257.657a Operation of golf cart on village, city, or township streets.
Sec. 657a.
(1) A village or city having a population of fewer than 30,000 individuals based upon the 2010 decennial census may by resolution allow the operation of golf carts on the streets of that village or city, subject to the requirements of this section. A township having a population of fewer than 30,000 individuals based upon the 2010 decennial census may by resolution, unless disapproved by the county board of commissioners under subsection (3), allow the operation of golf carts on the streets of that township, subject to the requirements of this section.
(2) If a village, city, or township allows the operation of golf carts on the streets of that village, city, or township, that village, city, or township may require those golf carts and the operators of those golf carts to be recorded on a list maintained by that village, city, or township. A village, city, or township shall not charge a fee for listing golf carts or the operators of those golf carts.
(3) A county board of commissioners may, by resolution, disapprove the operation of golf carts on the streets of a township located within that county if the county board of commissioners conducts a hearing and determines that 1 or more of the following apply:
(a) The operation of golf carts on the streets of that township would cause significant environmental damage.
(b) The operation of golf carts on the streets of that township would cause a significant concern of public safety.
(4) The county board of commissioners shall provide public notice of a hearing under subsection (3) at least 45 days before the hearing is conducted. The county board of commissioners shall also provide written notice of a hearing under subsection (3) to the township at least 45 days before the hearing is conducted.
(5) A person shall not operate a golf cart on any street unless he or she is at least 16 years old and is licensed to operate a motor vehicle.
(6) The operator of a golf cart shall comply with the signal requirements of section 648 that apply to the operation of a vehicle.
(7) A person operating a golf cart upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
(8) A person shall not operate a golf cart on a state trunk line highway. This subsection does not prohibit a person from crossing a state trunk line highway when operating a golf cart on a street of a village, city, or township, using the most direct line of crossing.
(9) Where a usable and designated path for golf carts is provided adjacent to a highway or street, a person operating a golf cart may, by local ordinance, be required to use that path.
(10) A person operating a golf cart shall not pass between lines of traffic, but may pass on the left of traffic moving in his or her direction in the case of a 2-way street or on the left or right of traffic in the case of a 1-way street, in an unoccupied lane.
(11) A golf cart shall not be operated on a sidewalk constructed for the use of pedestrians.
(12) A golf cart shall be operated at a speed not to exceed 15 miles per hour and shall not be operated on a highway or street with a speed limit of more than 30 miles per hour except to cross that highway or street. A village, city, or township may, by resolution, designate roads or classifications of roads for use by golf carts under this subsection.
(13) A golf cart shall not be operated on the streets of a city, village, or township during the time period from 1/2 hour before sunset to 1/2 hour after sunrise.
(14) A person operating a golf cart or who is a passenger in a golf cart is not required to wear a crash helmet.
(15) This section does not apply to a police officer in the performance of his or her official duties.
(16) A golf cart operated on a street of a village, city, or township under this section is not required to be registered under this act for purposes of section 3101 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101.
(17) As used in this section, "golf cart" means a vehicle designed for transportation while playing the game of golf. A golf cart is not required to meet the vehicle safety requirements of a low-speed vehicle for approval under this section.
Assuming that Ludington follows the laws, what are we to make of these obvious alterations like registration and Fees when law says none required, Requiring lights when law says a golf cart is a golf cart, Speed Limit of 15mph which was not listed in media laws posted, and so fourth?
And, as a Bonus I threw in the helmet clause.
(14) A person operating a golf cart or who is a passenger in a golf cart is not required to wear a crash helmet.
***This may lead to blaming the victim in Mason County if the golf cart driver does not wear a helmet.***
(16) A golf cart operated on a street of a village, city, or township under this section is not required to be registered under this act for purposes of section 3101 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101.
