At the request of XLFD. I would proffer the attached as proof that a 35% ROI is a typical ROI for wind turbines.

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Willy, can you refer the newbies back to our thread on this, where we unequivocally showed, with help from stats, videos, flicker issues, bird kills, and other witnesses and posts from the down-stater, that these wind turbines have been proven inefficient, for decades, and that they are at most, 22% green efficient, not 95% or some other liberal slant on info.? Many thanks. Oh yeah, Bernie, sleep good, take many naps, enjoy, dream fantasies, then try to live them? ...........

I found one piece of information. A study performed in Scotland, a country with many years of wind turbine experience, found that in reality wind turbines are only 22% efficient. The link is below.

That's because the wind didn't blow as hard as anticipated. No generation system operates at 100% capacity... it can't. Scotland has plenty of rotten weather (I know) but few appropriate sites for wind generators, and no viable spots for they are kind of stuck with what they have. Now look at how the Dutch do it.. been in the windpower game for 200 years..still, when you visit there you will see lots of idle capacity. Just the nature of the game. 22% isn't bad at all. When the wind cooperates, it's 80%, but mother nature dosen't keep a steady flow of air for our convience. Oh well...

Government subsidized wind farms are being paid subsidizes not to produce electricity. What?

Willy, The government also pays farmers not to produce certain crops, don't they? (You must be joined at the hip with Rush Limbaugh..) if you hate the government so much, either change it via the vote, or stop complaining, (unless you have a viable alternative) Wind farms are here to stay my friend.. get over it! That article delt with one situation in Oregon that lasted for a week, then things went back to normal. are you being a victim of a tea party spin machine, or do you REALLY beleve this kind of propaganda?.

Bernard, I don't approve of subsidies and what does this have to do with Rush Limbaugh? Did anyoone ever mention hating the government and your suggestion to "stop complaining" is a typical leftist comment. The article dealt with a time period of 200 hours over a 38 day period. This will obviously be a yearly occurrence so in the next ten years we will be paying this particualr company for 2000 hours not to operate their subsidized equipment. Hardly a drop in the bucket as you suggest. The Tea Party exists because of people like you. Mindless fools who follow a liberal agenda and who support liberal politicians who would bankrupt our Country. 

Willy,Willy.. how sad. I thought you were better than this! As far as bankrupting the country, it was the republican Presidents who started two unfunded wars and gave generous tax cuts to the wealthy.( Not that I mind the last part). What is a "Leftist"?  is that the opposite of a "Rightist". If you accuse me of wanting a free America I am quite willing to accept that. And free to me means letting narrowminded folks join what ever red neck clubs they wish, as long as they don't try to tell ME what to say...and there are plenty of "Mindless fools" out there..enough to go, I won't go there.Ha ha.. Relax, my friend and have a glass of California wine..

If we counted tax deductions as subsidies, wind gets 12 times as much as oil.

All of these tax subsidies are a political joke from both sides. They are largely antiquated and provide fodder for both sides without jeopardizing either side's relationship with the oil industry. However, Dr. Kreutzer needs to do a little more of what PhD's do and research. Check the REAL cost of a gallon of gas in the United States. Independent studies funded by the Bush administration show it to be in the $8-15 range due to direct and indirect subsidies and that was when gas was significantly cheaper than it is now. If you want to talk real subsidies dig deeper. The U.S. Navy provides the security force for all the tanker shipments of oil we receive. During the Bush administration, that measured out to an excess of $60 Billion per year. That's called an indirect subsidy. Wind energy subsidized? Ha, what a joke. Kreutzer is a cog in a spin machine.

Better points than usual Bernard.  If so much of our economy wasn't dependent on oil from volatile countries in the Middle East, we could ease back on our costly involvements in that part of the world.  All represent a 'hidden' energy cost for imported oil. 

XLFD, obviously you miss the point, as usual, Use of oil is NOT going to diminish,even tho better mileage cars are coming out now, and electic/ hybreds are much more affordable than last year. We imported less oil last year than in the past 25 years, and our domestic production is way up... but you see the oil companys sell it to foreign buyers, so you will not see any benefit anyway. The oil companys make billions in profit and won't willingly bring your pump price down as long as you keep paying thier price. So watcha gonna do, Charlie? Do what I do; enjoy the day and accept the joy it contains..Stop worrying about things you cannot icebergs, oil prices and Californians...


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