Mississippi Newspaper responds to readers angry that they did their...
Our local LDN could learn a thing from the owner of this newspaper! Read the owners reply in italics it is awesome.
A newspaper in rural Mississippi is defending its decision to run a cover story on what it called the first same-sex marriage in the county it serves.
On Feb. 7, the Laurel Leader-Call published the story Historic Wedding: Women wed in Laurel through smiles, tears about the wedding of Jessica Powell and Crystal Craven. Craven has been battling brain cancer. The women exchanged vows earlier this month at a ceremony in Laurel, Miss., attended by family, friends and Craven's doctors.
"If chemo doesn't work, we don't know what happens after that," Craven told the paper.
"This is true love," Powell said. "Love is love. It knows no gender."
She added: "I don't remember voting on straight marriage, so why is gay marriage an issue?"
The story sparked a backlash among readers in a state that does not legally recognize same-sex marriage.
"We shouldn't have to defend every decision we make here at the Leader-Call," Jim Cegielski, the paper's owner, wrote in an editorial published on Saturday. "However, the intense reaction to our gay wedding front-page story, which led to a deluge of hate calls, letters, e-mails, Facebook posts, soundoffs and random cross stares thrown in my direction, warrants some sort of response. So here it is."
Cegielski continued:
We were well aware that the majority of people in Jones County are not in favor of gay marriage. However, any decent newspaper with a backbone can not base decisions on whether to cover a story based on whether the story will make people angry.
The job of a community newspaper is not pretending something didn't take place or ignoring it because it will upset people. No, our job is to inform readers what is going on in our town and let them make their own judgments. That is exactly what we did with the wedding story. Our reporter heard about the wedding, attended it, interviewed some of the participants and wrote a news story. If there had been protestors at the wedding, we would have covered that the exact same way … but there weren't any. We never said it was a good thing or a bad thing, we simply did our job by telling people what took place.
I took the bulk of the irate phone calls from people who called the paper to complain. Most of the complaints seem to revolve around the headline, "Historic Wedding," and the fact that we chose to put the story on the front page. My answer to the "Historic Wedding" headline is pretty simple. You don't have like something for it to be historic.
The holocaust, bombing of Pearl Harbor and the Black Sox scandal are all historic. I'm in no way comparing the downtown wedding of two females to any of those events (even though some of you made it quite clear that you think gay marriage is much worse).
We have stories about child molesters, murders and all kinds of vicious, barbaric acts of evil committed by heinous criminals on our front page and yet we never receive a call from anyone saying 'I don't need my children reading this.' Never. Ever. However, a story about two women exchanging marriage vows and we get swamped with people worried about their children.
I had at least 20 or so readers express to me they think gay marriage is "an abomination against God." We never said it wasn't. We never said it was.
"We were simply reporting to the best of our ability," Cegielski wrote. "However, I can't help but be saddened by the hate-filled viciousness of many of the comments directed toward our staff … No one here deserves to be berated or yelled at simply because we were doing our job."
Fifteen readers canceled their subscriptions in protest, according to Cegielski.
"You have every right to cancel your subscription," he wrote. "But you have no right to berate and belittle anyone on our staff."
[Hat tip: SheWired]
Exactly easy, payoff is all they can be after. This Coy boy is really going thru Hell itself. And as far as I'm concerned, the parents are at fault and should lose custody immediately. A male/female gender at birth should be raised exactly as they were born. What they do at age 18+ is their adult decision. What a farce of more political correct BS do we have to endure these days? Crazy people is all I see, nothing more. Btw, thanks for clarifying a lot of crap on this thread both easy & X. Never figured we had so many expert theology members here. First Lisa flips, then flops, then flip-flops, typical liberal style to win every debate. They EyE claims to be a theology professor,.....lol.
When exactly did I flip and flop - do you make things up to amuse yourself?
Well if we are to live our lives as Christians and condemn those around us who don't, according to Scripture the list is long as to who is unworthy.
"Then there is homosexuality which likewise is condemned in Scripture. The Apostle Paul, writing by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, declares that homosexuality "shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 6:9; 10). Now Paul does not single out the homosexual as a special offender. He includes fornicators, idolators, adulterers, thieves, covetous persons, drunkards, revilers and extortioners. And then he adds the comment that some of the Christians at Corinth had been delivered from these very practices: "And such were some of you: But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God" (I Corinthians 6:11). All of the sins mentioned in this passage are condemned by God, but just as there was hope in Christ for the Corinthians, so is there hope for all of us."
