Is anyone really surprised by this? I'm not. I'll never understand the mentality of people that would welcome anyone and everyone into the country with no regard as to where they came from and not expect that its going to cause an issue somewhere.
The number of illegal immigrants in the United States totaled 11.3 million in 2014, outnumbering the 9.6 million Americans who were unemployed in the same year, according to data from Pew Research Center and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
“An estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2014,” says a Pew report. “The new unauthorized immigrant total includes people who cross the border illegally as well as those who arrive with legal visas and remain in the U.S. after their visas expire.”
Of those 11.3 illegal immigrants, 8.1 million are participating in the labor force. “Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force,” Pew says. “In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012.”
In 2014, there were 1.7 million more illegal immigrants living in the United States than there were unemployed Americans. According to the BLS, the average number of unemployed Americans in 2014 was 9.6 million. The BLS defines an unemployed individual as someone who did not have a job but actively sought one in the past four weeks.
The executive action on immigration President Obama put in place in November of 2014 is set to help more illegal aliens become active in the labor force.
“Last year, President Barack Obama took executive action to expand an existing program and establish a new one that would offer work permits and deportation relief to an estimated 5 million unauthorized immigrants,” according to Pew. “The actions—which are on hold because of a lawsuit by 26 states—would be open to unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, who are parents with a child who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, as long as they meet certain requirements.”
I heard on the radio that Obama is giving money to Kenya to help secure their borders. This would be funny if he wasn't such a Marxist trying to tear down our borders. The fact that he is supported by millions of stupid americans makes a persons head spin just from the illogical brain freeze of the situation.
What's funny is when people post those infographs (memes) on social media like Facebook that show how great the Obama economy has been... until you point out that things like the unemployment rate are not what they seem because the labor participation rate is at its lowest point since the Carter administration. What really gets them is when you ask them are they better off now then they were the Obama administration and most have a tough time saying they are better.
Nothing in the economy is better, in total. A few select select segments of the population have benefited under Obama. But what in the future will define him more than anything else, even health care, is the Iran deal. Obama will be reviled in the future for handing Iran the ability to produce nuclear weapons.
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