The news is full of misinformation and lies. Everything is political. This is the case with the Coronavirus. One of the motives behind this hoax is to undermine the U.S. economy and Trump.


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A little perspective always helps when all the media is creating chaos. These figures are World wide.

Governor Whitmer ordered a stay at home Executive Order 2020-21 which effectively emphasizes the previous executive order issued on the day (March 10th) the first coronavirus case hit Michigan shores.  Nothing really new here.

In just under two weeks of her prior edict, Michigan has risen to be the state with the fifth highest number of people testing positive for coronavirus.  Other states that haven't taken such Draconian precautions have seen lower numbers, lower rates.  Governments ruining their economy and the livelihoods of their people will not stop the coronavirus, they will actually cause a lot more suffering.  Why can't we find a solution that doesn't involve the government getting involved and screwing everything up?

A friend of mine works for a large hospital in Michigan. The CDC paid them a visit and laid out the actual facts. The hospital folks were told basically that the situation is being blown way out of proportion by the media. Because there is a lot of media and political pressure health care must tow the line in order not to be labeled as uncaring or not doing their job. So again the media is controlling the narrative and inciting panic.

It's a perfect storm for this hysteria with the Democrats and the media doing their best to find Donald Trump's Katrina, and Trump's squad doing their best to make this another non-issue, like the impeachment fiasco was.  To do that, however, they have to treat it as if it was a real crisis until they can declare victory.  If the virus doesn't kill us, the insane politics of the anti-Trump coalition will.

The number of bad Corona jokes on the internet are becoming epidemic. Some scientists are already calling it Pundemic.

Yep, but not as well wrapped as your message appears.


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