Does anyone know why Ryan Cox is no longer teaching at Ludington Area Schools? He is working at Home Depot now. The school district sent a letter to parents before school started saying Mr. Cox would not be teaching during the 2015/2016 school year. It seems like an interesting career move to go from a government job (teacher) to a retail employee.
Well ORANGE and Black are Ludington school colors. Maybe he thought they were affiliated.
He would definitely be qualified to be in either with his extensive experience in teaching and reserve police work.
But he may want to avoid Custer High School. I hear tell his wife, an authentic police officer, was doing undercover investigations there about a year ago, before somebody tipped her off.
I guess Mrs. Cox is going to be known best for her undercover work. Something Mr. Cox is sure to always remember as one of Mrs. Cox's major contributions to the well being of students.
Nobody can deny that she can deftly handle vibrant, young Mayor Cox... along with the rest of the student body.
All of these subliminal comments read like a "detective mystery novel," in the making of a good book.
Enough subliminal comments, time for a subliminal video and make sure to catch the last refrain and wonder what it all means:
"When you sin Cardinal Sin, you make your bed and on it you must lie,
And your futures looking grim, but did you ever give a damn
About the child? He's Running Wild
When you sin Cardinal Sin, don't expect the world will treat you well,
We say oh, go to Hell
We point the finger, sin Cardinal Sin, laugh in your face, sin Cardinal Sin,
We point the finger, laugh in your face,
'Cos you're no better than the rest of the human race
Oh sin Cardinal Sin, oh sin Cardinal Sin"
Okay.....Back Sabbath??? LOL @ your video!
There are more recent covers of that song, but I went classic-- and besides Teacher Cox is on a sabbatical.
Today I had some more data coming in regarding the two teachers on leave. I will be sharing some of it shortly. Until then here's an interesting factoid. Ryan worked at Home Depot twice in the past, just before he went into teaching at LASD. In between, he worked at Lowe's.
What happened to being loyal and working at the family business? Not getting along there either? Black Sabbath rings old bells upstairs so, okay.
Ryan did work at and co-own the family business in Scottville (Cox's Sales and Service) but his resume to the school has him splitting from there earlier in the century. One has to believe he would likely inherit the business unless some estrangement has occurred.
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