Fourth Ward Councilor Michael Krauch received his seat on the council not from the usual channels of going through the political election process wherein he introduces himself to the people of his city ward, markets himself and his positions to the people of that ward, and then gets a majority of the votes from the people of the ward. 

No; he succeeded Fourth Ward Councilor Wanda Marrison when she resigned her position a little over a couple months before this last general election.  The city charter indicates that the council then had the duty and power to appoint a successor for the position until the next regular election, which few would argue is what we had in November, with local, state and federal seats and proposals being decided at all six city precincts including the fourth ward. 

The few that would argue with the definition of 'regular election' as defined in state law and undefined by local law, assist or inhabit the other six seats of power in the council, not a one that lives or has ever advocated for anyone from the fourth ward in their career.  They couldn't fathom the citizens of the fourth ward 'disenfranchising' their appointee so quickly in a democratic election decided by the will of the people. 

Early on Mr. Krauch understood that problem, unlike the rest of the council and city management who were appointing him while actively  advocating the undemocratic charter amendment to make the city clerk and treasurer appointees rather than elective positions. 

In his September 17, 2014 interview by the council at a special meeting where another candidate was interviewed it was noted:  "As for explaining tough budget decisions that negatively affect his neighbors, he stated that in any agency, there is a finite amount of money, and so you can't please everyone.  You need to be capable of explaining negative impacts to the City, and know that not everyone will be happy." 

In the minutes of that special meeting, his answer to that question was noted:  "He explained that it is important to educate the resident on the issues and demonstrate to the resident the process that was reviewed to come up with the budget decision." and "he would make it a priority to reach out to the 4th Ward community to get to know them."

Typically, the democratic process allows plenty of opportunities for candidates to rub shoulders with their constituents, when they don't they quite often lose.  But as we have noticed, Krauch, who moved here from Illinois less than ten years ago, did not have that experience.  So, true to his word in that matter, he did make the effort to get to know them by a good old-fashioned meet and greet. 

A November 4 COLDNews article available on-line and in the newspaper proper advertised:  "A meet-and-greet with new Ludington Fourth Ward city councilor Mike Krauch is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 at Pomorski’s – 1302 S. Madison St. 

Krauch encourages his constituents to take this opportunity to share with him their comments, suggestions and concerns."  In the November 10th meeting minutes it was noted:  "Councilor Krauch mentioned that he has invited the residents of the 4th Ward to a "Meet & Greet" on Saturday, November 22nd from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pomorski’s Tavern located at 1302 S. Madison Avenue."  Around this time it was put up as a front-page announcement on the city website, and is still there.

At the end of the November 24th meeting he noted that his 'coming out party' where he had some good conversations and a lot of fun and anticipates it will be done regularly in the upcoming year (7:00 into this video).  At that same meeting, the city council packet reflected an interesting charge in the periodic expenditures that was worthy of note. 

A brief explanation is in order.  When the city 'pays its bills' they effectively endorse (either before or after) payment for goods or services with money from the city treasury.  This money is used for the services the city government provides including police and fire services, trash pickup, street repairs, etc. 

Such public money should not be used for private or political purposes, to do so would be unethical and perhaps unlawful.  Consider, would you say it was okay for an incumbent politician (or his appointee) to use public funds indiscriminately for his re-election?

The entry and research into the street gutters of the fourth ward made the editors of the Ludington Torch presume that the City had purchased pricy handouts to be delivered to the residents of the fourth ward that the deliverers could hang on the doors.  We made a FOIA request to the city for the invoice and a copy of the door hanger.  We received the following door hanger:

The hanger itself is consistent with the messages put out in the newspaper, local websites, and Mr. Krauch's announcement at the end of the first November meeting, an informal, unofficial meeting with the man who arguably was the illegitimate fourth ward councilor.  Here was the invoice:

You will note they purchased 500 door hangers and the only initials on the invoice was the unmistakable signature of City Manager John Shay.  Just think: the city would have invested less money on amending and printing 500 ballots for the fourth ward with the two or more candidates names on them this November.  Instead, they used public money to try and sell their illogical, undemocratic, and very un-American position of retaining the city council's choice with nary a vote cast by any fourth ward resident.

