I'm sure by now that most all of you have heard about the 17 year old Florida teen that was killed by a member of a local neighborhood watch in Sanford, FL. In case you haven't though, I'll give a brief rundown of what happened... Trayvon was staying his dad's gf who sent him out to the local 7-11 to pick up a bag of Skittles and a drink. On the way back, George Zimmerman who helps out with the neighborhood watch program sees Trayvon and calls 911 to report a suspicious person.. during the call Zimmerman is asked by the 911 operator if he's following Trayvon to which Zimmerman said he was, the operator tells him he doesn't need to, that their is a patrol car on the way. At this point, something happens which we really don't know yet and Trayvon ends up being shot by Zimmerman and ending up dead.. this happened about a month ago.Zimmerman claims that he was defending himself and so far, other then some questioning, has not been arrested or detained in the case.
Fast forward to this week, now we have all sorts of parties trying to take advantage of the situation, sadly. Most annoyingly, the usual race baiters are out and about and inflaming a situation that could get out of hand rather quickly. You see, the biggest problem here is when you throw in the race baiters and the name of the shooter, George Zimmerman, you would assume that this was a white gentleman shooting a black kid... but... that's not the case as far as race goes, Zimmerman is actually Hispanic with a bit of African American in him too. Some of the race baiters have still made this a black/white issue which obviously it isn't.. heard audio myself of someone talking about the black man striking down this poor black youth.
What is really missing from all of this is what should be the first and foremost important thing.... what actually happened. For the most part, the police haven't really released much information at all as far as I know. There have been a few supposedly eyewitness reports that there was a fight of some sort between Zimmerman and Martin but again, nothing official. The reality is now is that unless the police arrest Zimmerman, things could get nasty very quickly. Problem is, if Zimmerman is actually innocent and was defending himself, the race baiters are going to go balistic and again, god knows what will happen. It's entirely possible though that Zimmerman could be guilty of something... be it minor or major.. as there have been reports of him using racial slurs in the past.
In the end though, this is a pretty unique situation, solely because its a black on hispanic crime. It will be interesting to see how this case turns out!
Personally I could care less what race either of them were. The police dispatcher told him there was no need to follow him that the police was on the way. To me at that point Mr.Zimmerman should have let the police handle it, there was no need to have a confrontation with Trayvon.
I won't disagree with you Lisa, I think at the least Mr Zimmerman will be arrested for something and serve some jail time... how long that's going to be remains to be seen. As far as the racial aspect of this case goes, its sad that its been dragged down to the level that it has, specially when it ended up not being what the race baiters so patiently wait for... wish that wasn't the case, it does an injustice to the memory of young Trayvon in my opinion.
And we all know mexicans(hispanics/latino -whatever) and blacks hate the heck out of each other! Way more so than any white/black race issues.
What I don't get though....He was told not to follow but chose to interact with the boy, right there tells me that he was the aggressor. It is not like he was walking down the street and the boy followed him, that would be totally a different deal. IMO he hunted the boy, if the boy fought him he deserved it as the boy may have thought he was out to rob, mug, attack or harm.
While Zimmerman was wrong by not letting the police handle it as instructed, I feel that people were to quick to judge him. Maybe it is because of his nationality I don't know.
Is it really necessary for Obama to have made the statement he did? By making that statement, I feel he instigated the rage. Is it necessary for the black panthers to have put a $10,000 bounty on him? All without knowing ANY facts?
I read yesterday that the kid was suspended from school for possession. So that alone tells me the kid was no angel either and maybe Zimmerman did feel threatened.A "witness" claims tyrone went after Zimmerman. Then I see this morning a news heading that the family is upset over "leaks" by the media. I don't have time to investigate that, but bottom line is that if the facts were released as the investigation continues then we could have another trial like the Casey one...very public, very volitional.
I do agree with the police chief stepping down since there was the controversy about investigation. Right or wrong, Zimmerman lost his life as he knew it too. I bet he's regretting not listening to the cops. On the other hand...did the cops look the other way before when he used his gun or branished his gun in his obsessive goal of being the lone ranger and protecting HIS community? Too many issues here for the media (and our president) to make a snap judgement.
