I am both saddened and shocked to find myself repeating prior posts, probably long lost in the archives here, of not fully enjoying this precious and favorite season for joy and fellowship with my fellow Americans. All because of the something like a 10 year NEWBIE tradition of trashing Christmas here at home. It's because of SP's, the (secular progressives) or more commonly known as the "politically correct liberals" that permeate our daily lives. Yes, it's Christmas and New Years soon again, and now those SP's can freely and repeatedly attack our Christmas celebration. WHY & HOW? Why, I believe they have a set of knives and forks to eat with just as we do, but, they have nothing on their plate to eat, and therefore, have to slice and dice the rest that do. Philosophically speaking, that means, at least to me, that they are blanks on the role call of reality, no meat, potatoes, veggies, nor even a meager excuse to be happy. Not even an appetizer of positive comments to chew on. Empty plates = empty heads. Angry and despondent people with all the time in the world to pick fights, instead of being peaceful and loving individuals. Too much time to devise a mechanism for division and confrontations. The USA has prided itself throughout history in defining our being as a christian god fearing nation that follows the biblical preachings of love of thy neighbor, forgiveness, charity, and loyalty. Can this philosophy be so terrible and bad for mankind? HOW? How can we say Happy Holidays in place of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one another? How can we now call a Christmas tree a Holiday tree like the Rhode Island Governor of a few days ago? How can we tear down the Nativity scene and birth date of the savior and God's only son, whom was the Prince of Peace? I'm far from a righteous bible thumper or preacher, but, I again ask, why tear down our institutions and traditions for the sake of illegal aliens and atheists? Does the traditions offend them so that this must occur every year constantly? Why can't everyone just accept these American traditions without fear, frenzy, and overzealous actions to squash them into the past? Let every citizen, whether legal or not, celebrate their own way of Christmas with the religion of their choice, albeit alien to us as Americans, but, can you just do it without this chaos and feeble ways of attracting attention to yourselves as martyrs? Leave true Americans alone, and vice-versa, is all I can ask for. But, that only seems a distant dream of yesterday now, or is it?
Whereas, I can see the atheist's problem with going to a church and getting exposure to Jesus via Linus' monologue and the surroundings of the church, I think that maybe this atheist group should have offered their own secular entertainment as an alternative for parents to opt for their child to view.
All in the name of theater, even being a full blown A-theist. I still took my child to a choir concert at that big church on Bryant Rd Last xmas(not as exciting as I hoped, I had to keep us both awake, I thought it would be more kids and fun like the Sister Act Movies), she was in a kids choir at one of the Lud churches last summer and will be in an xmas play there again this Dec. We don't go to the church but the lady who's husband is preacher/pastor/priest or whatever is my sis's neighbor(where my girl spends a lot of time in summer). Whenever she was at sis's on the right day she would go to youth group there too they had water slides and bounce houses, not church stuff, more of a summer play group. We watched another choir sing at some other church where her voice teacher had her adult choir singing one time.
She went to some weekly group bible study once to check it out(she has no friends in her school district and we look for people she wants to be friends with far and wide) recently, has not yet told me she wants to go again, I guess didn't connect with any of the kids, theew for friend making not religion.
There is probably more I am not remembering, The atheists in the article tiger posted above are idiots. The school gave them and opt out but they want the whole thing canceled for everyone just so they don't have to opt out, talk about pushing their belief systems on someone else. All we do is use the church for what it can help us with and keep our mouths shut about being atheists.
When i was researching homeschooling I even went to a christian home school group to see if they had activities she would enjoy or kids her age she connected with.
Even if I think some of the religious people are whacko's I am not adverse to being around them, it is not like sitting in a catholic catechism class every time your in the presence of the religious people.
The fam won't trade out the smas tree for this though http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festivus
Heck even I like the tree with the pretty lights. and in reality it is pagan anyway.
Jane said:
"All in the name of theater, even being a full blown A-theist. I still took my child to a choir concert at that big church on Bryant Rd Last xmas..."
Now Jane, you can't get into Heaven by stealth church attendance. I hope someone here is willing to pray for your wayward soul. They might want to pray for me as well since as, a lapsed Catholic, I have occasionally committed the cardinal sin of associating with non-Catholic Christians, atheists, pagans and idolaters. In Jesus' name... ;-)
That's pmp funny Jane, Achmed & Jeff forever. Hey Tiger, thanks for the earlier comment and compliments, I truly appreciate it and admire you as a stand-up-guy too. You have had quite a life, and per your comments/biography, it is much easier to see your life in clarity and appreciate all the work and sacrifices you have made as a great American. As for Albino, yes, we too often get off topic on almost all our threads, so, no blame necessary, we all do it, just have to catch ourselves sometimes and correct direction before we go too far into the abyss....lol. Anyone see any new attacks this week? I've been busy and may have missed some. I did see the Charlie Brown incident, sad and wasteful.
