We have a member who recently came up missing, and we are very concerned and worried about them. According to the last sightings/reports, Masonco had made some reply to Dale's popular thread of late "The Torch is Famous" early this morning at 7:07 AM. Aquaman, around ten o'clock, noticed Dale's thread was gone, and asked Masonco about her reply on that thread, which was gone by that time. When I came on about noon, I checked out the records, and sure enough, Dale was gone, and he took his posts with him.
A little detective work followed, and I noticed there had been no activity by site administrators since Masonco's earlier activity until I arrived on scene. That would indicate that Dale removed himself. A check on my E-mails and messages have no activity. He just up and left.
Was this foul play? One of his last posts said he was going to be doing some research on the House at 201 N. Washington, a building that has claimed the civil rights of another intrepid researcher. Did the City Assessor notice this activity on his computer, and have him rounded up for sedition? Or did he find out that the assessing records effectively confirmed the results that a lot of our members had questioned in that thread, and committed hari kari because his faith in those public servants had fallen short of his great expectations?
Whatever the case, let's see whether we can round up a search party to find out what happened to Dale. Maybe we can post some flyers on local bulletin boards to see if someone knows anything about what happened to one of our fellow Torchers with a unique and 'very independent' mindset. We care about the welfare of our members here at the Ludington Torch, and hope the local municipal-industry complex have not taken him out of action for asking too many questions.
This thread will serve as a coordinating point for our search
I can not remember all of what I posted, but I did make mention that Aquaman should have the same right to file for a protection order by the person stalking him...just as Heather felt threatened by X stalking her filed for and obtained a restraining order. I did mention that the difference was that those who rule the city have more "rights" than the "commoners" who live in the city. At least that's what I think I posted.
Now you see why I refer to Shay and "king shay", his princess (heather) and the board as his jesters. I can't remember if I mentioned I thought Dale was married to.....Oh never mind.
It really is odd that someone who tacitly supported the civil restrictions imposed on citizens and the political power gained by the City Manager and Attorneys conferred by the WSP and the LOT would take offense at your notion, Masonco, but if he wants to take his baseball bat and play at some other sandlot, you think he'd at least tell us so before he left.
Meanwhile...start the search at a certain house that was bought for 1/2 price and to whom the city sign contracts were given. Then expand that to include the entire Ludington employee list that bow down to their esteemed "leader".
Ohhh that's right....the commoners are not allowed to enter the hallowed halls of the esteemed ones kingdom and search for evidence.
I kinda remember my last post on this and it was to state categorically that I have been accused and scolded for egging X on to make these nefarious threads and to start suits against the COL. I deny those allegations emphatically. I have taken a keen interest in X's escapades of the last 2 years or so, his methodology of FOIA requests, and the resulting LOT and WSP that the COL made against him. So have many others both at the old Ludington Talks and The Torch, so what. I also asked why I, out of about 100 people on this forum, was specifically picked out to trash-talk about, no answer was ever given. Where the so-called bulletin board's locale was, no answer. Either way, some come here in good faith to debate and discuss, others come for chaos and conflict, character assassination, put-downs, and on and on. After they have their 15 minutes of chaos, they drop out, or get banned. Really can't say I miss them nor care, now, nor in the past. Onward and upward, the Torch survives the gauntlets and tidal waves, and marches on for truth, justice, and the American Way!
If anything, I've been egging Aquaman on to be more politically active and to make more nefarious threads himself. We are in the same list my fishmongering friend because we both care about our community and have at least enough courage to call out the public servants who are changing it without regard: to ethics, to the law, to what everyone wants, and/or to overall fairness.
I cannot understand Dale. He put up a lot of content, sometimes admittedly spending 15 hours on the Torch a day (LOL), and now he wipes it all out with a hasty decision. Maybe he finally got an epiphany, and realized that all the stuff he put up was worth deleting, like spam in an E-mailbox.
I don't think so, and I feel bad because now we have a whole lot of holes in our discussions that he took place in. That's what really is tragic; we now cannot go back and enjoy his erroneous reasoning and non-sequiturs in the archives of the Torch, along with the witty repartee the members gave back to him.
