What a waste of a beautiful weekend by ludington’s business community. All that was needed were some business owners to tell Whitler to go to hell and open up shop. Instead they cowered in the corner hoping that the tyrant in Lansing would let them open up at least for the 12-31-20 ball drop. All I can say is for them to stop being doormats to radical progressives. This town should have been stuffed with tourist but I guess being cowards when radicals in the gov. take away your freedoms and Constitutional rights it helps to have the backbone of a jellyfish.

People are ready to bust out and head north but where can they go? 1 person is controlling the lives of an entire state. Hell even communist countries have committees to make decisions when they enslave their people. Get off your butts and stand up for American freedom. Isn’t that what we are doing today. Honoring those who sacrificed their lives so you could be free to live yours.

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I opened my roadside wood stand over this last week and let me tell you something:  it was the best Memorial Day weekend gross ever in firewood sales for me.  I will be hard-pressed to keep up if it continues like this.

Every business is essential, if every business opens up, neither the local or state government has enough bullets to gun you all down back into submission.  This is America, and our forefathers enshrined in the founding documents the revolutionary notion that government is not the ultimate authority here, it's the will of the people exercising their rights responsibly and using them to overthrow despotic-tending governments if need be.

Another hit to the local tourist year was announced earlier today by Ed Santorelli, the 10th annual Lud-Rock July 11-12 weekend event has been cancelled.  More cancellations are bound to follow if the local DDA, Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitor's Bureau and city hall don't get their acts together and do so immediately.  Points for those who notice the common thread to each of the organizations I mentioned.

Yes, so right guys. I had visitors too on Friday/Sat. for a business too. We were open, but using some precautions. When both those parties witnessed the fishing was great, they were happy at first. Then, they went downtown for eats and some recreation, and both left early, way early, in disgust of how closed up Ludington was. Sad example we are setting for being true Americans.

When those folks realize they can just go a few miles north, still have good fishing, and be in a place with recreational and dining opportunities, what motivates them to stay here?  It was a bad first impression to give to not only the first-time tourist we received this weekend, but also for those who regularly come to our shores for all it has to offer.  Our loss is Manistee's gain.  Governor Whitmer has once again chosen winners and losers arbitrarily-- the government should never be having to do that.

Whitmer's arbitrary line drawing may not be so arbitrary between Ludington, Manistee or somewhere she wanted to vacation. Rumors are also circulating that some friends on Wixom Lake may have had favors carried out by A.G. Nessel to have their lake filled in the height of spring flood season with the hammer of rare mussels. This is the way of our current politicians. Favors seem to be getting more blatant and common.
  • For those visiting on Memorial Day, Ludington had a surprise for them. No concessions, showers or bathrooms open anywhere, from the beach to the boat launch to waterfront park. There were plenty of people especially at the beach. The parking lot was almost full. So the question that was on a lot of minds was “where to crap”? In their unlimited wisdom the City paid for porta john’s. Smart, close the bathroom and make taxpayers waste money on porta potties. There was only one at the beach and that was located on the north side of the north concession stand. How nice of City to make visitors play “find the toilet”. When I finally found it and looked inside I felt like puking. Imaging taking kids to use this. Talk about abuse.


Just in case you missed it, the two weekends of Rhythms & Dunes concerts have also been sidelined.

The mid-June Relay for Life has been indefinitely postponed.  

The Lakestride 1/2 marathon et. al. has been cancelled effectively, it will be totally 'virtual' this year meaning the runners won't likely be visiting here.  

Ludington Gus Macker will not be held this year.

The Scottville 10/31 event is cancelled.

About the only big event still hanging around is the Freedom Festival, along with the lesser Friday Night Lives and the art fair, all of which may be expendable if Gretchen extends another two weeks and area leaders continue to search for their gonads.  

All of these canceled events mean a long lean off season is in Ludington’s future. Of course there’s always the ball drop. That may even be put on the back burner if Santa comes down with Covid19 and Christmas gets canceled.

To good an article not to share ... hypocrite Whitler, about getting her boat in the water.


Whitless said earlier today that the incident by her husband, favored ahead of others that also want their boat in for the holiday, Marc Mallory, not even her name? Was all now supposed to be excused as "an attempt at failed humor". Did anyone else see that? That is about the weakest and stupidest excuse I've ever heard anyone say and expect it to go over well. I can't find any pic. of their boat either, anyone else?

I bet Gretchin’s hubby is sleeping on the couch until she sets the rest of Michigan free. He’s got to be the dimmest bulb in the Whitmer family tree. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t have him gelded for his gaffs. Gender neutral is the new wave for husbands of female politicians who step out of line.

 It’s hard to believe how easy it has been for government officials to tear up the constitution while the public sat on their asses and let it happen. The left has found it’s most potent weapon to date which allows them to control people and the beauty of it is people are willingly going along with it and without questioning their authority. A genius move by the radical left, communists and the Globalists. How easy it is to Convince people that it’s better to be safe than free.


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