I guess I leave this controversial discussion up for debate. Do we seize the moment on Quaddafi, now, if not now, when? After 42 years in iron fist dictator power? Or mind our own bees wax? Are we now not committed to do something more? Or nothing more that what's been done now? I ask for your opinions, not for argument, just to hear what's out there now. Thanks.

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I don't know.  I am torn as to whether to oust him, or not.


I Mean when we had the civil war here in the US how would we have felt if (china,russia etc..insert name of some powerful country..)had jumped in and made it come out the way they wanted.


I guess to me for the most part it is a civil war and we should stay out of it. Unless we get allegiance from the rebels to US.



Ponder this: last week Pres. Obama said Qaddafi had to go, said it several times in earnest too. This week Pres. Obama is saying the entire action is a humanitarian effort, and we are not seeking to oust Qaddafi. Ok now, which is it? How does this reflect with the arab/muslim world? Or the loyalists still left to Qaddafi? Or for that matter, to the rest of the UN forces and world at large? Totally conflicting and confusing statements made by a Superpower in just a week, seems weak at best, and gives the enemy a feeling of redoubling their efforts, and laughing at us for blinking, again.
lando I think France and England did take sides.

In a word...I say we should not have gotten involved.


NATO should deal with it so why does USA insist on running the show over there?

Obama should keep his promise that he's bringing all soldiers home from middle east.


Just saying...isn't that what he criticized Bush for?


Exactly Masonco, and he promised to get us out of these 2 wars that Bush needlessly got us into, plus close Guantanamo. Now we are involved in 3 wars, and Syria and Pakistan also loom on the horizon, plus Guantanamo is open as usual for vacation fun.
I personal have been waiting for us to go into Libya For 20 years.  We have waited all to long to do what is right. I do not believe sitting back and staying out of it, just because the issue is not happening in America is moral justified. Of course there is always the fundamental two sides to a story.  Freedom, whether it is ours, or another nations always comes at a price.  Countries like Libya, iran, cuba, china, russia, iraq, egypt, only make efforts difficult by denying this fundamental belief.  We could speak of America's Lack Of Money?  No democrat ever worried about that issue when Obama was handing out his extensive spending advocacies, in which 75% of it can still not be found.  Rather, I tend to believe Americans have become fundamentally selfish, and cowardy; non-willing to sacrifice for other nations.  Libya for decades has been labeled as on of the 6 heads of the middle east snake, (The Gihad).  Any person today who has come to the believe that their movement is not moving forward, and still extreem in its future intent, are truly suffering from 2 possible views.  2.)  Confusion brought about by the special interest liberal media, or. 2.) They just don't care, unless it only effects them.  America is going to go through a change on these issues very soon, or I am afraid we will be socialist within 50 years.  Oh, I know people say we are socialist now.  They have seen nothing yet.  So why would I mention political status in this question. It's simple. Opinions have always seemed any longer to be derived from peoples personal political sense, rather than a sense of right and wrong.
How about a vote of those interested here on just one subject: "Quaddafi": 1) yes, stays in power?, or 2) no, goes? Yes or no is all I want voted on today, without the other factors crowding the subject matter, thanks.


Yes or No??? Only time will tell.


Do *I* want him to stay in power (Y or N)? I don't really care as generally when one dictator falls it does not necessarily put a better gov't in power.

If this makes it any easier, dovetail Cuba and Castro with Libya, just as a clear-cut now answer, without the it depends and what if's that don't make for a split-second decision. No one can forecast the future, but we can look at the past, just yes, or no, thanks. It's not a trick answer, just a General/Presidential type decision if you were in their shoes. Just a fun


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