Do you pay any form of Taxes Mr. Rotta? Do you have a job that pays you a salary everyweek or two

Just wondering and for clarification.

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Not very professional maybe. At least I did not stand up at CC and asked him in front of a camera. I asked here among his peers.

 As one who pays this credit with her taxes, as many of you do, I would like  proof that he is truely indigent.

Not just with a signed "because I say I'm indigent" affidavit.

You have to PROVE your lack of funds/assets to collect goverment assistants/welfare/SS/SSI,ect.

Why should this goverment assistants be any different.

Well, since it is you Wanda it is evident that you are biased toward Mr. Rotta. It's none of your business what anyone earns or how much they pay in taxes. First of all there should be no need for any citizen to file a FOIA let alone having to pay for the information. And don't give us that propaganda of how much it costs to get the information. The information has already been paid for by the tax payers and should be readily available. The employees that put the information together are paid by tax dollars "that is what they are paid to do". You and the others who run the City have somehow convinced yourselves that you are the "gatekeepers" of the publics info. and that we should be privilaged and honored that you will allow us to see or obtain it. I thought after time you of all people would have checked into some of Mr. Rotta's concerns but you have shown yourself to be one of the gang who looks down on the citizens who have elected you. If you have any evidence that contradicts what X has presented then post it. If I want to trash you I certainly won't do it on your email, I'll do it in public like you and the other boneheads on the Council do to those you dislike.

Thanks, Willy, I have a hard time myself trying to articulate such 'revolutionary ideas' as the intent of the FOIA to the City of Ludington officials who have had their minds befuddled by the Manistee City Attorneys.

"Well, since it is you Wanda it is evident that you are biased toward Mr. Rotta. It's none of your business what anyone earns or how much they pay in taxes.


Why should he have the right to know what my W2 look like. He FOIA"d that information right after I got into office. I believe it was  on the premis that iy was an illigally obtain wage.

Which I might add was there long before I got there.  I had nothing to do with setting that wage.

Yet he made me feel like I was stealing.

I suppose I could try refusing it. Would that make everyone happy.

Can I clam indingence too. I only make $3600.00 a year befor taxes.

I say were looking at a double standard here. 

His personal business could have been his personal business

until.....he wanted to make MY personal business HIS business.

You are being paid by the public, that information is public information.  I don't see how you don't get this Wanda.  I have the W-2s for 2008 through 2010 for all the City of Ludington's employees, so can anyone else who requests it. 

Just for the record, however, if I had got elected to the City Council, and insisted on being paid the $50 per year wage (which is what the City Code says your wage is, and an illegally passed 1994 ordinance that made an unbelievable $20,000 in travel expenses for City Councilors converted into a 72-fold salary increase) can you imagine the savings if I got the other City Councilors to do the right thing? 

We are nearly 2/3 of the year through, so the City would have saved roughly $2400 times 7, for a savings of $16,800.  That pretty much eclipses Ms. Holman's arbitrary and capricious figure of $6500 that my FOIA requests have cost the City since 2009.  You guys can rationalize that 1994 so-called ordinance as the law, but it was shiftless, sneaky, crooked and should be negated by anyone with a conscience. 

Oh I get it. Remember some of my taxes pay those wages too.

"You guys can rationalize that 1994 so-called ordinance as the law, but it was shiftless, sneaky, crooked and should be negated by anyone with a conscien"

"Just for the record, however, if I had got elected to the City Council, and insisted on being paid the $50 per year wage (which is what the City Code says your wage is"

BRAVO, I commend you for wanting to only take $50.00 per year. You have more money than I do to do this job.

Just for the record, this is what a bare min. month is like for me.


Let's say the CC job paid  min. wage at $7.40 an hour.

I spend at least 1 1/2 hours every two weeks reading my CC information packet($22.80) 

and let say 1 hour for the CC meeting twice a month ($14.80)

Plus the two committees I am on. Give both committee, say, 4 hours each a month prep time and actually meeting. ($59.20.)  That is $96.00 and this is the very bare minium time I spend.  This includes NO PAYMENT for using my car or gas.

