Earlier this month, Ludington's Rotary Park hosted the second West Shore Pride Festival, and I was a bit upset.
"This festival which lasted for five hours and used a significant part of Rotary Park for that time in the midst of tourist season never got city council approval for their event, their vendors and their performers, not even at the covert committee level.
Guess what? Back in 2016 my campaign committee wanted to have a public giveaway of hot dogs, sodas, etc. at the end of September at Stearns Park as part of my endeavor to educate the public on the two candidates running for office, I invited the incumbent Les Johnson to talk issues over a campfire with me. I let the City council and manager know well ahead of time at two council meetings, I filled out applications for using the park, and they effectively killed it by sending it to the committee level for approval over a month after my request was made and it was too late to logistically carry it off easily, providing the city manager approved it (which was unlikely since LPD was conducting a sham investigation on Shay's behalf on this website because he got his knickers in a knot over two non-threatening posts made by Torchers).
You want fairness, take Pride Fest 3 through the morass and maze of city hall bureaucracy and be judged on the "Rotta Standard".'
Today, they are holding an organized protest called Families Belong Together at 5 PM at Rotary Park, where they say "we’re taking to the streets to say that #FamiliesBelongTogether - and demanding that we reunite families and end family separation and detention." Liberal groups from the ACLU to the YCA have united together in Washington and all over the country today to engage in a specious debate over separating aliens illegally entering this country from the children they bring with them while committing the crime.
Many of the people involved in these events believe that ICE should be abolished and 'open borders' should be the national policy. You will find that many involved with the "Families Belong Together" are the same people that believe that the killing of unborn children is a natural right, and that it takes a village, not a family, to raise a child. It seems inconstant and hypocritical to now praise family units when it's politically expedient.
But back to the point, this FBT event in Ludington was planned at least four days ago when it was advertised as a scheduled protest in the Petoskey paper. Odd, but even though the Detroit Free Press and Manistee News Advocate also noted Ludington's FBT event, the local paper never mentioned it even though they noted the national protest.
And just like the West Shore Pride event, it was never brought before the council or any of its committees at any point to get approval to take place in a park that is supposedly able to be used by all citizens without having to worry about being expelled by partisan groups without having any real authority to gather in the park in the first place. But what is one to expect from a group that believes that aliens can cross our borders and do whatever they want and go wherever they want to exploit the nation they are trespassing on?
Thanks for posting this discussion because it covers many topics. The first thing that comes to mind is how fast the left organizes protests. It must have a communications tree that branches out to all corners of the Country. Conservatives don't seem to be able or even care about organizing this way. It's a wonder that Conservatives can come together at all during important elections. I have to compare leftists to the Borg.
They are a group of people who cannot come up with good ideas individually. They think and do as they are told, without question. Almost mindless in their pursuit of their hatred for America, Conservatism, Capitalism and Trump. The fact that they now want to abolish border security and institute open borders should scare the crap out of any American with at least an ounce of common sense.
I'm surprised they haven't attempted to make Ludington a sanctuary city.
I was a passenger in a car going past Rotary Park around 5:45 this afternoon, and saw a line of 40-50 sign-toting folks trying to give me a variety of their odd propaganda of abolishing ICE (immigration officials), permitting open borders and a variety of incarnations of the 'families should not be separated' message. They had went back into the interior of the park about five minutes later, after we cruised the beach. I saw no signs of DPW or the LPD, so at least they appear not to have used additional city resources.
By the time I went by again an hour later, it had dissipated, and they didn't seem to leave behind a mess, at least. If I didn't have to shower accolades on John Shay at the next meeting, I would be stridently challenging their inconsistent policy of allowing leftist partisans free use of the parks, and apparently without any need of approval since last year around this time with the All Hands on Deck protest.
I don't know of any such sign, but I am familiar with the sections of the city code Sec. 38-106 to 108, relevant parts follow, and this also answers your parenthetical picnic questions:
Activity Permit. In addition to any other section of this article requiring a permit prior to engaging in a given activity, no person in a park shall conduct, operate, manage or take part in any of the following activities unless a permit is obtained prior to the start of the activity: (1) Any picnic, outing or gathering sponsored by any person and composed of 30 or more persons... A person seeking a permit required by this division shall file an application with the city manager...
These sections explain exactly why the city manager screwed me over on my September 2016 beach campfire, since the Parks Committee is supposed to only get involved with the process if the city manager denies a permit, sec 38-108(d): Within a reasonable time after receipt of an application, the city manager shall apprise an applicant in writing of his reasons for refusing a permit or of any conditions attached to the issuance of a permit. Any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal in writing to the city's parks and recreation committee, who shall consider the application under the standards set forth in subsection (a) of this section and sustain or overrule the city manager's decision.
Haughty and naughty John Shay repeatedly refused to either permit or deny my application, even after I told him it was his duty to decide the issue, and that the only reason it would need to go to committee or council would be if he denied it. The guy refused to follow the rules his whole tenure.
Update, the COLDNews did a glowing story on the unlawful public gathering in today's paper saying among other things: Though the 150 people gathered Saturday afternoon in Rotary Park came from a wide array of backgrounds, they united with the one goal: to speak out against immigration policies that lead to the separation of children from their families.
