Best would be to sell the naming rights to the new elementary school much like they do at ball parks. Since everything else associated with this 'boon'doggle is inflated I think the bidding for the naming rights should start at $1,000,000.
Maybe the friends of Boon can start a Go Fund Me and next year's Lake Jump proceeds should be directed to this effort. Pennies from Heaven can also lend a hand.
Would be nice to see some corporate entries too. HOF or LMC or WSB could all join the fray.
Danny V with his over inflated ego could also make a run at it.
Boondoggle: verb, "waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects."
Naming the new school Boon Elementary (after former Principal etc., Mark Boon) would just have people adding those two extra syllables, unless they were among the 2000 and change that voted for the bond proposal, a sizable minority of the 12,000 and change voters in the district. But you need to show up some times to keep our democratic republic working properly.
More likely the naming will go to financier/businessman Lee Schoenherr as he used a lot of resources to covertly get this passed and avoided energizing the 'resistance'. Poor pupils will now have to learn the fundamentals of reading and also figure out that their school is pronounced show-ner in violation of some of those rules.