If the above Scripture is accurate - I don't think I know anyone that is going to make it into the pearly gates.
I think I will continue to live my life the way I want to and when I meet my maker leave it up to him to judge, because as it states in the bible none of you are worthy to judge me ~Judge not lest ye be judged
The most destructive ideologies of modern times have favored the notion that an essential human nature does not exist or, at most, is faint and extremely elastic. The enemies of civilization must subvert the idea that humans cannot be conditioned to accept any behavior, no matter how grotesque. These practitioners of human desensitization understand that getting humans to accept a repugnant behavior requires a slow and incremental and persistent exposure to behaviors that were previously felt to be disgusting. The enemies of civilization believe that humans as humans share no guiding moral sensibility. “Little by little we were taught all these things. We grew into them,” recalled the socialist mass murderer Adolph Eichmann.
Every modern permutation of authoritarianism, socialism pre-eminent among them, has promoted the idea that humans are born as moral “blank slates” awaiting socialization. The radical egalitarians turn a blind eye to any evidence of an innate human nature because an innate human nature threatens their quest for absolute equality, which they hold to be the hallmark of social progress. It’s an article of faith for them; it’s a religious precept. The “blank slaters” are the “flat earthers” of 21st Century psychological research; their ideologically-rooted belief is an impediment to psychological studies. They live in constant fear of the empirical evidence of inborn human differences and inborn human proclivities; they fear it will lead to their worst nightmare: social inequality. The egalitarians have repressed the memory that it was the “blank slaters” who set the civilized world ablaze and swept millions upon millions of humans to their deaths in the Twentieth Century.
The Twentieth Century was a snake pit of competing socialisms – the rival international socialisms of Soviet Russia and Communist China and the National Socialism of Nazi Germany. Every variation of socialism promoted an agenda of human perfectibility based on the false belief that there is no common innate human nature. “Scientific socialism” was a belief system masquerading as science. When actual humans proved to be less adaptable to egalitarian perfectionism than the socialist theorists had predicted, the egalitarians resorted to coercion, torture and mass murder to convince real-life humans that socialism was the shining pathway to progressive perfection.
About 40 million Chinese died in a demonstration that Maoist idealism was alien to human nature. Millions of Ukrainians were starved to death demonstrating that Stalinist collectivism was alien to human nature. The Stalinist fantasy killed 20 million humans. Sixty-six million humans went to their graves because the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party had a vision of human perfectibility – the Ubermensch – a fictional ideal just as vacuous as Stalin’s Soviet Man and Mao’s vision of the selfless socialist peasant.
That’s 126 million humans, give or take a few million, who died demonstrating that the blank-slate model of human perfectibility-through-egalitarian-instruction is total rubbish. In truth, the human mind emerges from the complexity of human neurology with the capacity for communication and reasoning and energized by a battery of emotions and drives. Human minds share a common logic across cultures and races.
Our human dispositions anticipate a range of real-world experiences; our inborn traits are activated by environmental stimuli. The environment calls forth the flowering of our innate abilities; the environment resonates with a neurology already highly structured and disposed to specialized development. Temperament and sex differences are mostly genetic and fixed. Our language facility, our number sense, our tool-using facility and our moral sense are inborn. It is our moral sense that passes judgment on our natural inclinations to violence, lying, cheating and clannishness; this moral sensibility is a powerful shaping influence in every culture. Human altruism has a survival benefit for social humans. We are not born virtuous (noble savages) but we are born social and redeemable; we struggle to realize our better selves in the faced of many seductive distractions.
Every healthy culture, every culture that is not in an end-stage downward death spiral of moral confusion and decadence, accommodates and idealizes only the most healthful inborn inclinations of its normal members and it marginalizes the dead-end behaviors of those few who are inclined toward useless or destructive deviance. The future of any culture is assured by the fulsome accommodation of its normal members. Accommodating upstart subcultures that are hostile to the values of the core culture is a self-destructive behavior that no robust culture exhibits. The accommodation of homosexuality and homosexual counter-cultural perspectives by President Barack Obama and his political party is evidence that America is circling the drain pipe. When the president of the United States of America declares that sterile one-sex wedlock must be elevated to co-equal status with time-honored, fertile, and society-sustaining heterosexual marriage, the stink of decadence is in the air. One of every six of Mr. Obama’s big-bucks bundlers is a homosexual; homosexuals are six times more abundant among Mr. Obama’s financiers than in the general population; Mr. Obama is beholding to homosexuals for his continued hold on the presidency; Mr. Obama is bought and paid for by the homosexual radicals.
