funny thing, its gonna come and nip'em on the butt when they least expect it.
And I heard that Obama is encouraging the antics of the protesters. Wonder if that is true?
When they do the major job cuts, then maybe some people will listen? NAH. The don't have ears to hear.
Governor Snyder needs to do the same things here as they are doing across the pond.
It doesn’t matter that Wisconsin public union employees have benefits the taxpayers can only dream of, or that Governor Walker is asking them to kick in a puny contribution to defray the cost of those lavish benefits. If the rhetoric of socialism were taken seriously, the government would be taking money away from these union protesters and re-distributing it to taxpayers, whose average compensation and benefits are worth much less. Socialist politicians and union bosses would lead modest, Spartan lives. But that’s not what socialism means in practice. It means government seizing the wealth of private citizens, and paying it to well-organized groups with political clout for sale. It means public hiring binges while the private sector suffers from double-digit unemployment.
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