We have a member who recently came up missing, and we are very concerned and worried about them. According to the last sightings/reports, Masonco had made some reply to Dale's popular thread of late "The Torch is Famous" early this morning at 7:07 AM. Aquaman, around ten o'clock, noticed Dale's thread was gone, and asked Masonco about her reply on that thread, which was gone by that time. When I came on about noon, I checked out the records, and sure enough, Dale was gone, and he took his posts with him.
A little detective work followed, and I noticed there had been no activity by site administrators since Masonco's earlier activity until I arrived on scene. That would indicate that Dale removed himself. A check on my E-mails and messages have no activity. He just up and left.
Was this foul play? One of his last posts said he was going to be doing some research on the House at 201 N. Washington, a building that has claimed the civil rights of another intrepid researcher. Did the City Assessor notice this activity on his computer, and have him rounded up for sedition? Or did he find out that the assessing records effectively confirmed the results that a lot of our members had questioned in that thread, and committed hari kari because his faith in those public servants had fallen short of his great expectations?
Whatever the case, let's see whether we can round up a search party to find out what happened to Dale. Maybe we can post some flyers on local bulletin boards to see if someone knows anything about what happened to one of our fellow Torchers with a unique and 'very independent' mindset. We care about the welfare of our members here at the Ludington Torch, and hope the local municipal-industry complex have not taken him out of action for asking too many questions.
This thread will serve as a coordinating point for our search
Well I for one will miss you - but I do understand if you want to quit, no one likes to be accused of things just because they have a different opinion on matters. And to be truthful I believe there are some members on here that have a bullying attitude when you don't share their opinion - but they will never admit it and think they are angels. But I thought I told you in another post (may have been someone else) don't let them get to you - at the end of the day their opinions of you mean nothing - it's what you believe that matters. I like this forum because of the differing views - you get to see where others are coming from and maybe agree on some aspects or you think to yourself this man/woman is nuts.
I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your friend - death is a horrible reality of life and there is nothing I could say that would make the pain more bearable. I will just say a little prayer that GOD or whomever you worship gives you the strength to cope and that the healing process begins.
Dale E,
I am relieved you're back, I had contacted "Country Dairy" to get your picture on the side of a milk carton, until I remembered we didn't have any pictures of you besides the default avatar. Nonetheless, I am sorry for your loss, but my chide on your methodology still remains. If you want to contribute to our forum, and be taken seriously, you need to sometimes take grief from others here that may not agree with you, or suspect your motives. Such pitfalls come with exercising your free speech.
It also involves having enough conviction in your words that you don't retract them when times get tough. I have yet to delete a post that I have made (after the first 15 minutes of posting it), even at the few points I have found to put something erroneous down, nor do we as a practice throw out content that falls within the Terms of Service here, even if the poster is suspended later for other content. Not to say I haven't added links later for clarification or ease.
It also is disingenuous of you when you accuse some of our members as 'taking pride in hate'. I don't see that among the members you have accused in the past of similar transgressions, perhaps you will illustrate that point to me. Such statements without basis is why you are guilty yourself of inviting the questions and associations that many of us have for you.
Dale is like a lot of posters who have come and gone. They poke at others and when they snap back he cries foul. Dale and other long gone posters have come across as snotty and condescending and when the response to that is not positive they call us hateful. You reap what you sow.
Speaking of coming and going, Dale E. has once again left the building, and is not on the member's list. These tears are real.
Well X, if they are the same type tears as mine, alligator tears, I can understand....lol. It's funny how the extreme leftist liberals always seem to see in others that they don't agree with, exactly what they see of themselves in the mirror everyday, and that my friends, is the most extreme hypocrisy on the planet. I for one have also lost close souls since joining here: my mother, my 2nd fav. uncle, plus 4 other friends/classmates that I also truly loved. So, the cop-out continues, and so does the condescending attitude, that which could be changed, and improved upon, if one so desires to, sadly, too many go to their graves feeling hateful and negative towards everyone in their path that they don't get along with. I see others with differing positions and beliefs as challenges to life's improving base of knowledge, and sometimes, I can even change my position and agree. That's what life is supposed to be about imho, not that everyone has to agree 100% of the time, but that we take the time to listen and analyze the others' positions. Sometimes that comes with the heavy burden of having been called names, put-down, or otherwise left-out, it doesn't have to be that way though, and this forum's faithful members can be proud of that fact, don't believe what other failures say, it just isn't so, and we all know it.
Dale, if you still reading, I just found out yesterday that someone I know from work's daughter died two last thursday's ago in an accident in Muskegon County. I had no idea about the accident but he told me yesterday as it was easier for him than people asking. I am so sorry for the family and friends.
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