More sinister is that there was no official city business being conducted at this 'coming out party', therefore by MCL 750-490a the person who signed off on this marketing purchase was guilty of a misdemeanor as:  "An officer of any governmental agency shall not purchase or cause to be purchased any goods in the name of or on the credit of the governmental agency for any other purpose than for use in the regular course of the official business of the governmental agency."


At the December 1st meeting of the city council, Krauch described why he voted to renew City Manager Shay's contract with a 1.5% raise: 

"I've only been on the council a few months now,a little bit less than that actually, so I was a resident customer of the city up to that point, and I always had positive customer service experiences any time I had interaction with the city.  I think that's very much a reflection on the quality of leadership the city has, particularly, in the city manager."

I tried to figure out what a "resident customer" is, and even using the power of Google, I couldn't figure this one out.  With his tacit approval of this flagrant misuse of public funds, Krauch's capacity as a district coordinator for MSU Extension should be put under proper  review.

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I hate that term  "customer" when used by a politician. The arrogance of thinking the citizens who pay the bills and elect public officials are the "customers" of the City. How ignorant. I can see that Mr Krauch will fit in nicely with the existing Council. That's probably why they picked him. I'm sure the idea for the City to foot the bill for Krauch's party was Shay's idea.  Door hanger-gate is just another slap in the face of Ludington's taxpayers. By the time Shay and the Council are finished putting the polishing touches on Krauch I'm sure we will see another one of Shay's clones shine through. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but this situation shows he's becoming one of the crowd and also shows he just doesn't use his head. Another good job X.

How can someone be a 'resident customer' of the City, when the City believes that the customer is never right, unless they agree with the storekeeper's policies?

City apologists, who likely won't post here because they always wind up looking pretty ignorant when they do, would probably say it's only $85 and done to introduce the new city councilor to the fourth ward.  Both are true, but they miss the point. 

If this is acceptable, then what's the difference if in 2016 Councilor Nick Tykoski, for example, decides to bill his gold plated campaign signs and other marketing to the city.  Not that Nick would charge the city a lot for gold plated signs-- after all he charged the City only a little over $50,000 rather than $150,000 for the dozen gold and black signs (that are mostly useless for way faring) that he put in the downtown.

So true... If you speak in favor of city policies at council meetings you get more time and responses.... If you speak against (usually truth) then you get a bell at your time up and no responses.

Mikey.. I almost thought was turning to, though very minuscule, to common sense... Then he reminds me how he attacks citizens that speak against him or city.  Especially when it's shows him in bad light.

Councilor Krauch suggested one of our members threatened him when he said:  "Shay and his disrespect, Krauch and his disrespect, a dark alley,!" and "I would also like 5 minutes in a room alone with him for his disrespect to my mother.  Actually would not need that long!  Maybe 10 seconds."  The latter was directed at John Shay, the former phrase has an implication followed by a LOL.

For this a major LPD investigation was launched by Aaron Sailor, at around the same time a very suspicious fire happened just last year at the site of where the listening session was held.  Sailor's investigation of that fire was hilariously inept (I'll share it someday), but he did think our members' words deserved to be sent to the prosecutor for a warrant (which was denied).

It also led to Krauch routinely taking over the task of browbeating the unwashed public at the end of meetings, pointing his virile fingers (is that better, LOL?) at the target of his tirade and ending with his trademarked Krauch glare for a span of seconds.  His demeanor, choice of words, and tone seems a lot more threatening than anything our members have ever said regarding his failed attempts at representing the Fourth Ward. 

Is it "Napoleon" Kraurch's  job to be the muscle of the city council? An amusing thought.