"It’s part of the national day of action, which is why we picked (Saturday), and we’re protesting family separations on the border,” [organizer Kate] Glancy said. “We’re horrified by seeing images and hearing audio tapes of children crying for their parents, so we wanted to make it known that Ludington has a strong contingent of people against those policies.”
Kate Glancy practices law with her husband David in the Glancy Law Offices, she used to be an associate attorney in the crooked Manistee law firm of Gockerman, Wilson, Saylor & Hesslin. Kate should be well aware that Americans are separated from their kids everyday for breaking the law, here's one instance where she was directly involved and didn't appear to advocate for the father's reunification with the victim he tried to strangle and the child they had together.
When she was working for Gockerman, Kate Glancy had no problem with her law firm and the City of Ludington establishing a policy where a Ludington citizen was given a letter of trespass for no legitimate reason and not permitted to walk onto public property without the threat of being charged with a misdemeanor of trespassing. A person was repeatedly threatened to be separated from his family just for going to the city hall to peacefully observe open public meetings or view a FOIA response, when they had admittedly done nothing wrong.
You can bet my 8 year old daughter would have been crying if I would've tested their resolve by walking onto the property and been arrested and prosecuted by Kate Glancy''s law firm, rather than challenging it in federal court and winning a fair settlement and the ability to do what every other citizen had the right to do.
Beyond her hypocrisy, her husband's ineptitude at being a public defender has separated more mothers and fathers from their children than anybody else in the county I can think of. Kate, why don't you protest against the bulls#!t actions done by SSCENT to snare medical marijuana patients where cops implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to give MM to an undercover officer claiming severe hardship, so that the local prosecutor can jail SSCENT's victim for his merciful act. Too many otherwise innocent men and women I know that have been taken away from their young kids by these jerks, who should be going after the real dealers and destructive drugs.
Yep, I seen those kids on the CBS News cast , They were crying and saying that they wanted their mommy and daddy. I can see that but the problem is FAKE NEWS!!!!!! the kids were speaking perfect english. Whats the chances of that? No mention of the tape being dubbed to english either . They want the same rights as the American citizen,they got it. Break our law, no one to take your kids, Kids are taken away till due process is done.Deportation!!!!! If they are fleeing their country because of fear then the next country is as far as they should go .
Kate Glancy proves that any idiot can be a lawyer. We also know there are at least 149 other idiots just like her in and around Ludington. How stupid can people be. Protesting for people who bring their children here illegally, break the law then want Americans to take care of them. These people [Ludington protesters] broke the law with their protest so what can we expect from them. If they really cared about children then they should do all they can for the 1/2 million U.S.children in foster care. 14,000 in Michigan. But no, these foolish, ignorant, goons want America torn down because CNN and the other Marxist news agencies tell them what to think. These 150 liberals disgust me.
Soaked up some rays earlier today and took out a copy of Ayn Rand's "Anthem" a short novel that takes place in a dystopian future where the concept of individuality has been eliminated and a 'socialist utopia' has been enforced upon everybody. Finished it.
With the embracing of socialism by much of the world and the Democratic Party, it's a good primer on the finite limits of a society that does not allow diversity of opinion, and why the freedom and independence of people to exert their individual rights while respecting their duties to allow other people to exert theirs' is critically important to a free society. People who enter the USA illegally do not respect our rights or our laws, and they have no right to be here, nor do their kids, whom they are teaching a terrible lesson.
That's a great lesson for all of us to explore on this eve of Independence Day. Celebrate what makes you special and good as an individual and what makes others special and good. Fight for the rights of all, not for rights specific to one group, for those aren't rights. Here's the book if you want to read it. If you want to listen:
I'll bet 99% of the youth never even heard or has read Ayn Rand at all, and never will. Her fresh breath for individualism and capitalism will live in my heart and brain forever. A very talented thinker of all time.
I would like to see This attorney, Kate Glancy brought before the State Bar. She is openly promoting sedition and anarchy. She is encouraging civil disobedience and advocating for the invasion of foreign entities into our Country. What in the World does she think she is doing and what is she trying to accomplish? Another disturbing thing about this is that these lefties are teaching these lessons to their children who are being dragged along as accomplices. I have an idea, why don't you lefties teach the Constitution, it's founding and meaning to your kids instead of how to undermine our Government and security.
I think she can reasonably argue that she is not promoting sedition and anarchy, but rather protesting against what she perceives as bad policy on behalf of the federal government regarding immigration. It's her right as a matter of free expression to protest, but it's also your right to disagree with her and take it into account the next time you need the services of a lawyer.
I don't think it's very good business sense for an attorney to organize such rallies when such views are clearly in the minority around this West Michigan neighborhood, and when immigration is low on the list of issues affecting us. Not a good indicator of common sense either, when she has to explain why she wants (or doesn't want) to "End ICE" and do all those other things that were on signs at the illegal protest she organized. But I don't think the Michigan Bar would see what she did as an act that would need discipline (here's the MI Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys just in case you want to suggest one).
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