This is another reason for citizens to be disgusted with the fools running our governmental agencies. These boneheads concentrate on seat belts while speeders, drunk and reckless drivers, tailgaters, stop light runners and all the other dangerous drivers get a pass. This is typical liberal bullsh-t. If they concentrated on the idiots who cause the accidents, we wouldn't need seat belts.

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Replies to This Discussion you really think this is about seat belts?


Enlighten me. What is it really about?

Big Brother and the Nanny State of Course! or not, idk.


It's REVENUE- I personally don't think the government cares if we fly through the window in a head on crash, the insurance companies care because they don't want to pay the medical bills and government thought it would be great to take boat loads of cash from special interest (insurance companies) and then collect more REVENUE from us by enforcing the new law.

Lando & Lisa

I think your both right.

Dittos guys, but if you look back before the nuisance safety law here, you would find that people seemed to drive more careful and with courtesy more than today. As far as what I see everyday, too many people believe their seat belt allows them to be a race car caddy at the wheel, feeling that and an air bag is going to save their life anyhow, so just floor it. The MSP is milking this for too many years already on this issue, they have more useful things to do imho.

One of those more important things is to check out and ticket all those people who text message while they're driving.  These clowns, often younger folks, are said to be more dangerous than drunk drivers. 

Yet, the annual policeman-squinting-through-your-windshield-to-see-a strap could so easily have been expanded this year to combat this problem, which many don't consider a problem, which is now against state law.  About time too; a bicyclist or motorcyclist risks a ticket each time they just hold a water bottle or cigarette by Michigan law  since 1949  MCL 257.661 

Yet guess which conveyance is more capable of inflicting death to others on the highway?


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