The founding queer theorists of the Gay Power Movement were masters of scientific persuasion. Marshall Kirk graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, majoring in psychology; he went on to become a researcher in neuropsychiatry, a branch of medicine that studies mental disorders attributable to diseases of the nervous system. Erastes Pill was the chosen pen name of Dr. Hunter Madsen, who held a PhD in politics from Harvard and went on to become an expert in public persuasion, social marketing and Madison Avenue salesmanship. He chose the name Erastes because it is the root word of pederasty – man-boy sexual relations or, what normal people call boy rape.
These two enthusiasts weren’t amateurs; they were educated experts who used science as a weapon against the life-sustaining instincts of the average American; these two deviates used their insights to undermine the central organizing institution of American society: heterosexual marriage.
In their three collaborative works, The Gay Agenda (1985), The Overhauling of Straight America (1987) and After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s (1989), they exhorted homosexuals to conceal their weirdness and to lie shamelessly to straights about every creepy aspect of homosexuality.
Here’s a snippet from The Overhauling of Straight America by the two genius manipulators, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen (Erastes Pill):
“Where we talk is important. The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan Horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message – of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects). On the whole the impact has been encouraging. The prime-time presentation of Consenting Adults on a major network in 1985 is but one high-water mark in favorable media exposure of gay issues. But this should be just the beginning of a major publicity blitz by gay America.”
And that’s what happened. Since 1985 your television has been a Trojan Horse bursting with subversive messages scripted by homosexuals to undermine the hard-won wisdom of normal Christians, Jews, Muslims, and just plain normal heterosexual people. The persistent repetitive gradualism advocated by these gay theorists is an echo of Eichmann’s “little by little.” It is cynically intended to erode our once-healthy culture’s firewall against biologically pointless and morally confusing homosexuality. The sly grooming of straight Americans to accept homosexual perspectives has been a pet project of America’s liberal news and entertainment media for twenty-five years; America’s children have been the targets of this campaign of values reprogramming for all of their lives.
It is worth remembering that every television drama that features a gay character wildly exaggerates the number of gays in America. For example, in order to put the lesbian couple in the popular television series Grey’s Anatomy in its proper perspective, every episode that included the lesbian couple would also have to include seventy-one named and regularly-featured heterosexual cast members. If gays were as common as they appear in the media, then the human species would be nearing extinction. Homosexuals are the consequence of normal human development gone wrong; that’s why they number only 2.8% of the population.
After years of pouring over the evidence that homosexuality is rooted in biology, I came away convinced that some male homosexuals were the result of genetic peculiarities. The evidence is stronger that lesbianism is the frequent consequence of fetal exposure to elevated levels of testosterone in the blood of some gestating mothers-to-be. No developing female fetus survives a testosterone bath undamaged; this is the hormone that creates the classical neurological architecture of male humans; the masculinizing effects of elevated testosterone levels wipes away all hope of any female fetus achieving genuine femininity.
Homosexuals place great emphasis on this sketchy body of evidence and proclaim that all homosexuality is rooted in biology. They do this for political reasons. First of all, they know that many straights will make the mistake of confusing the notion of “natural” with the concepts of “good” and “moral,” which is nonsense. Second, homosexual activists want homosexuals to qualify as a “minority” under the narrow provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
To qualify as a protected class homosexuals must demonstrate that, as a group, they share a history of discrimination and are powerless to escape their category and were born that way.
Right away the gay advocates have problems. The evidence does not support firm answers to these three questions. Some percentage of homosexuals are the consequence of quirky biology but all we can say with certainty is that most gays are the products of some normal biological progression gone haywire. No doubt many gays were brought to homosexuality by some life experience. There is a lively literature by some very smart homosexuals who argue persuasively that they are homosexuals by choice. These gays give the biological-determinists nightmares because homosexuals choosing to be homosexual disqualifies gays as a group from consideration as a protected minority under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Oops!
Dr. Lillian Faderman, winner of the Lambda Literary Foundation’s Monette/Horowitz Award, says candidly that homosexuals “continue to demand Rights, ignoring the fact that human sexuality is fluid and flexible, acting as though we are stuck in our category forever.” She explains that, “The narrow categories of identity politics are obviously deceptive.” She senses the threat that the truth poses to gay political objectives when she reveals that, “I must confess that I am both elated and terrified by the possibilities of a bisexual movement. I’m elated because I truly believe that bisexuality is the natural human condition. But I’m much less happy when I think of the possibility of huge numbers of bisexuals (two-thirds of women who identify as lesbian for example) running off to explore the heterosexual side of their bisexual potential and, as a result, decimating our political ranks.”