Nor does it include the extra time you spend on public events you are expected to travel to and attend.

I also represent Ludington on the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission every 8 weeks.

1st meeting I attended was in Baldwin. Total time for that travel/meeting was 6 hours($44.40)

2nd meeting I attended was at the Double J, time for that travel/meeting was 6 hours($44.40)

These do not include paynments to use of my personal car or gas.

Do you really think most people would take on a job like this for only $3600.00 a year.

I for one don't believe so.

Most couldn't afford to do it at that $50.00 a year wage you purpose to do it for.



Again for the record, the City Code, revised in 1992, states clearly that the City Councilors get paid $50.  I asked John Shay through a FOIA the right to look at all ordinances passed by the City in toto.  He said that besides a couple ordinances dealing with the City Clerk's and Treasurer's raises, all ordinances were  on the City website here

A half year later, Shay apparently digs up some 1994 ordinance with what amounted to a raise voted in by the councilors by shifting the roughly $3000 per year that City Councilors each got for transportation (which was 'unconstitutional on its face) to their wages to display in the City of Ludington Daily News to refute what I said.  That wage increase was marketed as a pay shift and put among other legislation.  Shay lied in his FOIA reply when he said the stuff on the webpage is a full representation of ordinances, because the Workplace Safety Policy was also an ordinance. 

This is who your Mayor said was the most honest man he knew.  He has bald-facedly ducked showing records at least three times, lied about it twice in court documents.  That's who's running our town, and don't believe that FOIA violations are the only laws he's violating.

If you got into the job to make a profit, you should get out and let someone in who would do the job because they truly want to better Ludington through their public service.  I do volunteer work all the time, and the payback is unbelievably rewarding.

When I started this job I thought it was a volunteer job.  Deb Luskin ask me for my SS# and some other employment stuff and that's when I found out the wage.

Showed how informed I really was at the time.

I am greatful for the wage,  I could not do the job for free or $50.00 a year.

Ideally, doing the job for free/$50.00 a year is commendable but just not real. IMO

If anyone is pondering running for an office, DO NOT do it for a profit. But...

You better be ready to pay for the privialage to be a representive of your ward.

I agree volunteerism is very rewarding. I do not know who or what you volunteer for but I thank you.  More people should. 

IMO Just don't get involve in politics if you except any rewards.






Do yourself a favor and delete this topic. I'm sure your a decent and nice person but you should keep your biased toward X private. Airing your personal opinions about X's FOIA's here is not shedding a favorable light on yourself. Contact him privately and let him know how you feel but don't broadcast it to the World. It's one thing to discuss topics about situations but when you get personal, then the topic can turn sour very quickly. This FOIA matter is City business and your getting way to involved personally. If you were not representing the citizens of your district then I would see no problem with this discussion but that of course is not the case.

You know what your right Willy. I did get sucked into this blog again.

Once again I have shown my stupidy in posting anything here.

It can be very hard to not put a personal spin on things when your

looking at a man every other week including you in all the bad things

he thinks the City of Ludington has done to him.

Thank you for giving me a polite reminder of this..

As for deleteing the thread I would If I knew how.

Thank you again Sir




Review each and every one of my presentations that I have made to the Ludington City Council.  There will be nothing in there saying anything about any 'bad things' that have happened to me because of the City of Ludington.  The aggrieved parties have been the citizens of Ludington and this great republic of ours.  My side hasn't made this battle personal.

I do not mention that I had a letter of trespass placed on me by an unconstitutional workplace safety policy, but that each citizen of Ludington had their rights taken away, the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ripped apart.  You helped pass that repugnant act on your second month in the City Council, you let it go for 14 months on one person without any public statement. 

I do not mention you are violating my rights under the FOIA by voting with the unlawful actions of the City Manager/FOIAC John Shay, but everyone's rights to view public records. 

What you post here, Wanda, is not a public record, you are not obliged by law to save it for future perusal of the public.  But I encourage you to do so, because it shows the general public how the Ludington City Council thinks, and I would go so far as label you the most open-minded member on the City Council currently. 


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