Sebelius Tries To Blame GOP For Coming ObamaCare Failures

The law was a joke, a bad joke at that. When Pelosi was up there saying that they would have to pass the law to see what was in it, that should of been a serious warning flag to what was wrong with the legislation. Instead, the democrats pushed on, and now we have a big stinky mess and in the end its not going to do much of what they promised it was going to do. It would be ironic if it ended up that they were the ones to repeal then the republicans.

Health Care: As Democrats grow increasingly worried that ObamaCare will explode on the launch pad just as midterm elections get going, the Obama administration seeks to pin blame on Republicans. Good luck with that.

Earlier this week, Health and Human Services head Kathleen Sebelius admitted that she didn't realize how complicated getting ObamaCare off the ground would be.

Sebelius complained that "no one fully anticipated" the difficulties involved in implementing ObamaCare, or how confusing it would be with the public.

She wasn't talking about the massive and impossible task of imposing central planning on one-sixth of the nation's economy.

Instead, she was trying to find a way to blame Republicans for ObamaCare's failures when the inevitable problems start emerging.

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

Sebelius' fellow Democrat, West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller, had a more accurate take on the problem the administration faces: the law is "probably the most complicated piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress" and "if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse."

Rockefeller, like a growing number of Democrats, realizes that ObamaCare is shaping up to be a political disaster for the party next November.

The influential Cook Political Report noted earlier this month that almost all of the Democratic insiders they talked to "voiced concern about the potential for the issue to hurt Democrats in 2014."

And just what could explain these concerns?

Maybe it's because even Sebelius now admits that ObamaCare will force insurance claims up 32%.

Or possibly it's because, despite endless assurances that the insurance exchanges would be ready on time, the administration had to delay for a year a key feature meant to give small business a choice of health plans.

Or because neither Sebelius nor the states have provided evidence they can get the rest of the exchanges ready by Oct. 1, when ObamaCare's open enrollment begins.

Or perhaps Democrats' fears stem from state insurance commissioners warning of a rate shock once ObamaCare's "community rating" rules and benefit mandates start. Or from rising evidence the law is hurting job growth as small businesses try to avoid its costs.

None of this, mind you, has anything to do with Republicans. And if the GOP were smart, it'd be focused on making sure that, come next November, the public knows that, too.

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They would be smartest if they elucidated and refreshed everyone of their near-complete opposition to the inaptly titled Affordable Care Act, and how many of their misgivings has shaped itself into corporeal form.  When you near-completely nationalize a private industry, take away health rights many Americans were considered guaranteed as per the Tenth Amendment, put an onerous TAX on everyone, open up a new, wide avenue for fraud, invade privacy, etc. all in thousands of complex, likely-conflicting pages of law, you should expect some kind of reflex from those Americans paying attention.

With the endorsement of Republicans to allow background checks for firearms the Republicans have demonstrated their willingness to sell us down the river just as the Democrats have been trying to do for years. The Republicans will not fight against Obama care because when they get back in power they then will be able to control us just as the liberals in power are attempting to do. These two party's are selling us out.


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