I'm assuming it was because of the rain that the attendance for gidlock 2 was so small. It rained almost continually but not very hard, just enough to make things uncomfortable. The gathering was still, as usual, upbeat, cheerful and very inspirational. There were maybe a couple hundred cars circulating around the Capital and possibly as many as1500 people on the Capital grounds. We stayed for most of it with umbrella's in tow. I've got to say that the people gathered there today truly care about what happens to Michigan and America. Not like the Leftists and Progressive rally's who want to destroy America for unreasonable and imaginary reasons. I took many pictures but am posting the ones that seem to convey the frustration felt by those that care about the direction the left is taking us. Some I will post here and a few more in the comment section. And guess what? No Confederate or Nazi flags. Just good old red, white and blue.






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Great pictures, Willy.  Thanks for being our on-scene reporter/photographer at the epicenter of today's news.  Please take some time to refute the sensationalizing that the lamestream media will do to marginalize this event, whenever you see it.  I've already seen them key in on the open-carry people as if they were school shooters rather than just expressing their right to carry.

Great job Willy. Totally different perspective than what MSM shows.  Like being there. Thanks.

Thanks X and shinblind. Do either of you have any links to media outlets that are putting a negative spin on this?

Here's one out of the UK:  "Michigan politicians wear bulletproof vests as armed protesters storm Capitol to protest stay-at-home orders", complete with video.

From The Hill:  "Armed protesters demonstrate inside Michigan state capitol"

Business Insider:  "Anti-lockdown protesters in Michigan brought rifles and weapons into the state capitol"

As you can see there's a common theme, one that didn't focus much on the usual demonstrators like you did.

The folks with firearms were requested to be there by the group sponsoring the rally. This was announced over the PA system so everyone knew who the were and why they were there. The sponsors needed a permit and permission to hold the rally so the State and law enforcement knew before hand this was going to be the situation so they had to have had permission to be there. I personally thought it was a foolish thing to do but since the Constitution is under attack by the Governor someone felt it was necessary to display the rights that the Constitution protected. The police always wear vests when crowd security is involved. This is why it so important not to believe what much of what the press reports. 

  Gun owners can claim their rights to bare arms but I thought guns or weapons were banned in Government building except for law enforcement. If I saw someone or a group of people entering a building with rifles or even hand guns I would be gone in a second. I could see this could have got out of control real quick . Luckily a cop from Manistee wasn't there for crowd control..

It varies in different states, but Michigan law does not allow open carry in schools • depository financial institution • church/house of religious worship • court • theatre • sports arena • day care center • hospital • an establishment licensed under the Michigan Liquor Control Act.

Someone can open carry in city hall or at the capitol building, the MI Appeals Court has even ruled on the city hall case arising from a Ferndale ordinance.  You can open carry in Manistee, but that comes with some risk and free bullets if a police officer is illegally trespassing in your backyard.

Funny stump. There were only a few people with firearms not a large group and they were there with an invite. This is how the media focuses on a meaningless singularity and the use of fear tactics. For all we know those persons with firearms were off duty officers because they were requested to be there with police approval. 


Somewhere today I saw a headline that the crowd numbered in the hundreds. What would be your estimate of the number of people?

Another story also called them armed gunmen who stormed the Capitol Building.


Many thanks Willy, so good and accurate, we need this more than ever now.


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