*** Then why must people pay for a register tag?*** Especially when....
(2) If a village, city, or township allows the operation of golf carts on the streets of that village, city, or township, that village, city, or township may require those golf carts and the operators of those golf carts to be recorded on a list maintained by that village, city, or township. A village, city, or township shall not charge a fee for listing golf carts or the operators of those golf carts.
(17) As used in this section, "golf cart" means a vehicle designed for transportation while playing the game of golf. A golf cart is not required to meet the vehicle safety requirements of a low-speed vehicle for approval under this section.
***Then why does Ludington REQUIRE HEADLIGHTS AND TAIL LIGHTS??***
Start your chainsaws!!!!!!
For some narcissist reason, both Ludington and Mason County officials all too often, and repeatedly, interpret Michigan Law as they please, with the help of a crooked attorney, Richard Wilson. If they like the law, they adopt it and alter it to their whim. If they don't like the law, they ignore it and continue to do as previously. And remember, golf carts may NOT be used on pedestrian sidewalks. Tell that to the Lud. Municipal Marina kids that do this everyday out here.
The included picture of the proposed golf cart ordinance that was passed on Monday, shows that the contentions you bring forth are mostly unfounded, because our 'media sources', as usual, do not present the complete picture.
State's #14 corresponds to Ludington's 'j'.
#16 corresponds to 'l'.
For golf carts, as you can see, Ludington doesn't require lights-- for ORVs they do.
Ludington's 'n' requiring golf carts meant for street use to be registered with LPD is our city's own invention, and whose violation is listed as a civil infraction. As usual, it's a stupid add-on, because if you get caught without such registration, you can always claim that you had no intention of using your golf cart on the street, but circumstances came up where you did.
Ludington has the same mandate for getting your bicycle registered at a cost of a dollar , but all my bicycles are unregistered. If you call the LPD and ask to get your bicycle registered, they are likely to ask "Say what?", as they did me a few years ago.
I included the entirety of the Ludington ordinance at the end of your article above; always happy to assist, LOL.
What group was actually behind the golf cart movement?
And how come they get a pass for not having to carry insurance especially PIP?
Before Monday's meeting, it was a pure mystery as to who wanted to put golf carts and ORVs on the streets of Ludington. The mystery has not been completely revealed, but Dan Quinn, aka Dr. Quinn the Motosport Man, and our mayor were instrumental is its passage (as revealed in the new thread: The Blessings of the Golf Carts
Thank X. I saw your response after I made my post. So this happened the way things usually happen around here, the corrupt dealings and crony politics that is the hallmark of the current city officials both elected, appointed or otherwise. I wonder how much cash changed hands or if Mayor Cox will be getting a new ORV.
As an aside I already saw ORV's traveling down Ludington Avenue. In the second one the driver was chatting away on his cell phone like a school girl oblivious to traffic. I wonder if Cox or Quinn will be party to any lawsuits when they arise?
Wow I finally got a chance to read your "Blessing of the Carts". So Cox didn't disclose that he along with Quinn stand to directly benefit financially from this ordinance. Good God what a slimy son of a bitch we have as mayor, His Honor Lying Ryan Cox.
Do school personnel have a code of ethics they have to uphold? Or when they are off duty do they get free reign to engage in unethical and potentially criminal behavior?
Probably a better hypothetical question to ask is whether those councilors who voted yes are going to be jet-setting about in a golf cart or ORV, courtesy of Cox or Quinn.
The sad thing is, our city officials and employees have been the only one you have seen out riding golf carts and ORVs around town even before an ordinance was possible and it was CLEARLY illegal (exception: when police and fire officials used their ORV for responding to and coming back from emergencies). I have brought it to Chief Barnett and the council's attention, but it was not important to them.
Our officials have proved over and over again, they have no respect for the law.
Cox it seems is trying his hardest to be connected at the hip with the other City officials who consider the citizens of Ludington to be a bunch of ignorant fools that can be bamboozled and shafted by an out of control cadre of elected officials. Very disappointing to see how he has revealed himself to be concerned only about his own self interest.
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