Got that? Dr. Faderman is “terrified” at the thought of two-thirds of America’s lesbians choosing to ditch their lesbian partners and trotting off to explore their “heterosexual side.”
Dr. Faderman is a fountain of insight when she declares that, “The concept of gay and lesbian identity may be nothing but a social construct, but it has been crucial, enabling us to demand the rights that are due to us as a minority. What becomes of our political movement if we openly acknowledge that sexuality is flexible and fluid, that gay and lesbian does not signify ‘a people’ but rather a ‘sometime behavior’?”
Amazing! An eminent award-winning gay expert on gayness is confessing that homosexuals are not a genuine minority in any sense. The brilliant doctor is telling us that gays are not a biological minority like black people because gays choose to be gay; they can escape their category at will. This ability to escape disqualifies homosexuals from consideration as a true minority under the provisions the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
This is nothing less than an admission that radical gays are cynically employing the Big Lie propaganda technique of Adolf Hitler. To be successful, the Great Socialist declared, your lie must be an enormous lie. There is no bigger lie infiltrating the moral fiber of America than the lie that homosexuals are an oppressed minority.
Next we have Dr. John DeCecco, a psychologist and Director of the Center for Research and Education in Sexuality at San Francisco State University and editor of The Journal of Homosexuality. The doctor self-identifies as “gay” but insists that sexual attraction is a preference, not a fixed orientation. In his book If You Seduce a Straight Person You Can Make Them Gay Dr. DeCecco blows off the whole “born gay” idea as just so much “gay and lesbian politics” deployed to win social acceptance.
Now consider the telling insights of Dr. Vera Whisman, author of Queer by Choice: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Politics of Identity, who tells us that “The political dangers of a choice discourse go beyond the simple (if controversial) notion that some people genuinely choose their homosexuality. Indeed, my conclusions question some of the fundamental basis upon which the gay and lesbian rights movement has been built. If we cannot make political claims based on an essential and shared nature, are we not left once again as individual deviants? Without an essentialist [born gay] foundation, do we have a viable politics?”
What a question. Of course not! The gay, transvestite, lesbian, transsexual, bi-sexual and “questioning” coalition has never been anything but a patched-together hodgepodge of needy oddballs in search of companionship.
Did any of the lawyers who have fumbled every courtroom defense of traditional marriage ever think to quote lesbian writer Jennie Ruby who candidly admits, “I don’t think lesbians are born . . . I think they are made . . . The gay rights movement has (for many good and practical reasons) adopted largely an identity politics.”
Likewise, lesbian author Jan Clausen declares, “What’s got to stop is the rigging of history to make the either/or look permanent and universal. I understand why this argument may sound exotic to outsiders for whom the public assertion of a coherent, unchanging lesbian or gay identity has proved an indispensable tactic in the battle against homophobic persecution.”
She’s talking about the straight enablers of the gay political agenda who are too stupid to grasp the fact that they are the dupes and flunkeys of the gay Big Lie – the lie that every homosexual is the product immutable biological determinism. Why should straights believe this political talking point if gays themselves don’t believe it? The entire Gay Power movement is tainted with bad faith. As the lesbian poet Audre Lorde opined, “I don’t believe our wants have made all our lies holy.”
If homosexuals are queer by choice, then why would any sane civilization weaken the integrity of its central organizing institution, marriage, just to accommodate a tiny splinter population who are willfully sexually deviant?
American gays are not denied any civil right. Every adult male in America has the right to marry the adult female of his choice. Likewise, every adult female has the right to marry the adult male of her choice. Since every adult in America is either male or female, it is a fact that every adult in America has the same right to marry. Millions of adults choose to not marry for a variety of reasons – a desire to play the field, excessive shyness, never meeting the “right person,” a dislike for the other gender, poor health – or a thousand other personal reasons. But no adult is denied the right to marry. What gays want are entirely-new legally-recognized social institutions that idealize the peculiar and uncomplementary emotional chemistries of two male homosexuals or two female homosexuals. A “gay marriage” is not a marriage as marriage is understood by almost every human on this planet; “gay marriage” is, at best, an earnest parody of marriage and, at worst, a grotesque mockery of marriage. The dimwit voters of Maine, Maryland and Washington who voted to elevate two novel social experiments – gay-male wedlock and lesbian wedlock – to equal status with genuine marriage are the exception.