Don't worry Nappy, some day you might grow up to be a real consultoria, like Attorney Wilson.

Kickbacks will be when you know you have arrived.

Then again being a yappy little muscle is looked at as being in a dead end job.

Not much chance for career advancement.

Arf Arf goes Nappy.

Dianne, if you think my reference to Nappy Councilor Krauch's pudgy fingers was bad, just look what shinblind did to that poor beleaguered scold.  Be advised, however, that Napoleon was a great thinker and leader of men. 

Be advised also that when I said 'pudgy hands' that it may have been a compliment to Little Mikey's baseball skills.  Longtime Detroit Tigers catcher Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez was often thought to be one of the best defensive catchers ever, winning 13 Golden Gloves at a challenging position.  Pudgy fingers are an asset when your inner Napoleon kicks in, or you need to play 'catcher' at John Shay's house.  Darn, I was going good there.

So its ok to be scorned and beat up for speaking at a city council meeting for speaking ones concerns? This person is sick and needs to go! The venom from him is trashing this city! Maybe posting his tirade videos would open the eyes of the many that are constantly intimidated to go, let alone speak at a council meeting? I have heard a recording of him threatening someone, it is sad! This bullshit scorning at the end needs to STOP! Residents concerns matter dammit!

I don't know why but it's about to turn Thursday, and Ludington TV has yet to post their video of this meeting.  No other news agency present reported that Mayor Holman retired from the meeting, that the council and its policies were roundly panned by multiple members of the audience, that the city attorney was dead wrong on the OMA, and that Krauch acted like his panties were in a bunch.  Sorry Dianne...

Makes one think that maybe the other side is scared of the raw truth of the video getting out.  

LMAO, there is a Terri that said something very similar on another site! So funny! Possibly very true? He may need a shovel to get relief, lol!

At the very next meeting 12-15-2014, I brought it up in my comment (as seen here) by saying:  

Each of you councilors, but one, ran for your elective office in the past, even I have done so.  Like me, I am presuming you spent your own money and money given to you by private donors to do so.   And so I was plenty disturbed by an entry in the paying of the bills in the November 24 meeting that suggested that the City used its own funds to market a "Meet and Greet" event by Michael Krauch, finding out through FOIA they printed 500 of these 'door hangers' [flash hanger] at a cost to the taxpayers of over $85, with John Shay signing the invoice.  [put hanger on lectern].

If you don't see a problem with using the money that is supposed to go for maintaining our local roads, providing us with fire and police protection, and other meaningful public services, then you may be part of the problem.  This money was used to market a purely political fun-raising gathering with no official business being conducted therein. 

Mr. Shay, state law says that it is a misdemeanor for an officer of a city to purchase any goods in the name of the city for any other purpose than for use in the regular course of the official business of the city.  This wasn’t.  We could have saved most of the money spent for this and made someone the legitimate fourth ward councilor by using some of that money to include a fourth ward councilor selection on less than 500 fourth ward ballots in November."

At the end of the meeting, the official minutes note:  "City Manager Shay clarified the earlier comment made regarding the $85 expenditure for door hangers for Councilor Krauch that was spent for a fundraising event and he stated that this comment was not correct.  This event was to have Councilor Krauch meet with his new constituents to learn what issues and concerns these constituents may have.  The City did not spend any money on a fundraising event." 

Shoot, I spent nearly $700 on my failed attempt to become Third Ward Councilor last year, and exactly zero dollars was public money from the City of Ludington or any other public trough.  I tried to hold a beach campfire event (cost would have been $200 +) to educate the public on the city, and debate my opponent.  The city blocked me using well over $200 in wasted city official time, and they spent much more investigating the posts of two of my members in order to cast me in a bad light to the public for defending their words and their First Amendment rights wile they played to the media. 

It's simply too unethical to consider doing such a thing as having the city pay for door hangers for a political rally in my universe.


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