You amaze me again Masonco, being so distant, you still seem to know the score. I'm only 50 miles away right now from the Sanford area, the local media is really buzzing on this one. Seems a new eye witness has come forward to state the boy and man were both on the ground viciously fighting, Zimmerman was on the bottom getting the worst of it, calling for help, screaming and yelling in terror for his life to anyone that could hear him. As the witness called 911, a shot was heard, then the boy was found DOA. The Rev. Sharpton came down here for a rally last Thursday or Friday, what he accomplished was more of a call for riots if Zimmerman was not immediately arrested, than for peace and investigations. Now the Black Panthers have arrived, and they were very vocal last nite, stating an eye for and eye is warranted, and will be forthcoming in the next few days. I see where protests were made in 12 cities nationwide yesterday, and more are planned soon. The Sanford city police have declined to release anymore info. at present, staying mute on the details. I am afraid now for not just Zimmerman, but the public at large in this volatile area. Zimmerman might just as well be in jail for now, if not under arrest, then for protective custody. Someone like the President needs to keep this situation from boiling over, not to add gas to the fire, but as we see, he's not up to that task as usual.
I agree with you on the point of the president staying out of it, why is it every time something happens in the form of white on black ie Louis Gates the prez has to say something. Most of the time he just makes things harder for everyone involved. You would think he has all the time in the world when our country is going down the tubes. I think he should start worrying about something else like maybe his JOB!
Isn't this just what O needs? Another rodney king episode? Maybe there is some politics in play here.
All rev.sharpton and j. jackson are good for is creating tensions between the races, then they feel relivent.
I'm sorry to say, but I believe the riots are coming, and its all politics.
where were these two a couple weeks ago when a 6 year old had gas poured on him and lit on fire in KC. or when the tourists were killed in miami, and this week-end student shot at a univerity? Difference, they were all white victims , attacted by colored. DUH
As eric holder has said, therre is no such thing as black on white racism.
This country is so screwed up its unbelievable. You have a brain injured soldier sent out on a fourth tour in Afganistan , and now they are talking about executing him for premeditated murder, yet, Col. hassan, who killed 13 UNARMED soldiers and wounded 10 others, and his defense is stress? from his job of listeneng to horror stories from returning middle east vets?? BS
Racism will never be over come in this country till people stop making money from it. ie jackson, sharpton Naacp. they have no feelings towards their own, but will use them to their own benefit
Facebook page Marijuana Advocates Supporting Trayvon Martin
This whole thing is being tried by the press, makes for good sales.
Question, whats a white hispanic ,
If paper and news had stated ( Hispanic gunman killls black teenager, in gated community ) would the whole country have gotten involved?
Do some more back ground on the little boy with the tea and skittles. His picture is five years old, and the picture of zimmerman is twenty years old. according to travors cousin , on face book, he decked his bus driver and he's not little, 6"3
Racism is alive and well in Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the new Black Panther Party. These people will keep any and all wounds from healing. They are a scourge on this country and we will never move forward as long as these liberal fools keep bringing race into every conflict that arises and as long as whites continue to let them play the guilt card and keep swallowing the racist rhetoric and propaganda that they spew. Martin Luther King would be disgusted if he were alive today and saw the the way Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson profit from racism. These people are disgusting.
One of the problems with the way this case is being portrayed... basically all the pictures you see of Trayvon are at the least a few years old and mostly more like 4 or 5 years old so many people have an image of Trayvon as this cute little kid that is not well muscled when he's actually a 6' 3" man that can probably handle himself pretty good in a fight.
Another situation not helping is people out for blood for the alleged perp.. just heard a news report where someone had made public the address for George Zimmerman... one tiny little problem, it wasn't the right George Zimmerman.That didn't stop people from going out and searching for the address though and then Spike Lee decided to Tweet the address. Obviously it was pretty irresponsible for Spike to do that and if I was the family that had all these people show up at their house, I'd probably be thinking about legal action against him as they certainly felt threatened and in fear of their lives.
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