I had a couple of things I had to do at the Ludington Public Library today due to pending litigation, so I did a brief tour of the facility. The new children's wing is set to the far north and looks great. Those who may have limited their library experiences because of the proximity of the childrens section to the main area, can now concentrate a bit better whether they're on the net or checking reference works. You won't get lost, the main structure is still pretty much intact, but there is some much needed change to give the library a new vibrant feel.
That same spirit has filtered into another recent decision of theirs to re-structure the library's links on their internet system's home page. But today when I accepted the terms (without once again reading the list-- they're going to catch me one of these times) and looked at the home page, I was totally surprised by what I saw:
Under the local sites, they listed a tourism site, then four media sites, the LDN, WMOM (congratulations, to their growing focus on local news of interest), MasonCountyPress (kudos, to Rob Alway for bringing forth with limited resources a multi-faceted local media outlet to prominence in under half a year), and Ludington Torch.
The Ludington Torch?! That is so awesome; this really made my day. After seeing my own name come up too often over the last year and a half in the local newspaper with no attempt at getting even near the truth-- to see the labor of my love for the area since 2009 appear (spacially at least) above the government entities we're personally prevailing over in court shows our dedication is showing through. Ideas matter. Facts matter. Opinions matter. Mix them up, and they don't go down too bad either.
Don't worry-- we still have plenty of street cred; but this is one sign, of many, that more and more people are looking in and fairly evaluating what is being presented here. We heartily thank the library for allowing us onto their list of links, and give the library back some of their own embattled cred regarding First Amendment issues which some of our contributors had questioned during the two or three times we discussed the Library Diaries book and the legal issues involved.
We salute the library for recognizing the three newest alternative Mason County media outlets.
Wow! that's cool!
Congratulations. However, when the mayor and city manager find out it will probably be removed. So I won't tell them if you don't. By the way I was in the library today and it's still noisy. It's the inconsiderate adults who have taken over for the kids. I had some fool next to me talking loudly on his cell phone and I mean loudly and no library staff member said a word. I finally told him to shut up. I guess the library is going to take a leftist attitude and allow the noisy idiots to continue to be rude because they don't want to offend them. If there was another library in town I would never use this one. I've never seen anything like it. Even the staff talk loudly. A real pain in the a_s.
The Mayor and CM are cordially encouraged to add us to their own list of "Community Links" at the City of Ludington home page; I won't be offended by the association. OK, maybe just a little.
I seriously think you need to work at the library Willy, cause I think you have a sound policy figured out.
This here is a totally unnecessary sentence whose only purpose is meant for those who missed that prior play on words to go back a second time.
It is just proof that others do read these articles but do not comment or belong to the torch
Good question, but we will continue our open-door policy for anyone, including trolls.
If they troll the pages, then they learn what citizens really think...if they care.
That is a $1Million question Masonco, do they? Methinks no........sad.
Methinks they read enough so as to develop policies to thwart reasoned inquiry. Showing they care enough to save their own bacon... for now. But the Torch is making their bacon extra crispy.
Thats good news. I remember trying to get on the Torch at the library last year and not having any luck. Now even someone like me can get there and to those other local sites.
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