Heston sure was a corny actor but I liked his political views. Heston spent his first ten years of life being raised in the wilderness of Michigan [St.Helen] where his father worked in the lumber industry. That's where he got his love for the outdoors, hunting and fishing. Heston was a moderate Democrat but later joined the Republican Party. When asked why he had changed he said " I didn't change. The Democratic party changed". In a 1997 Fighting the Culture War in America speech, Heston rhetorically deplored a culture war he said was being conducted by a generation of media, educators, entertainers and politicians against:
"...the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle-class Protestant – or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern – or even worse, rural, apparently straight – or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning – or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff – or even worse, male working stiff – because, not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?"[37]
He went on:
"The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! It's true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic Pride" or "Black Pride" a good thing, while "White Pride" conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I’ll tell you why: Cultural warfare!"
source: Wikipedia
The left would have us to believe that we should be ashamed to be white men. What did any white man today have to do with slavery 100 years ago? Sure there is still racism today, but am I automatically guilty of being a racist just because I am white? That is racist to accuse every white man of being racist.
Many white Democrats voted for Obama because they thought it would be a cleansing for the white race to elect a black President. They did not care about Obama’s qualifications or ability to do the job as President. They just thought it was time for a black President. Of course anyone who did not want Obama as President was automatically a racist.
I am supposed to be ashamed because I am white. That is unless I am a homosexual. Then I can be in a parade and march down the street showing my pride for being gay. If I do not go to the parade I am homophobic or hateful. In reality I just do not put any energy on what other people do in their bedroom. There is no phobia or hate what so ever.
The blacks have their college funds and beauty pageants’ for blacks only. The gays have their Pride Parades. The white heterosexual should just hang his head in shame because he was born white.
Brian, um, uh, have you checked your avatar lately? LOL.
That's funny. I didn't really notice Brian's picture until you pointed it out X.
Brian, I would like to understand more about how your attitudes concerning racism were formed. In terms of racism, what have you personally experienced and how has it directly impacted your life? I’m less interested in what the liberal or conservative media has told you and more concerned about your direct interactions with racism of any persuasion, black, white or other.
Also,in regards to homosexuality, specifically who was condemning you for not participating in a gay pride parade?
Tiger, I spent 20 years in the US Military. I believe the military is ahead of the general population when it comes to stopping racism. Racism to me is favoring one race over another. This would include jobs, housing, clubs, pay, loans and just about anything where one race is denied something that another race has. I know that there is racism in the military, but I believe that for the most part a person can be promoted based on their performance without regard to race or color. Growing up in Ludington in the 60s and 70s I did not experience racism due to the fact that the town was all the same race. My first experience with racism was on board the USS Enterprise when black sailors would not allow white sailors to use the basketball court. This issue was taken care of by a series of meetings between black and white sailors. Both sides were allowed to voice their opinions over a period of time. In the 70s I heard many white sailors use the "N" word when referring to black sailors. By the 1980s this had stopped. I think that clear communications combined with equal opportunity are the answer to curbing racism. I know that racism exists in the judicial system. Yes there are more blacks in prison and on death row. This is probably due to a combination of reasons including racism and also absent role models in some black communities. I have never denied that racism exists. I believe that both sides, whites and any minority need to be treated equally. There are somethings that I feel create hard feelings between the races such as blacks calling each other the "N" word, but making it such an evil word for anyone else to use. The need for separate colleges and beauty pageants also seem strange since we have blacks in our schools. It takes two to tango.
I live in Sedona, Arizona. There is a large homosexual community here. My real estate agent is gay. My wife and I spent Thanksgiving with all homosexuals except for ourselves. I consider all these people my friends, but we have agreed to disagree on certain subjects. Many of the gay people I know voted for Obama because of his support of gay marriage. (He changed his mind on that many times, but it worked for the election.) Most of the gays I know feel that heterosexuals could do more to support their cause. I'm not against gay marriage. I just do not feel it is my cause. Everybody wants to be a victim now days. Can't people disagree without being told they are phobic or hateful. All these victims want everyone to join their cause. I think we should have a choice to join or not join whatever cause we wish. I've had Parkinson's disease for 16 years. A cure for Parkinson's is my cause, but I do not expect it to be everyone's. If someone wants to make a donation to the Michael J Fox Foundation, that's great. I will never expect anyone to make my cause their cause. All these words like phobic, hate, and tolerance seem to be connected to badgering someone to a way of thinking a certain way.
I've rambled long enough. I look forward to your thoughts Tiger, my progressive friend.
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