What gays imagine their “rights” to be knows no bounds. Before they spiffed up their public image, gays were the outspoken advocates for the abolition of all age-of-consent laws. They argued (and still do) that youngsters are being denied their “right” to sexual fulfillment – presumably with an older (much older) homosexual. The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) had a reserved place of honor in every Gay Pride parade. The first year that these predatory pederasts were excluded from participation, the inventor of the idea that gays were an “oppressed minority,” Harry Hay, crashed a Gay Pride parade wearing a sandwich board that read “NAMBLA Walks with Me.” The founder of the Gay Power Movement understood that it was hypocritical for gays to exclude boy rapists from the big gay celebration because boy rape was what so many gays were all about.
More recently (December, 2012) homosexuals were defending their “right” to walk around stark naked in public. The San Francisco supervisor, Scott Weiner, had sponsored anti-nudity legislation after a public square became a hang out for gays who wanted to, well . . . let it hang out. The legislation would have made an exception for public nudity at the annual Gay Pride parade as well as at the annual leather and sexual fetish bazaar that so perfectly reflects the mental landscape of gayness.
According to Cleve Jones, a longtime San Francisco resident and gay activist, “Many people who are supporting the band of nudists who have made their beachhead here clearly believe that encouraging this behavior will somehow help keep the neighborhood gay.” (NY Times,12/2/12, p.34)
The Times article, titled “In San Francisco A Voice of Moderation That’s Often Unwelcome,” included a photo of a woman who had stripped naked in City Hall to pretest the Board of Supervisors’ slim 6-to-5 vote to ban most public nudity. The gays felt they were being denied their “right” to waggle a penis in the face of any passing child. There is no end to what creepy narcissists believe to be their “rights.”
Can we believe the lesbians Lyne Harne and Elaine Miller when they tell us that, “There’s nothing natural in lesbianism, it’s a ‘positive choice,’ and a political one.”? The totally gay Girlfriends magazine opines, “No wonder lesbians are so nervous. What makes the lesbian movement strong is the formation of a collective identity, unified behind sexual orientation as a category. If bisexuality undoes that, it kicks the lesbian movement where it really hurts: in the heart and soul of identity politics.”
In other words, lots of so-called “lesbians” are just slumming in the “gay community” until its time for them to get serious about their futures and settle down with Mr. Right. They are telling us that the ranks of the “gay community” are swollen with people who will indulge in homosexual activity and then choose to leave it alone.
Kate Kendall, the Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights challenged the American Psychiatric Association to stop offering any form of reparative therapy to any homosexual, no matter how desperately the gay begged for it. She insisted that homosexuality was inborn and immutable. She and her sidekick, Joanne Loulan told the APA that offering reparative therapy to a homosexual was the moral equivalent of pouring bleach on a black person’s skin to make them white.
Kendal would later argue in a gay publication that human sexuality is changeable. Ms. Loulan later drew the attention of the gay magazine The Advocate (2/18/97) by declaring that she had changed her own sexual orientation and had fallen deeply in love with a man. Oh, the horror!
From the scientific, historical and anecdotal evidence we can conclude several things. First among them is the demonstrated willingness of gay activists to shamelessly tell any lie that will advance the Gay Power agenda. The founding mentors of the Gay Power Movement, Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill, stressed the importance of concealing the true nature of homosexual thought and behavior from all the useful straight idiots. Second, the evidence that homosexuality is immutably rooted in biology is confusing at best. There are many paths to homosexuality; some are biological while others are experiential or some combination of biology and experience. The gay movement is bursting with lots of confused people who don’t know what they are. By any accounting, homosexuals are a muddle. Their spokesmen publicly insist that every gay was born that way, but privately bemoan the fact that millions of “gays” flutter away from the “gay community” to mate with heterosexuals.
The best-educated gay psychologists in America are presenting articles in gay publications that negate any rightful claim by homosexuals to be a biologically-based minority “just like black people.” None of the racial characteristics that distinguish black people are the consequence of some biological process gone haywire. Black people are not the result of a failure to develop normally. Black people are normal; homosexuals are abnormal. Every homosexual is the consequence of some life-enhancing process interrupted.
The “gay community” is really a catch basin of randomly damaged human beings, not a healthy self-sustaining community of biologically complementary humans like the 97% of humanity who are naturally-occurring heterosexuals. Without a continual influx of damaged humans, the “gay community” would wither away to extinction.
