Case Docs for McAdam

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We talked about this tazing by local officers starting several years back on the Lud. Talks forum too. Not many that commented could see the necessity for their employment to local LE's for this area. Again, we can see that their usage is not in line with a serious incident nor individual. Abuse and excessive use of authority has again raised it's unworthy and illegal head in our community. Tazing someone four times in one night, esp. in handcuffs secured to a hospital bed, c'mon, can't anyone see this for what simplistic abuse it is? Officers everywhere certainly don't put up with anyone taking a video of them, it's our right to do so if we choose, and that's another violation of civil liberties being squashed. Certainly, McAdams was totured during his needless and unnecessary arrest, over 200,000 volts of electricity went into his body, anyone see that as rational?

As for McAdams not having his story straight, I didn't see ALL the transcripts from that deposition either, just some that got carefully chosen to post. Also, if anyone here has been in a depo. they know the attorney drilling the person on depo. is often repetitive, insulting, pushy, and quite obnoxious overall, ask X about George for instance, they don't give in till they get admissions under extreme duress and pressure, some lasting several hours before getting any form of relief and recess from the experience.

Here is the end of Doc 122. I have left out doc 123 which is over 300 pages long at 10 cents a page. It is also more than 5 MG.


Doc 119


That deposing ordeal was related here:

The City Attorney's father, acting 51st Circuit Court Judge Richard Cooper, had no problem with them deposing two indigent citizens appealing a botched FOIA response by the City of Ludington by allowing a preposterous counter-claim to take place. 

This is still pending right now, and I would continue to be reporting on it, but can't just yet.  We meet in court again on September 10, when I find out how corrupt the system really is. 


Docket Report and Depo of Bob Brown


That was Richard Quijas, I remember him getting tossed off Ludington Talks for posting what happened to him.

It's glandure I can't help it lol

I honestly am not picking and choosing her. I have started from the most recent docs on the court docket and I'm going backwards. The only thing I have left out is case studies from other similar cases around the country.

Here is case docket 122


On reading these documents, including the police reports from the various LEOs involved, there is very little difference between the two sides as to the facts of that night.  And yet, the Prosecuting Attorney of our county read these same accounts and decided to go after McAdams repeatedly for assaulting the officers when he was tased and knocked down while doing constitutionally protected, non-threatening activity. 

I am mad as hell. 

thats how this county is -

The citizens are going to pay for this big time because I noticed in the report that the police admitted that he was moving away from them when they told him he was under arrest. His crime was recording the police. The police claim that he had moved away from the scene and that he turned around and was recording the incident while "backpedaling". Backpedaling by definition is moving away from something.

back·ped·al  (bkpdl)intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als

1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.
2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.

3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: 

By their own admission the police were the aggressors.


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