This subject seems to keep popping up every so often in the media (Donald Trump commented on the subject a few days ago on the View) so I thought I would see what you all thought about on the subject.

My own thought on the subject is that I think Obama is a American citizen. I have a hard time believing the whole birth certificate thing wasn't looked at when he was looking to run for any of the offices that he was running for.


I don't think he helps himself by not simply putting the birth certificate out for all to see. One simple action would make the whole thing go away yet he spends millions (rumored at least to have spent that) to keep it locked up. By keeping it locked up, it makes people wonder if he is hiding something. Not real sure why he would want to keep the birth certificate hidden anyway, doubt anyone would be dumb enough to accept a birth certificate with the name Barrack Obama on it as a form of ID so its not like anyone would steal his identity with such a document. Maybe one of these days Obama will just put this behind him and get it over with it, once and for all.

By the way, before some idiot spouts off that "Oh, your just saying all this because Obama is black", No, i'm not saying anything because of the color of Obama's skin. Simply put, the president himself is keeping the story around.. want to blame someone, blame him :-)

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I had an E-mail sent to me. embedded  Title was Obama admits he was born in Kenya.   Why don't he prove he has a valid birth certificate and shut everyone up.  It used to cost $1.00 to get one.
I find it amusing that in some of those video's they try to say he is indonesian because of the last name Soetoro  possibly being on a school record. That is so funny, because how many kids did you go to school with who went by the moms new bf's last name when really the name was from the original father or mothers maiden name but the parents enrolled them in school with the new bf or husbands last name. *roll eyes*

The reason Obama's birth certificate was not brought up during the election was because the Republican candidate was not born in The U.S. Even though McCain was legitimate, he was born  while his parent was in the military. He did not want to shine any light on the fact he was not born here in the U.S.A.

Obama should produce the birth certificate. The reason he does not is that he obviously is trying to hide something. It may not be his place of origin. It could be that the certificate would show that his real father is Homer Simpson.

I wondered as well if it isn't really where he was born that he doesn't want known but something else on the birth certificate. Like RJE said, maybe a different dad than what his family thinks.
Really? At this late point in time, I kinda think the subject is null at best. He must have some real proof to have been elected earlier in the Senate and other positions of any governing importance. Having said that, the fact remains, he is the Only President in History, to have "Sealed his personal Records" right after taking Presidential office. So, I guess the $64,000 question will continue, but it's not germane to the crisis's at hand today, and therefore, I suggest, remain an enigma for now. Battlefields and a deep recession/depression still seriously affect the entire country, and need all our leaders focus.

If your parents are stationed in another country they are born US citizen.   Please respond on Obama and his wife statement that he was born in Kenya

McCain was born to American parents in a US territory (Panama Canal Zone) for anyone that is curious on the subject. Being born in a US territory is as good as being born within the borders of any US state.
Dave also if they was born in Japan, at any military base.
True True


If McCain, Palin, or BO's previous Democratic foes in 2008 didn't have to worry about being called racists and bigots for bringing such an issue up, this could have been confirmed one way or t'other long ago.  Now it will just be something for conspiracy theorists to argue about when they get together.

Another thing I keep hearing his his intellegece, a scholar, went to Ivy league college's, taught constitutioal law, on and on and on.How would anyone know, all his school records are sealed, along with his medical records, How in gods name could a country elect someone you know nothing about is beyond me. Even those in his college graduation class don't remember him.

It's unfortunate, but a country full of fools gets exactly what they deserve. To be led so easily, like sheep to a slaughter, out of shear laziness as to not take time to think for yourself, is beyond me.

This country  is on a very serious slippery slope to self destruction.

I've heard it said that people that were in the same classes as Obama supposedly was have no memory of Obama actually being there. Just adds more mystery to what exactly is going on.

Like I said before, this could all go away if Obama would simply show the proof... apparently though that's to easy.


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