Only a small fraction of the 2.8% of the American population who are homosexual is waging the political, judicial and propaganda campaigns that are warping American culture. These few oddballs are nonetheless a needy gaggle of sophisticated and well-heeled upper-middle-class white lesbians and gays who know how to manipulate the emotions of stupidly well-intentioned voters and enlist the aid of clueless enablers in the mass media – the fools whom the leftists cynically call “the useful idiots.”
As you have seen, even the most educated and ardent advocates for homosexuality as a “true minority” are privately doubtful. Away from the courtroom and the television cameras, homosexual intellectuals candidly admit that homosexuality is a fluid and ill-defined disposition that is often a disposition of choice. Many gays believe their sexual orientation to be an aesthetic or a political choice. Homosexuals with doctorate degrees are fretting that millions of self-identified homosexuals might one day choose to identify as straight and leave the gay political agenda in the lurch.
These are the voices of politically astute homosexuals demonstrating their disrespect for normal heterosexual Americans. These gays insist that you can’t be told the truth because you would be shocked and disgusted by the truth. For this reason, you must be misled like every other useful idiot of progressive socialist lore. You must be hoodwinked at every turn. You must be gulled into believing that your ruinous capitulation to the Gay Power agenda is really just an act of compassion.
Thomas Clough
Lisa, in no way was I suggesting you condone pedaphelia, and, if you felt I meant such,I apolagise(sp?)
But, you may find the reply I posted yesterday, its a very interesting article concerning the very thing we all were posting about.
Kind of a long article, but, I found it to be interesting and I think you will also
Thought provoking article easymoney, thanks for sharing.
No need to apologize, I did read/scan through the article (it is very long), some of it is very interesting. Unfortunately it will not change my view on homosexuality - the homosexuals that I know - state they were born that way - I'm not going to call them a liar as they a amazing people full of kindness/compassion/empathy/hard working. I feel what they do in their bedrooms is their business, and what I do in mine is my business. With all the craziness in this world I am happy that they are happy and in love. In the end when we meet our maker it is for God to decide what is wrong and judge them and me accordingly (if one is to believe scripture - I won't be going to heaven either - if Scripture is accurate Heaven is going to be a rather small community).
Lisa, I have a cousin who is gay, and I find him to be one of the funniest people I've ever been around. We don't discuss his life choices and we get along just fine fine.
I feel people should be judged - by their character not what they do in their bedrooms. I'm glad you and your cousin get along well, I am not asking you to change your opinion on the lifestyle, but please don't ask that I change my opinion either.
I did not read all of the article because it is just to long. I agree with Lisa on gays being able to live their lives as they see fit because like her, the gays I know are wonderful people although I have had some heated arguments with them about the gay marriage issue. I had a boss at one time who was gay. He was one of the best managers of people I have ever had the pleasure of working for. As for the gays that I know who said they were born that way, how am I to dispute that? Do I tell them that because a straight researcher says they were not then they are lying. I think the gay life style is deviant behavior and I will always be against same sex marriage but I can't forget that these people are our family our co-workers and for many people our friends.
Personally, I think you, both Willy and Lisa, are now mistakenly making excuses for what you know in your deep, deep, heart is wrong, and are justifying these Gays as ok, just because you know the political tide against such behavior and beliefs nowadays is considered biased and prejudiced. Shame on both of you! You don't seem to be able to formulate the conclusions for yourselves, and for that, I feel sorry somewhat, and also, just disgusted and confused. You are both very intelligent adults that need to formulate that decision for yourselves, and yes, if you are embarassed and ashamed of your own conclusions and beliefs, then, well, you have no minds of your own anymore. You have been brainwashed by the masses, instead of being individual thinkers, those few that determine their own destiny in their lives, not let the masses determine that outcome. Do you really think men like Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Hancock, Ford, Jones, and Edison let the masses determine the way they thought and acted in their lives? God forbid they did, else, we could be centuries behind now in technology. I luv both you guys, but this type of thinking sunk the Titanic, believing that the "ship of imperial/aristocratic/mass thinking knowledge, is unsinkable". It's total fantasy and over-Lording at it's best. To drink from the poison well of knowledge, to be acceptable and popular, is just exactly what the masses count on, and make profit from, not so much in $$$, paper currency, but what is really important and no price can buy, the MIND! You people are selling yourselves short, and that's not a pretty sight imho.
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