I am disappointed he left,it does leave holes allover the threads in any replies he made and replies made to him(or her but I'll use him for now).
I was looking forward to the spreadsheet about the tax issues in that area. I think was expecting was not what he found in those tax records and did not want to deal with the fallout when he posted the info showing the rest of that areas taxes or home values went up while the 201 property went down.
Better to bail off the site than eat crow over his comments calling us basically crazy by proving we are correct in our assumptions by his own research.
This is why I advise all administrators to leave as much content as they can from people that come in here and eventually get thrown out for violating the Terms of Service. At the same time they're advised to screen shot the offensive material, just in case, before they delete it.
People who leave voluntarily, also have the ability to leave their content if they so desire, and if they have been good conversationalists, I hope they do.
I believe your rationale is fairly close to the truth, Shrugs.
I'm thinking he was an employee at either City Hall, the City Attorney's office or the LDN and someone guessed who he was and confronted him on it, so, he deleted his tracks. Any other conspiracy theories out there? My reasoning for that would be the posting of Aquaman's comments on a workplace bulletin board [if true]. I can't see that type of statement being posted at any other business because what other group of people would care.
Basically I mentioned family of Heather or part of City Hall gang. Someone else mentioned LDN employee, so it was getting pretty close to tracking him down.
To me it was starting to sound like part of those who placed the personal protection order against X and I got too close to "guessing" that. I did not come right out and say it, but did say enough that most reading would come to the same conclusion.
XLFD, Yes I did quit and took all my posts with me. At the time I decided to quit, there was an option on the page where I could enter a short message to the administrator explaining why I was quitting. Yes I did take the time to fill in that message explaining why I quit. I assume that you did not get that message for some reason, probably because your administrative tools do not work like they are supposed to work.
The reason I quit had to do with a tragic accident last Thursday involving a very close personal friend of mine. The tragic death of a personal friend is real life XLFD and is billions of times more important than my rocky relationship with anonymous users of this god-foresaken forum. After learning of the tragic accident and then later logging back into this forum last Sunday and started reading new posts since my previous visit here, I very quickly decided there are more important things in my life than coming on here to 'associate' with people who apparently find it enjoyable to show how much they hate me. I realize that I have no friends upon this forum. OK, some of your members are going to say that may be mostly my own fault, but it is fact.
Your forum will go on just fine without me.
I will explain for all of your readers that I AM NOT associated with any of the people or departments that some of you so take such pleasure in accusing me of. I am NOT associated with City Hall, NOT Police, NOT DDA, NOT Shay, NOT Heather, NOT Tye's signs, NOT any judges, NOT any law firm or any lawyers, NOT ANY of the wild stabs of bizzare conspiracies that some of your members so eagerly assume as fact. I am nothing more than one ordinary citizen with no other interest except getting to the bottom of the truth. If asking you many questions about your published accusations gives you so much grief then that is your problem and not mine.
As for the spreadsheet, I have 87 addresses listed and I will complete it to at least 100 addresses (and probably up to 120 or more to encompass the entire 3 to 4 block radius. The data shows exactly what I expected. I think your readers would love to see the data because it shows conclusively the percentage of decrease and compares it with all other percentages of decrease. But I have decided not to post it here to people who seem to take so much pride in hate.
I am willing to send the completed spreadsheet to only you via email if you had an email address readily available in plain view on this site. I highly doubt you want it though because it might contain some true fact that you do not want to see.
I am very sorry about your friend. I would not wish that on anyone.
I would have got any notices you put in the box when leaving, and they did not come through, you are correct, the tools do not work properly all the time. That is sucky for all Ning Network users. I personally would prefer you stayed, as well as whoever the larry character was(if you know him tell him to come back for the book club I made for Atlas Shrugged). And if you prove my assumptions about the tax issues incorrect then so be it. But, without your message getting through it looked like you left right when the spreadsheet stuff was going on.
you can send the spreadsheet to me at...kazymo@yahoo.com please let me know 1st tho as I do not check it much.
I signed up for a ton of email newsletters and other daily or weeky emails back in the early days of the web and get up to 1500 mails every couple days so please let me know exactly when you send anything
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